Sunday, September 1, 2019

Chill, bro, I don´t want to kill you

I have no particular comment to this, please note that links don´t imply endorsement. This is Thomas Sheridan, the man who warned us about `Oumuamua, now warning us about...Greta Thunberg!

For the record, I also fear righteous eco-terrorism, although I doubt very much Greta will be The One triggering it... 

I think eco-terrorism will happen the moment the "green" establishment makes a U-turn away from Green politics, and towards electric cars, nuclear power and such stuff, leaving the younger activists feeling betrayed. 

If this co-incides with an economic depression and a new Cold War (against China or Russia), plus the continued rise of populism, the social climate likely to trigger a violent counter-reaction from the more mercurial subsets of the "woke" middle classes will be present.

At that point, Greta Thunberg will (of course) condemn the violence. Indeed, she might be quietly forgotten by the establishment media long before this situation arises.

I also think Sheridan has his religious comparisons wrong. The best analogy I can think of is that Greta Thunberg is a secular "fool for Christ", a crazy saint allowed to scold the rich and the powerful, who pretend to love her precisely because of her scolding, but then sends her away and continues like before! See: Basil Fool for Christ and Ivan the Terrible. 

Personally, I hope we can still save our modern Western asses, if not, I suppose it´s time to dust off that old dragon ship design and go full ancient-Germanic... 

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