Saturday, October 31, 2020

You. Are. Fake. News.

Greta Thunberg kommer inom kort att ta över som "chefredaktör" på DN för en dag. Detta har lett till negativa reaktioner i bl.a. Svenska Dagbladet och Expressen. Det anses vara förkastligt att en aktivist får ta över ansvaret för en dagstidning då detta sägs hota tidningens objektivitet och journalistiska integritet. 

Jag betvivlar inte att skribenterna på dessa tidningar är kritiska till en krypto-vänsterradikal miljöaktivist, men det framgår väldigt tydligt att det egentligen inte alls handlar om Greta Thunberg. 

Det handlar närmare bestämt om det amerikanska valet, där medierna storljuger i stort sett hela tiden för att hjälpa fram demokraternas kandidat Joe Biden. Kritisk granskning är inte att tänka på. Faktum är att skribenternas kritik av amerikanska medier är ovanligt snäll! Det finns *mycket* mer att hämta där, tro mig. 

Jag gissar att det som skrämmer t ex Svenskan är att detta ständiga ljugande totalt ska förstöra mediernas trovärdighet, och att krisen även ska sprida sig till Sverige, där det mycket riktigt är just DN som utmärker sig i propagandabranschen. 

Men betyder detta att svenska högertidningar plötsligt ställt sig på "folkets" sida mot globo-eliterna? Nej, så är det nog inte. Lenin (som jag förvisso inte stödjer) sade att den borgerliga pressen i allmänhet säger sanningen, så att den kan ljuga med större trovärdighet när det verkligen gäller. Det är denna smarta propaganda som hotas av den alltför uppenbara "opinionsjournalistiken" i många av dagens medier. För egentligen har ju SvD och Expressen givetvis aldrig varit särdeles "objektiva" och "oberoende" heller... 

De är helt enkelt oroliga för att Wolodarski har kastat masken vid ett alltför olägligt tillfälle. 


New York Times' misstag upprepas nu i Sverige

Aldrig aktuellt låta Greta Thunberg styra SvD

Låt inte en aktivist ta över Dagens Nyheter


Joe Bidens Adertonde Brumaire

En artikel från vänstertidningen Flamman med en något oväntad analys av USA-valet.

Jag har förresten kortfattat kommenterat artikeln på tråden till föregående blogginlägg. 

En Bonaparte i Vita Huset

Friday, October 30, 2020

Seize the moment, this is the time, defeat the clique, uphold the gang, all-around, advance on the road, blah blah

Bob Avakian, before he endorsed Biden

The zany and grossly misnamed Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) recently endorsed Joe Biden for president, thereby completing their long march from the petty bourgeois swamp of impotent Maoid protest politics to the even more tepid *bourgeois* wasteland of the Democratic Party, although by a route more circuitious and, some would argue, downright bizarre than the other purveyors of Stalinist popular frontism (Amiri Baraka, Mike Klonsky, et al). As we wrote back in 1982...


OK, seriously. 

I'm old enough to remember when the RCP were ultraleft Maoists, upheld the Gang of Four, supported Sendero Luminoso in Peru, and had a peculiar personality cult of their leader, Chairman Bob Avakian. 

The personality cult is still part of the picture, in fact, it has gotten much worse the past 15 years or so, with the RCP now claiming that Avakian is better than Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao! Avakian's "New Communism" is really a warmed over combo of Maoism and 60's New Leftism. But while the New Left at least supported anti-war Democrat Eugene McCarthy, Avakian has jumped the shark and now calls on the few people who give a damn to vote...Joe Biden! 

The arguments are the usual combination of campus left histrionics and hypocritical lesser evilism which has become the official worldview of the "mainstream media" and their corporate backers, somewhat ironically making hysterical far left groups sound surprisingly in tune with their times...and with the "liberal" wing of the "imperialist" establishment these groups are fully integrated with anyway. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me if brother Avakian will soon get a generous monetary contribution from Soros or Buffet, but perhaps the Revcoms have too few followers on Facebook to really move the needle in the battleground states? 

The actual arguments of Avakian are frankly absurd, but then, so is the MSM agitation for Uncle Joe. Thus, the RCP claims that the Trump administration is a "fascist regime". If so, it must be the strangest fascist regime in world history, even allowing a democratic election with an alternative candidate. Last time I looked, Avakian himself was still at large, while Twitter and Facebook were censoring the Fuhrer's propaganda! Oh, and half the country seems to be controlled by the opposition party, which allows the likes of Antifa to run amuck with near impunity. 

That the RCP (of course) don't believe their own rhetoric is made painfully obvious by the fact that their Chairman explicitly calls for "non-violent" protests against the "Trump-Pence regime". Why would a literally fascist regime allow such protests? If the RCP had really believed that the current US admin is fascist, their calls for non-violent mass protests would really be a form of adventurism, setting the masses up for a massacre. 

The RCP accused the Bush-Cheney regime of being fascist, too, yet "the Leader of the Revolution" didn't call on the masses to vote for John Kerry.

