Saturday, November 30, 2024

The end of the Spring Offensive


Paradigm shift?

Possible translation: Zelensky admits that Ukraine can´t take back the territories occupied by Russia, but wants to get the best possible peace deal by giving Trump "an offer he can´t refuse". 

Another possible translation: Zelensky admits that Ukraine has lost the war and can´t last another year (or another winter), and therefore desperately pleads with Donald Trump. 

Will Trump bite? Probably. Will Vladimir Putin do it? I doubt it, both because he has the advantage (otherwise Zelensky wouldn´t have changed his line) and because a NATO-affiliated Ukraine would still be a military and geopolitical threat to Russia, even if certain areas in the east and south remain occupied by the Russian "Federation". 

So the really interesting question is: what will Trump (or his "Neo-Con" allies) do when Putin sez nyet? Fold? Or actually step up the war, trying to force Moscow to make a deal? Another question: What will the EU and its member-states do? The brave knights in Germany, for instance, who made themselves completely dependent on Russian fossil fuels to compensate for their fake Green transition, and whose government is threatened by pro-Russian political parties in the upcoming snap elections? See also: France, Italy, Austria, Romania...

A less important question is how the Western media, who for years have peddled the lie that Russia is easy to defeat - or lost the war on day one - will handle the fact that they´ve just been publishing disinformation all this time.

Personally, I support Ukraine, but I always tried to be more realistic of the prospects on this blog than the "Branch Ukrainians" elsewhere. So I can´t say I´m surprised by present developments. OK, the idea that a European NATO proxy could be defeated by North Koreans never crossed my mind!

So the West may have lost this round. But don´t worry, there will be others. I mean, this has been ongoing since at least the 13th century...

Interview with Zelensky

Friday, November 29, 2024

Stay at home friday


I readily admit that I stayed right at home during Black Friday, prefering to do my laundry and browsing YouTube and X...

I might re-emerge on Advent Sunday, though. 

The voice of Amerika is the voice of God


Thank God (!) at least one US president actually follows the constitution. Besides, "America" is the real god of Americans anyway. 

And no, your abundance (what abundance?) doesn´t come from "God Almighty" (who stands above such mundane concerns), but from very human industry and trade. Including turkey farms. And, I suppose, foreign loans!   

Joe Biden snubs "Almighty God" in Thanksgiving proclamation



HA HA HA, Uncle Eddie loses it again! Imagine my shock. Not even sure what this scandal is about, tbh. Genocide? Starting wars on false pretenses? Partitioning India, perhaps?  

British minister resigns over undisclosed criminal conviction



Chairman Mao, come back, all is forgiven! How is this even possible? Money laundering? Is crypto real money in the first place? 

So some "crypto entrepreneur" bought a banana for 6 million dollars and then consumed it. The banana was apparently "conceptual art"?!  

Crypto entrepreneur eats banana he bought for 6 million dollars



Vems ärenden går hon egentligen? EU? FN-apparaten, eller vad? 

Greta Thunberg i Georgien

Greta Thunberg i Azerbaijan

Greta Thunberg i Kurdistan

För kännedom


Diverse turer i Malmö.  

Nej till att avveckla "kriminella Romska rådet"



American conspiracy theorist and UFO-logist Steven Greer is still going strong after all these years. The interview above if from 2023, but was released on YouTube just the other week. Thus, the Congressional hearings Greer is referring to are *not* the most recent ones. 

It seems Greer´s beliefs are essentially the same as when he published "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" almost twenty years ago (for my review, click on the link below). One thing that strikes me with Greer is his "reformist" approach to disclosure. He believes that many people in the federal government and the military are being duped or intimidated by a super-clandestine dark side faction with access to an "illegal black budget" and essentially evil intentions. Thus, Greer and his associates want to win over (or perhaps empower) the good guys in Washington DC, which explains their orientation towards Congressional hearings, official disclosure, briefings for top CIA personnel, and so on. 

