Sunday, July 29, 2018

Made in Germany, is anyone surprised?

My grandmother's sister had a schnauzer. I have no idea whether it was giant or just regular. I didn't know they came in different sizes. It was definitely a schnauzer, though: big, black, hairy and more insane than a Doberman Pinscher!

Everytime somebody visited grandma's sister, she had to tuck the dog away in a literal cage in the yard. It looked like one of those circus cages where they keep jaguars. Since my grandma's sister lived in an apartment building, this might have rubbed her neighbours the wrong way. At her summer cottage, the schnauzer had to be chained (not leashed but *chained*) to the doghouse. We kids were sternly told to keep out of the doghouse parameters (about two meters).

Trust me, we did.

Apparently, the schnauzer is a German guard dog with a somewhat peculiar instinct: it's unflinchlingly loyal, even loving, to its owner - or whoever it grew up with - and automatically attacks EVERYONE else. That instinct can't be trained away. If you're not the owner, it attacks. It's that simple.

Somehow, this confirms all our prejudiced opinions about Germany...

I could tell you a couple of other anecdotes, but I won't. Let's just say that even a chained schnauzer is a perfect protector. Thieves and other hoodlums freak whenever they hear the psychopathic bark of this particular breed. Trust me, they run!

OK, if this is typical of the regular (?) schnauzer, I wonder what on earth the giant version is capable of?!

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