In sum, this is simply another agit-prop publicity stunt somewhere on the margins of the latest BLM march... 

Link (includes links to earlier articles):

This is the situation, these are the stakes

Monday, October 26, 2020

Pope Joan is gay

Pope Francis backing same sex unions isn´t a surprise. But it´s still a big deal.

The Pope recently expressed support for gay marriage. Yes, I know it was in an interview from 2019, but this particular segment has never been shown before. Yes, I know "same sex union" is nominally *not* the same thing as "gay marriage". Except, of course, that it really is. No, I don´t know whether the Pope was making an official, semi-official, non-semi official, ex officio or whatever-whatever kind of statement according to Catholic canon law as promulgated by the university of Bologna in 1275 AD (or is it CE to this Pope), but this doesn´t matter. Francis is Pope, remember?

And yes, this means that the Catholic Church will split. Which is probably for the best for everyone concerned. The liberals can join the Anglican Communion, moderates can form a conciliarist Church with Anglo-Catholic tendencies (I´m willing to join its esoteric section) and the fundamentalists can stop pretending and finally come out as sedevacantistas.

Win - win. 


What did I tell you, fam?

What did I tell you? Here is a link to what I wrote almost exactly one year ago:

Home for Christmas?

Tensta har aldrig varit tryggare

Kriminella utfärdade utegångsförbud i Tensta

Jag trodde "no go zones" var en myt. Särskilt i Sverige. Men så var det visst inte. Tensta, verkar det som, har aldrig varit tryggare..

How deep is the Anthropocene?


Since I´ve been bashing the Anthropocene concept for some time now, it´s time to give the Devil, and I suppose his anthropocene grandmother, their due. Brace yourselves for the *deep* Anthropocene! Here is the gist of it: 

"ArchaeoGLOBE reveals that human societies modified most of Earth’s biosphere much earlier and more profoundly than we thought – an insight that has serious implications for how we understand humanity’s relationship to nature and the planet as a whole. (...) The deep roots of how humanity transformed the globe pose a challenge to the emerging Anthropocene paradigm, in which human-caused environmental change is typically seen as a 20th-century or industrial-era phenomenon. Instead, it’s clearer than ever before that most places we think of as ‘pristine’ or ‘untouched’ have long relied on human societies to fill crucial ecological roles. As a consequence, trying to disentangle ‘natural’ ecosystems from those that people have managed for millennia is becoming less and less realistic, let alone desirable."

Full article, see link below!

The deep Anthropocene

Veckans Strasser

En artikel från Nyheter Idag om vänstern och identitetspolitiken. 

Avgrund mellan mångkulturalism och klassisk vänster

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lies the Alt Right tells itself, or why there won't be a civil war in the US any time soon

"Multi-ethnic states inevitably disintegrate unless they are authoritarian ". No, they don't. Look at Brazil, where a White minority with Jewish hangers-on lords over an impoverished colored majority in perfectly democratic fashion. No civil war yet. This is the future of America.

"The right is armed, the left isn't". Leftists can arm themselves just as much as rightists, something proven by the recent riots. So can Blacks and Hispanics. Ever heard of the Black Panther Party? Or the CRIPs and the Bloods?

"But the military will support the patriot militias". No, they won't. They will support the federal government. So will the FBI. The political sympathies within the military are about evenly split between GOP and the Democrats. Many soldiers are Black and Hispanic.

"But we are better trained than they are". No, you're not, as made obvious by militia standoffs for the past 35 years or so. Remember, you're not fighting trans-people from the local community college in a civil war!

"When the Anglo-Saxons start to hate". 70% of all brave Saxons seem to be fat, obese or dead by corona, so until you start hating your self-destructive food habits, naah, probably not.

"It only takes three percent to take on the government". Obviously proven by Baader Meinhof. I'm being ironic.

"The overwhelming majority of Whites will support us". LOL. Why aren't they supporting you *already*, I wonder? The privileged White middle class that benefits from globalization will *never* support you.

If history is any guide, the majority might just as well suffer in silence and accept the new normal. There have been many reasons to start a "civil war" the past 100 years or so, yet no civil war in sight...

Chances are high the same thing will happen if Biden and Harris succesfully steals the elections. You are more likely to be muted on Twitter, purged by Facebook and forced to wear a mask while cruising to the nearest fast food place, than becoming some kind of revolutionary hero... 


Äntligen vintertid. Har varit det i en timme nu. Eller är det två timmar? 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Interview with the Impaler

"Dracula: Myt och verklighet" is the latest title from Swedish publisher Historiska Media. The author, Katarina Harrison Lindbergh, is married to Dick Harrison, another frequent contributor to Historiska Media's never-ending series of popularized history books.

I don't think it's a co-incidence that this title showed up in my local book store about two weeks before Halloween. Harrison Lindbergh tries to summarize the history of vampire legends and our vampire-infested pop culture in little under 160 pages. No mean feat, since the origins of Lestat, Nosferatu, Bram Stoker's Dracula and other horrific horror characters are more complex than many imagine!