Greer believes that there really are aliens with literal space craft, but that human conspirators have stolen their technology. Thus, most UFOs and even most "aliens" seen by eye witnesses are really built or created by the deep state. They attack people, mutilate cattle and stage "alien abductions" in large part to discredit the real aliens (who are presumably benign and want to give us free energy). The ultimate goal is to stage an "alien" invasion of Earth (compare Project Blue Beam) in order to justify a global dictatorship. 

The interview, apparently conducted by an African-American DJ or rap artist, also touches on other topics. Greer is skeptical (!) to the concept of ancient aliens, doesn´t seem too keen on Bob Lazar (who apparently has a criminal record), discusses human evolution, and mentions his spiritual-religious quest. At one point, he shows a photo of a supposed alien. Greer believes that many who fear disclosure do so for religious reasons. There are still millions of fundamentalists who wouldn´t take "aliens" for an answer. A funny detail is that the interviewer doesn´t think this is a big deal and that most people would be able to handle it. Greer responds: "You guys in the big city don´t know what´s going on in the rest of the country".

One thing that strikes me with Steven Greer is that he comes across as very well-articulated, erudite and balanced. Yet, his ideas are extreme! It´s like something taken from the darker episodes of "The X-Files". With that little reflection, I end this blog post.     

Religion in the making

More here:

The cargo cult of Steven Greer



Mr Speaker, I not saying this is treason, I´m just asking how is this *not* treason? A New York politician wants New York State and some of New England to secede from the US and join Canada. Of course, this is just an attempt to create commotion. Besides, Canada probably doesn´t even want the Big Apple to join them in the first place! Vermont? Maybe. 

Democrat wants New York State to join Canada


Happy does it


- Yeah, I´m sure you guys are happy!
Credit: Frank Schulenburg 

Happy everyone! 

Thursday, November 28, 2024



Precis vad jag förutspådde: etablissemanget tar avstånd från Angela Merkel. Det beror givetvis på hennes inställning till Ryssland, men nio år efter migrantkrisen och x antal år efter att klimatprotesterna fasades ut är det tydligen okej att kritisera invandringspolitiken och slå ett slag för kärnkraften också. 

Nu vet jag inte exakt vad just denna krönikör skrev om de sakerna när de begav sig, men jag misstänker alltså att "alla" kommer att ta avstånd från den eviga kanslerns hela politik med Ukraina-frågan som "politiskt korrekt" förevändning. Eller i vart fall låtsas ta avstånd...

Är allting egentligen Angela Merkels fel?



Tror att Jonas Gardell lyft den här frågan också.  

"Förbjud sex med stor åldersskillnad"

Wonderful conversation


This doesn´t seem confirmed yet, and might not even be true. Still, it´s interesting that Trump tries some "love bombing" for a change. Wonder why? 

Mexico promises to stop immigration to the United States 

Birgitta Dahl och folkmordet i Kampuchea


Titta vem som ifrågasätter Birgitta Dahl. Är detta riktigt?  

Birgitta Dahl, rasfrågan och rasismen

Casting the die?


Over at X, Michael Tracey comments Trump´s appointment of a certain General Keith Kellogg as "Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia", presumably some kind of "czar" (pun intended) of the incoming administration´s policy towards the Russian-Ukrainian war. Tracey believes that Kellogg is a hawk and wants to step up US support for Ukraine!

>>>Trump just named Gen. Keith Kellogg as "Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia." Kellogg is a hardcore interventionist, Mike Pence aide, and Fox News contributor. He criticizes Biden for not arming Ukraine quickly enough, and says the plan for "peace" is to continue arming Ukraine.

