Friday, July 27, 2018

I AM the Anti-Christ, I AM an anarchist

Originally posted at another site to troll the anarchists - everything I say is true, btw. Come at me, Antifa, tweet at me! 

Mikhail Bakunin attempted to create a super-authoritarian organization with the cultic sociopath Nechayev. Their vision of the future sounded like a cross between ancient Sparta and modern North Korea. Meanwhile, Proudhon was busy supporting the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War.

In 1933, the CNT boycotted the Spanish general elections, thereby securing the election of an authoritarian right-wing government.

In 1939, the CNT supported General Miaja's coup against Negrin, who wanted to continue resistance against Franco. Miaja wanted to surrender to the fascists. The CNT's Cipriano Mera fought and defeated republican troops who still opposed Franco.

During the 1990's, the Class War Federation started supporting paedophilia. Previously, they had opposed a general strike against Thatcher and called Mandela's imprisonment "no big deal".

Oh, I 1975, we got the Sex Pistols!!!

If you find all this to your liking (not to mention Kropotkin's support for World War I), by all means, go ahead and join the punks who riot, occupy Wall Street and listen to really bad music. In short, be an anarchist. This is the product for you, partner!

If not...well, how about reading a good book about what actually happened in 1936-39, or what Bakunin was *really* up to?

No? "That is not my kind of anarchism". No, of course not. I mean, Bakunin would never have listened to the Sex Pistols...


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