Thus, it turns out that the Dracula of fiction has essentially nothing in common with the historical character known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad Tepes, except the nickname. This 15th century voivod didn't even rule Transsylvania, although admittedly he was born there. Vlad was heavily slandered by his enemies (especially after his death) but never actually accused of vampirism. My impression of the real Vlad III of Wallachia is that of a unusually competent ruler for his time and place, with long-term plans for his country. He was also brave enough to challenge the Ottoman Empire, the superpower of the time. But no, he was hardly what we would call a nice guy...

Vlad or no Vlad, like most people I do associate vampire lore with Transsylvania, or with the Balkans more generally. I was surprised to learn that the oldest known piece of vampire folklore comes from 12th century England! Other early legends are from Denmark. They do sound eerily familiar to a modern reader: a vampire is an undead human who can only be stopped by impaling and beheading the corpse (or burning it without further ado). Later sources reveal a more complex picture. Vampires, werewolves and witches were frequently conflated. It's not always clear whether the monster is physical or spiritual. There are striking similarities between some old vampire accounts and current pop culture zombie lore. The most scary vampires are known as "mylingar" in Swedish. They are the souls of small children killed by their mothers, returning to astrally breast-feed, which invariably kills the victims. (Note the similarity with the Old Hag.)

The second half of the book deals with the evolution of vampire fiction, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries. This, too, turns out to be a complicated story. Apart from Bram Stoker, the author mentions Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Gary Oldman, and a certain Blacula (yes, that's the blaxploitation version of Dracula). Even "Sesame Street" includes a vampire character. And then there are the lesbian vampires... 

It seems the legend has evolved quite a lot since the 12th century! 

My completely unscientific prediction is that we will soon see a "climate change vampire", perhaps in the form of a little girl, but that's me... 

If Swedish is your chosen medium of communication with the still living, this book might be just what you need on a lonely Halloween evening. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Critical Race Theory: An attack on the working class?

A short leftist criticism of "Critical Race Theory". Note also the attack on Antifa! 

From "The Militant", published by the US Socialist Workers Party.

Rulers use "racial sensitivity" programs to attack working class

Oh, October, sweet October

The election campaign is really getting into overdrive this week. Burat, Giuliani, Hunter Biden, Swazi and Fijian oligarchs, ok maybe not yet but you do get my point...

This isn't even pop corn anymore. It's a virtual smorgasbord!

Perhaps inevitably, our old friends from the Lincoln Project are right in the thick of it. This anti-Trump outfit was recently caught redhanded as they were promoting disinfo from the Iranian regime aimed at compromising the integrity of the US elections. Which doesn't mean they did so deliberately. They were played by Iranian operatives hard.

It's interesting to note that one of the founders of the Lincoln Project used to literally work for the Russians...

I'm pretty sure that wasn't deliberate either.

Lincoln Project peddled Iranian disinformation to help Biden

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Inexplicable failure

The link below is to a peculiar article in an on-line academic journal. The authors do make a few interesting points, but within a context that frequently made me gasp. I sincereky wonder whether the article is Chinese propaganda! And yes, even some TDS have been incorporated into the "peer reviewed" paper... 

First, some of the interesting points. The authors argue that pre-modern state formations weren't necessarily worse than modern polities. Even an undemocratic regime can have the long-term consent of the governed. This is predicted by something the authors call Collective Action Theory. "Good government" in the ancient world included public works, free distribution of food for the needy, large-scale infrastructure and "joint production", by which the authors presumably mean that the patrician class wasn't exploiting the plebeians. They must have exploited the slaves, though - one of the good regimes mentioned in the article is the Roman polity from Caesar to Marcus Aurelius.

Other examples of good regimes discussed in the article include early Ming China, the Mughal Empire under Akbar the Great, and the Republic of Venice. The most sensational finding is that good governments don't last much longer than bad ones. On average, both types of regime last about one century and a half, with good governments surviving only a decade more than bad ones. Also, the collapse of a good government is usually much worse than that of a bad one. However, this seems to be true by definition: since good regimes invest heavily in infrastructure and a kind of welfare state, they are bound to collapse more dramatically than a regime which never cared about such things in the first place. 

However, somewhere here, the article goes seriously off rails. It claims that good regimes fail because the ruling elite (or is it the actual ruler himself) for "inexplicable reasons" experience a "moral failing". Inexplicable? Moral? And this from modern and presumably secular historians! At times, the authors sound like Confucian preachers, extolling the virtues and bemoaning the vices of emperors. They actually blame the decline of Rome on the bad morality of Commodus! I suppose he lost the Mandate of the Stoa, whatever. 

When discussing Venice, the authors write that the Doges could no longer be effectively impeached.


