Sunday, July 29, 2018

Converting Ken Wilber?

"Integral Christianity" by Paul R. Smith is a book I somehow wanted to like, yet somehow I just couldn't. It's too disjointed and confusing. Another problem is Smith's extremely reverential attitude towards Ken Wilber, the developer of Integral Theory.

Sure, I understand that Smith's project is to fuse Integral Theory with Christianity, but he seems to be treating Wilber (an ordinary mortal, surely?) as some kind of satguru. Apparently, Ken is "America's most famous philosopher", too! Smith also swallows Andrew Cohen, despite all exposures suggesting that Mr. Cohen is a cultist.

So while Smith makes some interesting points here and there, overall the book feels like it only deserves two stars. I'm not sure who might be interested in "Integral Christianity": perhaps New Age people tired of neo-shamanism and the Seth material, or perhaps perennial Wilber-watchers. Otherwise, I don't think its of much interest, really. :-(

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