>>>Gen. Keith Kellogg, who Trump just named "Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia," has said the "end game" for the war is "evicting the Russians from Ukraine," including the Donbas and Crimea, resulting in the downfall of Putin. "I don't think there's going to be any negotiations"

>>>Gen. Keith Kellogg, Trump's new envoy for Ukraine and Russia, has criticized Biden for pursuing "an overly cautious wartime strategy." According to Kellogg, "Biden should have provided Ukraine with the weapons it needed to win quickly, but instead, he was afraid of potential Russian 'escalation.'" >>>In outlining Trump's strategy, Kellogg said: "Trump might very well remove the Biden-eras constraints on arms transfers and give Ukraine the weapons it needs to win, including long-range weapons to strike within Crimea and Russia. If faced with the prospect of a costly military defeat, Putin may very well prefer negotiations." >>>According to Kellogg, Trump could intimidate Putin into accepting a "strategic defeat for Russia," namely by "provision of reliable security guarantees, including possible NATO and EU membership" to Ukraine, and Ukraine's retention of "internationally-recognized claims to sovereignty over all of Ukraine."

Xmas come early, yo


The answer is: Absolutely...if the new search engine shows my blog! Which Google has a tendency not to do, despite Blogger being part of the Google-sphere. 

J D Vance News tweets about Elon Musk´s new search engine 

I chimp out, therefore I am


Stupid research disproves a thought experiment which was stupid to begin with. It never disproved evolution, since evolution isn´t "random" in the same sense as the monkeys with the typewriter. That being said...sure, the origins of life might be more interesting, for if *that* isn´t random, some kind of panpsychism or pantheism becomes a distinct possibility.  

Moratorium och Mussolini


Hübinette citerar Expressen, som anser sig veta vad det var SD fick i utbyte mot att ge upp "angiverilagen". Tydligen ska det vara ett moratorium på beviljande av nya svenska medborgarskap. Kanske, kanske inte. "We just have to wait and see". 

Hübinette driver annars linjen att både SD och den övriga "extremhögern" är extremt framgångsrika. En annan möjlig tolkning är ju att etablissemanget håller på att krama ihjäl dem. Se den andra länken nedan!

Ännu en seger för SD

Den direkta arvtagaren till Mussolinis gamla fascistparti PNF innehar nu EU:s näst mäktigaste post

Deep fake


- Nej, vi är faktiskt verkliga...

Läs innan AB låser skiten. Liknande konspirationsteorier har ju även framförts om Biden. Men dessa lyftes förstås inte i Aftonbladet...  

Bisarra detaljen avslöjar Putin

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Uncle Diego


Never heard of this case before. Some kind of ersatz Unabomber? Did the greener portion of the anarchist subculture just got a new cause célèbre? Or no?

FBI most wanted terror suspect rural Wales

Sanningen är noir


Har inte sett Dan Josefssons dokumentär och har egentligen ingen välgrundad uppfattning om detta i och för sig ökända rättsfall, men...

Aftonbladets (!) artikel är ett hysteriskt angrepp på folkhemmet (!!) och utelämnar uppenbarligen relevanta fakta. Så för att balansera "debatten" länkar jag till två av mina "ofrivilliga grannbloggar". Tänk om sanningen är noir, trots allt?  

"Styckmordet visar det gamla galna Sverige"

Ja, döden var nog en man ändå

Styckmordet på Catrine da Costa

Tagen av banan


Banangate fortsätter. Läs innan AB låser artikeln! Visst känns det tryggt att Aftonbladet tar tag i de *verkligt* viktiga nyheterna...

Ministerns 44 mejl om bananförbud

Ultra MAGA or just neocons?


Liberal gadfly and independent reporter Michael Tracey (once considered something of a MAGA "asset") continues his crusade against the incoming Trump administration, arguing that it isn´t really isolationist. 

The pro-Trump cliques in the GOP establishment are just as bellicose and interventionist as the neoconservatives (many of which became Never Trumpers back in 2016). And what about the Donald himself? At what point will MAGA realize that their Messiah, too, is one of the dreaded RINOs of the GOP-e? If you pardon my, ahem, MAGA lingo.