Yes, they mean Donald J Trump. For *inexplicable* reasons, the current God-Emperor of MAGA is a moral failure, presumably being a clear and present danger to the social contract between ruler and ruled. To their credit, the authors do begin their odyssey through the morally failed American political landscape with Watergate and the Nixon presidency, but this simply makes their position even more, shall we say, inexplicable. Surely there are structural reasons for America's slow decline as a good government since the 1970's? Also, what if voters chose Trump in the (perhaps mistaken) belief that he can restore the "joint production"? 

As for the one and a half century which is the average life span of any regime (impeachable or not), if the current US regime was established after the Civil War, 2020 is indeed near its end point. If it was established by McKinley, I suppose we still have a few decades, and I suppose moral failings, to go... 

Moral collapse and state failure: A view from the past

Cheer up, it might never happen

Michael Tracey, a roving independent reporter of a mostly liberal persuasion, has attempted to play "the voice of reason" in this year's election kerfuffle. In the article linked below, Tracey argues against the liberal and leftist notion that Trump is a budding dictator, a new Mussolini or Caesar.

For the record, Tracey have also argued that Biden or Harris aren't "radical leftists" hell bent on wrecking America if given half the chance. Apparently, we will all be here for the great rematch in 2024!

Well, that feels so good to hear...

How hysterical punditry failed America

Veckans Strasser

En krönika av Kommunistiska Partiets förra ordförande Robert Mathiasson om medelklassvänstern och Brexit.

Varför gick det åt helvete med vänstern?

Monday, October 19, 2020

Post-revolutionary society

"Post-revolutionary society" is a book published in 1980. It contains essays by Paul M Sweezy, written during the period 1968 to 1980. Sweezy was a prominent American Marxist economist and theoretician. Most of the essays were originally published in Sweezy's own journal, Monthly Review.

Sweezy begins by explaining his disillusionment with the Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Communist regime developed the productive forces to a stunningly high degree (Sweezy believes that some branches of the Soviet economy are better than their American equivalents), the Soviet Union is not appreciably closer to real socialism. Rather, the Soviet system is characterized by a widespread depolitization, careerism, consumerism and the dominance of a privileged bureaucracy. The working class is not really in command. Isaac Deutscher's hopes for a peaceful democratization after the death of Stalin have also been dashed.

Sweezy's alternative to the Soviet failure turns out to be Mao's China, although his interpretations of Maoism are perhaps his own. He is worried that post-Mao China, too, will end up like the Soviet Union.

On some points, Sweezy sounds like a rather typical Maoist. Politics should be in command, periodic cultural revolutions are necessary, everyone's standard of living should be the same, consumerism is bad, etc. On other points, however, the author sounds more idiosyncratic. He tries to make a connection between Mao's politics and the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the Soviet Union (1921-28). This sounds frankly absurd since Mao is better seen as a ultraleftist adventurist, but there you go!

To Sweezy, the NEP was first and foremost a form of peasant orientation, something necessary in a peasant-majority nation like Russia (and, obviously, China). He points out that Lenin called for the establishment of voluntary peasant cooperatives on a massive scale as a kind of alternate route to socialism. Unfortunately, this was never implemented. Sweezy regards the Chinese people's communes as the voluntary co-ops Lenin wanted! The goal is to expand industry together with agriculture, and only to the extent agriculture permits. 

Sweezy was originally positive to French Marxist Charles Bettelheim's analysis of Soviet history. Bettelheim regarded the Soviet social formation as a form of capitalism, with a "state bourgeoisie" as the ruling class. This class was actually a leftover from the old system, comprising its administrative apparatus, which the Bolsheviks for various reasons were forced to take over. The old Russian state bureaucracy was completely imbued with a "capitalist" mentality and became strong already under Lenin. 

In later essays, Sweezy changes his perspective. Now, he says that the Soviet Union is an entirely new form of class society. Its ruling class has emerged *through conditions created by the revolution itself*. He never uses the term "bureaucratic collectivism", but that's clearly what he means. Nor is it clear whether the new class society is better nor worse than capitalism = hardly a minor point for Marxists. Sweezy regards full employment as a positive gain for the working class, and says that this commends the new system to the poor Third World masses. However, I get the impression that he really sees the system as ultimately reactionary, since it blocks a real socialist development. 

Indeed, Sweezy is very pessimistic. There is no real socialism anywhere in the world, and seemingly no prospect making it happen. All new revolutions will be bureaucratic in nature. The once expansive Soviet system is stagnating, being forced to import capital from the West (which isn't in very good shape either). Worst of all, Marxist theory itself is in crisis and badly in need of a Kuhnian paradigm shift. 

While Sweezy does sound honest enough (although slightly deluded by the towering presence of Chairman Mao), I think it's obvious what the real solution to the theoretical problem is. The Soviet Union and China really were socialist. The bureaucratic post-revolutionary society described by Paul M Sweezy is *really existing* socialism. No other form is possible, except as a very long shot. 

That is the real secret of the post-revolutionary society. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Roger Penrose actually got the Nobel Prize in Physics. I had no idea! Penrose seems to be one of the few independent-minded scientists out there. Not that I understand anything he is saying, of course...

