Saturday, March 1, 2025

Our Musk predicament


Atheist activista Richard Carrier isn´t terribly impressed by Elon Musk. I also link to a critical Substack essay by Sam Harris (yes, *that* Sam Harris), who was apparently a friend of Musk´s until the COVID pandemic. Finally, Musk´s biographer Seth Abramson claims that the man´s IQ is in the 100 - 110 range (i.e. average Normie). 

This may or may not be relevant somehow, but personally I´m more interested in whether or not Tesla and SpaceX make "legit" products, Musk´s connections to several US administrations, and the real purpose of DOGE. 

Make of this material what ye wish.  

Lessons from Elon Musk

The trouble with Elon

Elon Musk has no intellectual achievements

Grand Theft Manhood


Good. Now, do Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria...

The lost mythology


So I just watched "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". The plot of the film is (of course) based on the Ancient Aliens mythos c/o Erich von Däniken and such. I can understand the powerful pull of this mythology, especially on people who simply can´t or won´t believe in Christianity (the dominant mythology of the Western world until recently). 

Unfortunately, I can´t believe it...nor any other myths, for that matter. And yet, it seems humans can´t live without a mythology, anymore than we can live without a culture. Indeed, that was why the Ancient Aliens were invented in the first place - as a myth cycle for the Space Age.

I feel alone and adrift...