Monday, March 3, 2025

What indeed


"What are UFOs?" is a recent NOVA documentary about the UFO phenomenon. It was shown on Swedish TV just two hours ago. While nominally objective, I think it´s obvious that it´s main purpose is to debunk the Pentagon UFO videos, including the UFOs/UAPs popularly known as "Gimbal" and "Tic Tac". I think they are quite succesful in proposing alternative explanations. 

Interestingly, the docu even promotes the idea that many UFOs might be "ours". As in secret military craft tested by the US air force. This, too, I think is true. However, "What are UFOs?" then suggests that the general public misunderstands what they are seeing and that this inadvertently aids the military in directing attention away from their secret tests. Nah, that´s only a portion of it. The rest is evidently too controversial for an "official" documentary of this sort. The rest being a long term conspiracy by military intelligence to actively encourage a belief in alien visitation.

I suppose NOVA can´t spy on their own government. Let´s see how long it takes for them to air a program about the New Jersey drone panic...    

1 comment:

  1. In concert with Outer Space themes...a video of Blue Ghost One's landing on the Moon yesterday. Photos of Earth from the Moon are also around the web.