No Lenin medal for this girl

Imagine being 17 years old and attacked by some outfit named Red Flag Platform...

Greta Thunberg refuses to name the enemy in the room

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Marxism and the working class

The Marxist idea that the working class is "historically progressive" is based on two interrelated propositions.

First, the notion that only a global, centralized planned economy can develop the productive forces and create the material foundations for further social progress. Therefore, capitalism must be abolished. At the same time, capitalism has within itself tendencies that point towards its own dissolution. For instance, centralization and the need for more planning to overcome larger and larger crisis. 

Second, that only the working class has both a material self-interest to abolish capitalism and the capacity to actually do so. Therefore, the working class is the only consistently revolutionary class in capitalist society. Since the working class was "created" by capitalism, it's the single most important force within it pointing to its destruction. "Capitalism creates its own grave-diggers".

Today, we know that this perspective is wrong. The working class has never managed to take power anywhere in the world, except briefly. Left to its own devices, when it actually acts like an independent class, the working class never tends towards centralization. Rather, it's syndicalist. The working class becomes centralized only when organized *from above* by Social Democrats and Communists. That is, by the labor aristocracy, "labor" bureaucracy, or a budding state bureaucracy. The argument that the Communist Party is itself a product of the proletarian class struggle won't wash, since Communist regimes can be established *without* the working class or even *against* the working class. 

Some of the more notable working class revolts were directed against Communist regimes: East Germany 1953, Hungary 1956, Poland 1980-81. 

The idea that a super-centralized planned economy is even possible, is also problematic. In general, mixed economies (regarded as "capitalist" by Marxists) have proven more efficient than the Soviet-style system. It's not clear at all that a global planned economy would work better (or be easier for workers to control). 

The working class is neither better nor worse than other oppressed classes in world history. The medieval peasants often revolted. Sometimes they succeeded. Usually, they didn't. As for the contradictions in capitalist society, they might be solved in several different ways. Nazism was one attempt, Keynesianism another, Stalinism a third. Or they might not be solved, capitalism simply self-destructing due to climate change or what have you. 

There doesn't seem to be any hard teleology in world history. Perhaps there is a kind of soft teleology whereby humans (or some humans) try to become more solidaristic and creative but this can express itself in a myriad of ways. World history could have gone off in completely different directions than it actually did (both for the better or for the worse). Ironically, the most succesful "socialist" societies existed thousand of years ago (or at least centuries ago). If Mao-Stalinism is your thing, ancient Egypt or the Inca Empire might make your day, for a more moderate approach see the Indus Valley Civilization. I'm sure some ancient syndicalist federation can also be found, perhaps among Raetian tribes in the Jura mountains? 

Our present civilization will probably decline (it already is) and fall (or be radically transformed), without neither the bourgeoisie nor the working class having a say in the matter.  

Fuck Columbus hard in the ass

Apparently, October 12 is "Columbus Day" in the United States. With all due respect to Italian-Americans, good ol' Cristobal Colon can't be seen as one of history's good guys. He's right up there with Mussolini, Berlusconi, Andreotti, Jimmy Hoffa, Al Capone and, I suppose, Caligula...

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Vi har varit naiva

Jag har nog en ännu mer krass människosyn än den här Expressen-krönikören. Exakt hur krass vågar jag kanske inte ens erkänna...

En mer krass människosyn skulle göra Sverige gott

Corona Mindset

Is the tide finally turning on COVID-19 and how to fight it? A WHO official, Dr David Nabarro, now says that the UN organ is *not* advocating lockdowns as the primary way to combat the pandemic. Nabarro is also worried about the sharp increase in poverty and hunger in the wake of the lockdowns.

Well, thank you... 

In another development, thousands of epidemiologists have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, also opposing hard lockdowns. It's simply too obvious that the state of emergency, while effectively crashing the economy, has done virtually nothing to actually stop the spread of the virus...

Is the madness about to end? The fate of the politicians and bureaucrats who made it happen, the capitalists who profited from the bail outs, and the Internet censors who tried to stamp out all opposition, is going to be...interesting.

The Great Barrington Declaration and its critics

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The goal of teleology

I used to believe in a kind of evolutionary teleology, in which the emergence of human-like intelligence was bound to happen, sooner or later, not because of chance or blind necessity, but due to some kind of "law" or even "plan". Ironically, I believed in teleology even during my materialist period! Over the years, I have drifted away from "hard" teleology to a much softer position. At the moment, I wonder whether "teleology" captures my position at all.

Yes, the potential for intelligent beings to emerge certainly exists within the universe. Indeed, this might be a "spiritual" property of the cosmos which really comes from elsewhere. However, the universe and its Buddha-field is pregnant with innumerable other possibilities, too. Even when we speak of intelligence, there are several intelligent creatures on planet Earth: chimps, ravens, whales, octopi... There are also huge variations between individual humans when it comes to intelligence (in all its forms). If you believe in the paranormal, the number of intelligent entities rise even more sharply. So what makes us think that human intelligence is the teleological goal of the entire infinite 15-billion year universe? Not even "intelligence" itself might be a goal. Perhaps it always existed...

