Friday, July 27, 2018

Yes, it did

A faux review of Eric Lerner´s "The Big Bang Never Happened".

The Big Bang did happen. It happened in my back yard last week. A specimen of the dog breed called Great Dane came tumbling down from the chimney. Almost scared the living daylights out of me. I'm planning to get in touch with Fortean Times any time now.

From this empirical observation, I draw the conclusion that Velikovsky, pardon, Eric J. Lerner is wrong.

Besides, how can he deny inflation? There's been inflation in this god-forsaken country ever since the Freemasons took us off the gold standard!!!

Mr. E.J. Lerner is obviously a 33-degree Mason preparing a "big bang" against Fort Knox.

This book (which radiates a kind of strange and evil energy every time I touch it) is probably a part of a vast plasma-induced Illuminati conspiracy of some sort. My neighbours and the local housing association are in on it too. Not to mention my neighbour's cat, Chloe.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.


  1. Om den här typen av recensioner från dig var väldigt vanliga på amazon, kan jag kanske, kanske, få en viss förståelse för att du raderades.

    1. De verkar ironiskt nog ha varit mer oroliga för att alltför många *positiva* recensioner dök upp på samma produktsida...