The idea that Trump is somehow fighting the "neocons" is true only in the extremely narrow sense mentioned above: many of the original neocons refused to kiss Trump´s ass and de facto (and sometimes even de jure) regrouped around the Democratic Party instead. But Trump´s actual policies are barely distinguishable from those associated with the neocons.

Here is a key paragraph of Tracey´s essay (linked below):  

>>>One of the few permitted critiques of Trump in MAGA/LaLa Land had previously been that Trump was a political novice in the first term, and was beguiled by the wily “neocons” who exploited his youth and inexperience. As facile as that argument was, it at least had the benefit of reflecting some partial reality: Trump indeed had no governing record or long-established political operation. But in 2024, that argument is comically absurd. 

>>>Trump singularly dominates the Republican Party more than perhaps any figure in American history, as evidenced by his unprecedented thrice-consecutive presidential nomination. He can pick winners of Republican congressional primaries with a single Truth Social post, and even ousted the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus earlier this year for no apparent reason other than the poor sap’s initial endorsement of Ron DeSantis. He installed his own daughter-in-law to run the Republican National Committee. 

>>>By now, he’s had over eight years to assemble a personnel roster that best represents whatever his policy preferences may be — and he has largely assembled a team of “neocons,” if that term had any cognizable meaning, which it doesn’t. 

Tracey predicts that the Trump Administration will end up having a worse foreign policy than even the current Biden Administration (which he doesn´t particularly fancy either) by escalating the war in Ukraine, permitting Israel to annex the West Bank and Gaza, and perhaps even launch a bombing campaign against Iran. At least his take on Ukraine is hardly standard orthodoxy. 

I suppose we will see soon enough...if we dare looking!  

Is Donald Trump a neocon? 

Ava spelled backwards


These memes are breaking X right now. No idea what they mean and no inclination of finding out. They are called "Wifejak" and "Daughterjak", respectively. Whatever. 

At eternal war with loosh


X is such a crazy place. Here, an "Artemis cultist and Loosh harvester in eternal war with Rome" comments nanotechnology. But what if she *isn´t* crazy...?

Not sure if she is a real radical feminist or just a LARP-er.

Crazy (?) tweet/thread   



Exactly 58 second of the Saint Germain Foundation Jesus pageant at Mount Shasta. The video is 12 years old. Reposted here for no particular reason. 




No path to victory


An advisor to Kamala Harris admits that the Democratic nominee had no path to victory. The most astounding statement is this:

>>>Plouffe also admitted that internal polling also showed that Kamala Harris never took the lead over Trump, even admitting that public polls showing Harris in the lead left him surprised.

>>>“We didn’t get the breaks we needed on Election Day,” he said. “I think it surprised people, because there was these public polls that came out in late September, early October, showing us with leads that we never saw.” 


Harris campaign advisor admits she had no path to victory



Does God give children cancer? An atheist says "yes" (an internal critique, obviously) and then responds to Christian objections. The only one that makes some kind of sense is "we live in a fallen world", but if you believe God is both all-powerful and all-loving/omnibenevolent, that objection too loses much of its force. 

Adam and Eve might have been guilty of sin by misusing their free will, but what about children who suffer from cancer today? The only "solution" to this problem would be to argue that all souls who are born on Earth have freely chosen to stray from God, but - of course - the Bible doesn´t say that, nor is that the common interpretation.

As a not entirely irrelevant sidepoint, my impression is that "modern" Christians like to question the omnipotence of God in the sense that human free will limits it, but of course only because God voluntarily wills it. But historically, Christians generally questioned the omnibenevolence of God. He is "all-good" but not omnibenevolent in the sense of "always nice", since he does indeed inflict suffering even on his faithful for various reasons. Today, this take is less popular, at least in the modern West. Today, all-good *means* all-nice. 

Just some stray comments at 04.44am!   

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

My scary Sweden


"Mitt Sverige" (My Sweden) is a nature documentary by Hungarian Zoltan Török. His Sweden turns out to be the scariest part! Think icy islands in the Gulf of Bothnia (?) featuring colonies of cormorants, eagles fighting each other, and ravens harassing seal cubs. 