From the viewpoint of the Divine, humans are just as tiny as blue-green algae. "But God communicates with humans". What makes you think he doesn't communicate with blue-green algae?

As for human history, there doesn't seem to be any teleology at all. But sure, you can postulate it, if you like. But so could Hegel or that Florentine humanist who believed 15th century Florence was the zenith of human civilization (as a good Gerrie, Hegel naturally chose 19th century Germany). Or you could grab the bull by its horns and say that there is no teleology in history. 

History seems contingent. There are many instances where it could have taken an entirely different course. Hitler and the Axis could have defeated the Allies. Operation Valkyrie could have succeeded. The October revolution could have failed. The United States could (perhaps) have refrained from invading Iraq. The Arabs, the Mongols or the Turks could have conquered Central Europe. And what if the Natives in the New World had developed "herd immunity" against European disease?

How would history had looked like if the 14th century plague epidemic had never happened, if certain volcanoes had never erupted, or certain comets never impacted Earth? Or if Julian the Apostate had been emperor for as long as Constantine? (The battle of Salamis doesn't count.)

Where in all this is the teleology? And more importantly: What is the "goal" anyway?

Maybe the only telos is the infinite creativity of Brahman... 

Revelation on the road to Lansing, or how David North has rediscovered Zinoviev and Thälmann

Another example of the surrealist hysteria from World Socialist Web Site. What I find so fascinating is that this group (which has existed since the 1960's) virtually always sounded like this. After 50 years, the rest of the world has simply caught up with their cultish hysteria...

Once again, the small and probably anti-Trump militia group arrested by the FBI in Michigan are depicted as part of a menacing, all-embracing fascist conspiracy. What the SEP plans to do about it is much less clear. A new Märzaktione, or what? Or just file a complaint with the Michigan state authorities about denied ballot access?

The Michigan conspiracy, Trump, and the 2020 elections

Friday, October 9, 2020

Deep significance

I'm currently fascinated by the Silurian Hypothesis and its ramifications. For another link on the topic, see below! I've known about "deep time", the old age of the Earth and evolution since I was a kid, but I just realized that I never *really* got it...

Numbers like "5 million years ago", "55 million years ago" and so on, are just that. Numbers. If something happened after the Age of Dinosaurs, it feels "recent", somehow. Which, ahem, it wasn't...

The most intriguing aspect of the Silurian Hypothesis is that if an advanced industrial civilization existed in the distant past, say 55 million years ago, we might never find any direct traces of it (such as ruins or fossils), not even if it survived far longer than ours is likely to endure. However, we could perhaps trace it indirectly by chemical anomalies in thin layers of sediment rock. Yes, that would be pollution and man-made climate change...

Ironically, if our global civilization somehow evolves into a sustainable Green utopia, we might not leave any discernable traces at all, even if such a civilization lasts far longer than one based on heavy resource exploitation and pollution. 

"Deep time" has obvious implications for religion. Once you *really* grasp it, it becomes difficult to believe that the universe was created by an anthropomorphic deity and that the end goal of evolution is Homo sapiens. But it also makes it difficult to believe the Western Idea of Progress. Chances are that we will simply become another "event" or blip in geological time. Just as (at least hypothetically) an even more advanced species than ours might have existed in the past...and left no trace of its existence, or some hard to detect traces revealing how it destroyed itself. 

No philosophy which doesn't take this into account can be taken seriously anymore. 

However, in slightly unrelated news, there is also hope. I happen to think intelligent species can exist even without a "civilization" or high technology. Only our anthropocentric thinking makes us oblivous to the possibility. Why *should* highly evolved whales leave the ocean, or highly evolved ravens stop flying? 

Perhaps intelligence is all around us as we speak. We're simply not smart enough to notice... 

Are we Earth's only civilization?

October revolution...or just the surprise?

A fine example of left-wing hysteria in the United States. I'm old enough to remember when the left didn't trust the main stream media, and definitely not the FBI, or the "October Surprise" of some establishment faction. Time does fly.

And oh, there are clips on the web in which the militia leader attacks Trump, sitting in front of a huge anarchist flag. There are also articles on the web about the split in the militia movement, with some factions opposing Trump, some even supporting BLM!

But why would the Socialist Equality Party give a damn about such details...

Indeed, if the SEP had really believed that the US is on the verge of a fascist take over, they wouldn't openly gather signatures to be put on the ballot, or spend money upgrading their US-based website. Not even their petty bourgeois hysteria is real! 

13 arrested in far-advanced pro-Trump conspiracy to murder Michigan's governor and overthrow the state governement

The symbolism of Symbolism


"Symbolism" by Norbert Wolf is an attempted introduction to the elusive 19th century art style known by that name. The book is published by Taschen. I've been trying to comprehend Symbolism for a couple of books and art exhibitions now, and was even reamed out (literally rather than symbolically) when I posted a bewildered review on the topic on Amazon. It seems I'm in good company though, since Symbolism isn't supposed to be understood in the first place. At least not by Realists on an Amazon reviewing spree...

