Somebody posted this at my secret e-mail adress and demanded that I forward it to the readers of this blog. I had to comply, since he has also kidnapped my pet blackbird, holding it incommunicado at an undisclosed location in the Baltic Sea. Of course, I absolutely disavow the contents of this "message" and will take firm measures against this marauding blackbird-hating character. Stay tuned!
I'm the real Ashtar Command.
I would like to warn you about a nefarious impostor who also claims to be the Ashtar Command. He occasionally passes himself off as a jaded liberal or Obama Democrat. He even writes seemingly serious reviews of political literature such as "The Communist Manifesto", "Occupy Wall Street" or "George Bush: The Case for Impeachment".
In reality, this character is PHONEY.
He is a New Age Fundamentalist wacko who supports Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson. He even claims to be Seth, the demon supposedly "channelled" by Jane Roberts. This guy is clearly a schizoid maniac and crazy cultist along the lines of L. Ron Hubbard, Charles Manson or Guru Baba Ji. He has even indicated in several conversations with a mysterious character simply known as "The Blackbird" that he used to smoke pot with Huston Smith and Jonathan Wells, and that he isn't sure whether hummingbirds really evolved from butterflies.
About 20 years ago, this loony supported a proto-Cambodian Maoist outfit known as Vanguard Weatherman Organization (Bolshevik-Stalinist), who used to picket New Age bookstores with placards reading "Nuke the transpersonalists" , "Feed Shirley MacLaine to the whales" and "Tibet belongs to China". They also harassed people who attended the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh by throwing Mao's Little Red Book at them (something Bhagwan found very amusing).
Clearly, we are dealing with a crackpot from the bottomless pits of California!!!
Don't be fooled if this "Ash Tray" Command wants to sell you something serious about the finance crisis, nuclear power or health care reform. He is INSANE.
Yeah, really.
I would like to warn you about a nefarious impostor who also claims to be the Ashtar Command. He occasionally passes himself off as a jaded liberal or Obama Democrat. He even writes seemingly serious reviews of political literature such as "The Communist Manifesto", "Occupy Wall Street" or "George Bush: The Case for Impeachment".
In reality, this character is PHONEY.
He is a New Age Fundamentalist wacko who supports Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson. He even claims to be Seth, the demon supposedly "channelled" by Jane Roberts. This guy is clearly a schizoid maniac and crazy cultist along the lines of L. Ron Hubbard, Charles Manson or Guru Baba Ji. He has even indicated in several conversations with a mysterious character simply known as "The Blackbird" that he used to smoke pot with Huston Smith and Jonathan Wells, and that he isn't sure whether hummingbirds really evolved from butterflies.
About 20 years ago, this loony supported a proto-Cambodian Maoist outfit known as Vanguard Weatherman Organization (Bolshevik-Stalinist), who used to picket New Age bookstores with placards reading "Nuke the transpersonalists" , "Feed Shirley MacLaine to the whales" and "Tibet belongs to China". They also harassed people who attended the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh by throwing Mao's Little Red Book at them (something Bhagwan found very amusing).
Clearly, we are dealing with a crackpot from the bottomless pits of California!!!
Don't be fooled if this "Ash Tray" Command wants to sell you something serious about the finance crisis, nuclear power or health care reform. He is INSANE.
Yeah, really.
"Supports Rudolf Steiner"? Har nog aldrig läst så elaka beskrivningar av just Steiner som de som lades ut av Tidlösa/ Blavatskys babian etc. på min blogg.
ReplyDeleteSå vad ska jag egentligen tro? Vilken av de rivaliserande Ashtar Command skrev dessa poster?
Att utvecklas från att kasta Maos lilla röda i huvudet på New Age-människor till att hylla "Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson" är dessutom en intressant metamorfos.
Fast själv har jag gått från att beundra Ingemar Hedenius (gav till och med hans bok "Helvetesläran" till en djupt troende kristen i början av 70-talet - blev inte alls imponerad) till att vackla mellan Madame Blavatsky, Starhawk och Jungfru Maria. Sedan kan man ju välja mellan att tycka att jag från en tidigare sunde materialism numera har sjunkit oerhört lågt, eller att jag från det materialistiska avgrundsträsket har höjt mig en smula, och att det kanske någon gång före min död ända kan finans en smula hopp om att jag ska se Ljuset (hur det nu än ser ut).
"HON blev inte alls imponerad" ska det stå.
ReplyDeletePS. Det bär tilläggas att jag beundrade Hedenius för hans religionskritik, inte för hans vulgärt liberala politiska åsikter. Jag läste Hedenius religionskritik redan som 13-åring och blev som sagt imponerad. Så när jag plötsligt stötte på en grupp kristna marxister 1972 ägnade jag mig i flera månader åt att med hjälp av de mest skiftande typ av ateistisk litteratur försöka ta ur dem från deras religiösa villfarelser. Det slutade istället med att jag kapitulerade, och fick en sorts oklart allmänreligiös världsbild.
ReplyDeleteReal Ashtar here, don´t fall for this guy´s clever smoke-and-mirror tricks, he is definitely a crazed devotee of "Herr Doktor Rudolf Steiner, the Maitreyic Avatar of The Present World-Dispensation", as he once affectionately called him. He´s lying about the Blackbird, too!
ReplyDeleteSeriöst, jag läste din beskrivning av "kapitulationen" med visst intresse, kommer eventuellt lägga ut ett eget inlägg om min metamorfos, säger "eventuellt" eftersom jag ännu inte riktigt bestämt hur stor del av denna blogg som skall koncentrera på mig själv...