Later, Zoltan and his family go trekking somewhere in Lapland, with its vast and seemingly empty hill tracts and woods. Or not so empty, since we do get to see bears, foxes, lynxes and wolverines. At one point, the documentary becomes unintentionally funny, as Zoltan says that the Sami (Laps) live in harmony with nature...while the camera shows how they herd reindeer with snowmobiles! I assume these are powered by gasoline?

But sure, if you want a good argument to stay indoors in some safe burb in southern Sweden (the civilized part), I suppose "Mitt Sverige" could be worth watching! 




Har SD blivit ihjälkramade av de "vanliga" högerpartierna? Fria Tider, som jag antar står nära Alternativ för Sverige, sammanfattar:

>>>Informationsplikten är det sista av en rad vallöften som Tidöpartierna avtalat om men sedan valt att frångå.

>>>Sedan sitt tillträde har Tidöregeringen bland annat fördubblat Jämställdhetsmyndigheten, gett 133.000 invandrare svenskt medborgarskap och fortsatt att betala bistånd till länder som vägrar ta emot utvisade medborgare, trots att partierna lovat att lägga ned Jämställdhetsmyndigheten, bevilja medborgarskap på "EU:s miniminivå" och stoppa biståndet till länder som inte tar emot sina egna medborgare.

Men vad är Fria Tiders alternativ? Det kanske framgår av det andra alternativet, där de objektivt sett stödjer houthi-rebellerna i Jemen för att de är mot Israel! Det finns andra anti-israeliska artiklar på deras sajt också. När det väl kommer till kritan är "alternativet för Sverige" tydligen ett fördjupat samarbete med...Iran.

Så alternativen är alltså att bli ihjälkramad av Liberalerna, eller att bli de iranska mullornas bitch.

Då vet vi det.     

SD släpper kravet

Bistånd till Jemen dras in "för Israels skull"



Har Cantwell smuttat för mycket på rödvinet, eller vad? Visst, Netanyahu kommer självklart inte att besöka Sverige så länge "arresteringsordern" gäller, men att han skulle utlämnas till Haag i den händelse ett gripande faktiskt bleve möjligt (vid en nödlandning på Arlanda på väg till USA?) är givetvis uteslutet. Om inte Sverige vill trigga den största diplomatiska krisen sedan...jag vet inte när. Observera också att Cantwell erkänner att det är regeringen som fattar beslut om eventuell utlämning, vilket givetvis betyder att den nuvarande debatten om regeringens "velande" inte är helt bakvänd...

Och varför kallar han Viktor Orbans inbjudan för "fåneri"? Tror han att ICC kan skicka tungt beväpnade kommandosoldater till Budapest för att arrestera Netanyahu om Orban vägrar följa EU-direktiven bläh bläh?

Netanyahu kommer aldrig att bli arresterad och förd till Haag, och det kommer Putin inte bli heller. ICC:s "arresteringsorder" är antingen symbolpolitik eller en typ av de facto diplomatiska sanktioner. Vilket väl är ungefär samma sak. ICC är ett lika stort skämt som Nationernas Förbund. Och för att klargöra: jag stödjer Israel men inte Ryssland... 

Benjamin Netanyahu grips om han kommer till Sverige



HA HA HA. Is this a joke? 

Black Friday all week long


I´m old enough to remember a time when we didn´t even have Black Friday in Sweden. Or did I just miss it, due to my perennial non-interest in home electronics?

Now, we have an entire Black Week. And my favorite vendor started it off already this Saturday?! But sure, I ordered a couple of books which I might consider reviewing here...but probably after the Christmas holidays! 

The picture above is AI responding to the prompt "Crazy shopper on Black Friday"!   

Plan B: Microplastics forever?


