Sunday, July 22, 2018

The quest is over, guys. Graham Hancock did it!

I un-ironically believe that Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia did it. They actually found Atlantis. Yes, I´m referring to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, discovered already in the late 1990´s by a team of German archeologists. The site is a huge temple complex, and the oldest parts are at least 12,000 years old. Now, at the time, only Stone Age hunters and gatherers lived in the area. In fact, only hunters and gatherers lived anywhere in the world. Either hunters-gatherers sometimes, well, gathered to build large, ornamented temple complexes (nothing´s impossible on Planet Weird), or…or it´s Atlantis.

Part of me is excited about this find, since I was recently “converted” to the Lost Civilization concept. Another part of me is disappointed. So we found Atlantis. And now what? Suddenly, the world became more boring again. (They found Lemuria, too, btw.) I suppose I have to go back watching old episodes of “Finding Bigfoot”. That mystery won´t be solved any time soon. I mean, they´ve been trying to catch Bigfoot since time immemorial, since Atlantid times even, without much suc­cess. Just don´t tell Hancock and Santha about it, they might find a way to spoil another one of our mysterious quests... ;-)  


  1. Jägar-samlare hade samma typ av hjärna som vi. varför skulle de inte kunnat bygga Göbekli Tepe? Det behövs väl knappast någon fjärde rotras för att förklara det.

    1. OK, nu har jag upptäckt svarsfunktionen också, ha ha.

      Problemet är väl inte så mycket hjärnorna, utan att jägare-samlare i allmänhet inte verkar ha den sociala organisation som krävs för att bygga större tempelkomplex av denna typ.

      Jag utesluter ingenting, dock! Det har funnits "konstiga" civilisationer, t.ex. Indusdalen - en egalitär, fredlig högkultur/stadskultur, nästan helt unik i sitt slag.

      Fast rent spontant känns det ändå som att Göbekli Tepe kan ha byggts av personer med något slags kopplingar till en tidigare, mer "avancerad", kultur...

      And that´s what we call Atlantis.

    2. "And that´s what we call Atlantis." Just what people do you refer to when you write "we"? You, Blavatsky, and Steiner? ;-)

    3. My view of the Lost Civilization is "secular", so probably not, ha ha.

  2. To restate the above question: "Who is we, sucka?"