Symbolism wasn't really a distinct "style", but rather an attitude. The lowest common denominators were elitism (the artist as prophet or genius), subjectivism and anti-Realism. There was a strong and frequently morbid fascination with the subconscious, including sexuality and death. There was also an aesthetizing tendency, where Realism was given up in favor of, say, bright colors which were pleasing to the eye but had nothing to do with reality. Apart from the painter's own subconscious, other sources of inspiration included fairytales, myths and wild nature. 


Symbolism was frequently paradoxical. It had connections to both occultism, anti-modernist Catholicism and Decadence (including actual decadence with a lower case d). Wolf describes it as a substitute religion. Another paradox was that Symbolism didn't necessarily reject the artistic conventions of Academic art, or those of Realism. Symbolist art is seldom abstract. What makes a painting or sculpture "Symbolist" is the attitude. Rather than idealizing the subject-matter, as in Academic art, Symbolists either demonize it or render it fundamentally ambigious. "Reality" becomes dreamlike, elusive, perhaps even perverse. Symbolism has little to do with actual symbols in the strict sense of that term. Less paradoxical, perhaps, is the patriarchal tendency in which women are depicted as sinful and lustful creatures, enchanting or threatening to the man. Freud could have had some fun with this material! 

One thing I don't understand is why the Pre-Raphaelites are considered Symbolist. Indeed, the jacket of this book shows "Proserpina" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The attitude of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood strikes me as very different from that of the Symbolists sensu stricto. For instance, the Pre-Raphaelites had a more "populist" view of art. 

After an introduction, Wolf tries to analyze the work of 32 Symbolists. It's a bewildering maze of strange landscapes, weird mixtures of different styles in the same artwork, religious themes, and problematic sexuality. Pablo Picasso's "Blue Period" makes a brief guest appearence. Somewhat surprisingly, two of the featured painters are American. One is Swedish. Yes, that would be Ernst Abraham Josephson, whose famous painting "Näcken" is called "The Nix" in English. 

I have no idea if the reader will really grokk the Idea (or was it the Symbol) after reading this short little volume, but it works well enough as a teaser trailer to the collective unconscious of the fin-de-siecle artistic demimonde... 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Red Pill: Have the Marxists finally found Das Kapital?

The article linked below should be a "red pill" for all Reds, but chances are they never read it or explain it away if they do.

The "Marxist" organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) isn't a spontaneous creation of some deeply concerned leftist radicals. Actually, the BLM is an integral part of a "liberal" network of "philantropic" organizations funded by billionaire capitalists. The network also includes former members of the Obama administration and their financially lucrative networks (one of which is based in Bermuda). These actors have donated millions of dollars to the BLM! Let that sink in. Why would capitalists finance a "revolutionary" organization? For all we know, they might have *created* the BLM. This would explain a lot of things, such as why the BLM have been weaponized to overthrow the Trump administration in favor of the globalist-capitalist Democrats. Its simply impossible to take "the left" seriously again after reading this exposé.

But there is more. If the left are controlled by a capitalist faction today, maybe they were controlled by them all along? How do we know that, say, the Rockefellers weren't paying them already 50 years ago? One of the go-betweens between Warren Buffet and the BLM is a former member of the Weather Underground pardoned by Bill Clinton...

So now we know why the Dems so steadfastly refuse to condemn BLM and Antifa (obviously the same movement). They really are the stormtroopers of the Democratic Party. 

It seems the Marxists have finally found Das Kapital. Or maybe the capital simply found the Marxists...

Who finances Black Lives Matter?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How deep is deep time? The Silurian Hypothesis explained

The Silurian Hypothesis is a thought experiment which asks whether an ancient industrial civilization have existed (perhaps created, not by humans, but by an entirely different and unknown intelligent species), and whether the remains of such an advanced civilization would be detectable in the geological record. By implication, the Hypothesis also asks if anything will be left of *our* civilization to be discovered by future paleontologists. (The term "Silurian" is not a reference to the geological period, but to a race of hibernating reptoids in the science fiction series "Doctor Who".) 

The answer is rather stunning. When it comes to concrete artefacts or human remains, it's a resounding "no". In a couple of million years, virtually everything human civilization created will be gone with the wind (or rather erosion or decomposition). Since fossilization is very rare, human skeletons might disappear without a trace, too!

However, the chemical signatures of the Anthropocene will remain, for instance mysterious plastic molecules, a curiously high level of the "wrong" carbon atoms, or of  radioactive isotopes. These signatures, signalling the past existence of a polluting industrial civilization, will be found within a sediment layer that's only a few centimeters thick at most!

