Sunday, September 29, 2019

Give me copper or give me heat death

The demand for copper will have surged by 250% in the car industry by the year 2030. The reason? Electric cars. Which are touted as the solution to the climate crisis by sectors of the establishment.

Thus, in order to save the world, we need copper. And lots of it! Which means we need copper mines. And lots of them. In Sweden, that means Lappland. You know, the pristine wilderness area in the north inhabited by wolves, wolverines, caribou and some recalcitrant Saami Natives (who use gasoline to their snowmobiles and want to exterminate the wolves). Coming soon to an area the local Sierra Club wants to save: yuge copper mining operations!

But don´t worry. Apparently, mines can be electrified, too. So who knows? Maybe we *can* save the world, after all.
Next question.

Oh, wait, you are *against* copper mining cuz pristine wilderness or something? There´s the door. Eco-fascist!

Copper demand to surge

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