Friday, July 27, 2018

Kill the bill

"Kill Bill Vol. 2" was something of a surprise. The first movie was some kind of slapstick-and-slash samurai parody. The second was closer to a serious drama, with a lot more character development. I had expected the comic book splatter to simply continue for another two hours...

Part of me was disappointed, another part actually liked "Volume 2" better. My more serious side, perhaps?

But sure, the concluding part of Tarantino's inimitable epic does have its fair share of mayhem, including murder by black mamba, poisoned fish or kung fu. Best character: Samuel L. Jackson as an obscure jazz player, visible for only two or three minutes. LOL. Fresh out of "True Romance", I imagine.

Otherwise, I admit the complete disconnect between the spaghetti western music and the actual plot was also to my liking...

OK, Kiddo, I give this film five stars.

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