I admit I had no idea exactly how rare fossils are, or how little of the Earth's surface is *really* old. I did know that our little gadgets are vulnerable to the ravages of time. Still, it's absolutely stunning that an advanced global civilization created by a completely unknown species (reptoids, say) could essentially come and go without us (the all-knowing God species) ever finding out about it. It seems deep time is deeper than I could have imagined!

An ironic fact mentioned by the author is that a more eco-friendly industrial civilization might be forever invisible in the geological record, since only heavy pollution shows up in it. I'm not sure if this is *entirely* correct, though. Maybe inordinately high levels of mined copper and rare earth minerals could give the game away, lol. 

Link follows. 

The Silurian Hypothesis explained

Wtf, I love Cissi Wallin now

Ännu ett exempel på hur kvinnofrågan ständigt får stå tillbaka för andra frågor för att hålla ihop "regnbågsalliansen". Först var det islamister, sedan transpersoner och nu verkar det vara svarta. Lägg märke till att författarinnan (en viss Elina Pahnke) uttryckligen tar avstånd från kravet på strängare straff mot våldtäktsmän! Vilket ju också implicerar att hon tror att våldtäktsmännen är...svarta.

"Cissi Wallins recept är hårdare straff"

No thinking allowed

A very misguided attack on QAnon. Essentially, this silly meme (or is it mime) is telling you *not* to follow the money. Not even investigative journalism would be possible with this attitude. But then, that's the point here, isn't it? Note also the explicit attacks on thinking for yourself..

"Nobody is radicalized overnight" 

The "conspiracy chart" itself can be seen here, but is a bit difficult to make out. Note that ideas such as "Russian collusion", "Trump is a fascist dictator" or "The far right are behind the riots" aren't included, despite *clearly* being conspiracy theories. Liberal ones... (Click on the chart to magnify.) Oh, and I wonder how long it will take for this nice girl to become a radicalized member of Antifa... 

The conspiracy chart

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Anthropocene is a joke

The link below goes to a very interesting and, I think, true article published in The Atlantic last year. It argues that the concept of the Anthropocene is a big joke, and then explains how deep "deep time" actually is. Indeed, it's possible that our entire modern civilization will be (almost) invisible in the geological record of the distant future - even if we do screw up the climate. Reminds me of some of John Michael Greer's essays. As a side note, any religion that can't accomodate deep time probably isn't true...

The arrogance of the Anthropocene

China: Not imperialist enough?

The link below goes to a review of a book titled "The Emperor's New Road". The review (and perhaps the book) argues that China isn't as strong as it seems. The weird thing is that the article de facto attacks China for not being imperialist enough! Apparently, China's partners can push their own agendas with the Belt & Road project, and so on. Wow. What a terrible crime. We can't have that, can we. No doubt the British and American Empires were more hard on their subjects! Somehow, I suspect that the Eurasian nations prefer the Chinese approach, but what the heck do I know...

The Emperor's New Road

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Behold Prometheus, the only true god!


Don´t tell the WHO

Flue and pnemonia kills more people than COVID-19

The article is about the UK. Care to comment, anyone at the WHO?

Facebook: Front for Red China?

Not happy with the Maoists 

Facebook: Red Front Organization?

I didn´t know Mark Zuckerberg was running a Red front operation with connections to Maoist insurgents, but you learn new shit every day. 

Ett meddelande från Lenin

Kamrater, det är med tungt hjärta och stor sorg jag måste meddela att Oktoberrevolutionen måste ställas in. Eventuellt kan vi göra ett nytt försök nästa sommar.

Ni har säkert hört talas om det nya influensaviruset, det som de eländiga kadeterna och mensjevikerna kallar "spanska sjukan" (något vi internationalister givetvis kraftigt tar avstånd ifrån).

För att minimera smittspridningen måste alla klasskämpar och medvetna proletärer stanna hemma, beställa pizza via FedEx och absolut inte lämna sina hem innan kapitalisterna utvecklat ett vaccin.

Ja, vi bolsjeviker kräver att Kerenskij gör undantagstillståndet ännu hårdare. Det räcker inte med att stänga ner sovjeterna och sjukhusen! Även skolor, universitet, lunchhak och spårvägen i Petrograd måste stängas ner.

Det är av yttersta vikt att vi alla håller ut, och avstår från alla adventuristiska handlingar och överslag. Såsom socialistiska revolutioner, klasskamp och andra anarkistiska småborgerliga påfund!

Bolsjevikpartiets sjunde plenum kräver självfallet att Kerenskij betalar 600 rubler till alla som tvingas sitta hemma p g a karantänen. Dessutom kräver vi arbetarkontroll över pizzabagerierna.

Om Kerenskij vägrar genomföra dessa krav, kommer vi att avsätta honom från posten som Petrograd-sovjetens titulära ordförande. Så det så!

Så snart alla ryssländska medborgare vaccinerats mot corona, förlåt, spanska sjukan kommer vi återuppta den stålhårda revolutionära klasskampen. Vi kommer även ge kritiskt stöd till Biden, förlåt, Wilson i det stundande amerikanska presidentvalet.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Nikolaj Lenin