An interesting article from "Japan Times" about an underreported UN-sponsored conference in South Korea. Yes, it´s about plastics and microplastics. Some quotes from the article (which is linked below):  

>>>The rising toll of plastic in the environment is impossible to ignore. In the developing world, plastic waste is clogging beaches and rivers and choking wildlife. A glut of trash in the Congo this month even shut down a hydroelectric dam, forcing power cuts. Plastics are also responsible for about 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N.

>>>As plastic items break down, they become microplastics. These have now been found in human breast milk, brain tissue and blood. Research has linked a chemical used in some plastics, bisphenol F, to lower IQs in children.

>>>Microplastics are ubiquitous across ecosystems, detected everywhere from the depths of the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench to the snow on Mount Everest. One recent study found that aerosolized plastic particles could even affect cloud formation and induce heavier rainfall.

>>>As renewable energy and electrification sap demand for oil, growth in petrochemicals is expected to help offset that, making the sector an important backstop for oil-producing countries and the fossil fuel industry. Petrochemicals’ share of total oil demand could nearly double by 2050, according to research firm BloombergNEF.

>>>"The oil and gas industry is looking at this as a Plan B, or an escape hatch, for surviving the energy transition,” said Dharmesh Shah, a senior campaigner for the Center for International Environmental Law, a nonprofit with headquarters in Washington, D.C., and Geneva.

>>>China is the world’s biggest producer of plastic and has a close trading relationship with Saudi Arabia, the source of much of its imported oil. State oil company Saudi Aramco is investing in plants in China that can process its crude into petrochemicals.

Plan B, indeed!

Could the world unite to end the plastic pollution crisis?

Goodbye, Angela


Can we *finally* stop taking this woman seriously? She is so tone deaf that she even defends her record on Russian fossil fuels and the (fake) Green transition! 

Open border enthusiasts will surely like her firm pro-immigration stances, but the naïve attitude towards Russia has been "phased out" long ago, and it wouldn´t surprise me if the Green transition is next.

And oh, what does she say about Israel? 

Angela Merkel defends her record on migrant crisis, Russia

The cosmic capitalist


A lot of stuff like this on YouTube: recaps of science fiction films, perhaps AI-generated? The recaps, I mean. This way, you don´t have to waste two hours of your life watching an entire B-movie, LOL. 

The first recap is of a recent Russian movie, "Forsaken", which actually could be interesting. The plot revolves around a failed mission to Mars which is turned into a succesful reality TV show by an unscrupulous broadcasting corporation - unfortunately a very realistic scenario! There is also a kind of pseudo-philosophical message (of course, it´s a Russian film) which sounds like a mixture of Gnosticism and atheist materialism. *We* created the universe to become conscious of ourselves...only to go astray and do evil instead. Hence, we - not some gods or aliens - are the creators. But note that this message is revealed to the stranded cosmonaut by a god-like being on Mars...

The other recap is of "A Sound of Thunder", which seems to be a more typical American science fiction/horror film. Time travel, temporal paradoxes, "the butterfly effect", that kind of thing. Evolution goes haywire as reptiloid baboons descend on an unsuspecting US city amid an invasion of primordially tropical plant species. Note the nod to global warming. 

Interestingly, the bad guys in *both* films are evil capitalists. 

Make of this content what you wish. 

The aesthetics of evolution


The Atheist Party Line crowd will "counter"-attack in 10, 9, 8, 7...

I never read "The Wedge" (as in Scott Carney´s book with that title), but I suppose this 15-minute video is a kind of teaser trailer. The title is "What the Theory of Evolution Gets Wrong" and it´s posted on a channel jokingly called "backchannel"...

Short story: Consciousness plays a greater and more independent role in evolution than we usually assume. Maybe even love and aesthetics! Yes, it´s the peacock again...

Monday, November 25, 2024

Fiaskot i Baku


Nämen, Wolfgang Hansson låter ju nästan som Romina Pourmokhtari här. Ovanligt realistisk artikel om det ganska så uppenbara bluffmötet i Baku nyligen. Och om klimatkrisen. Ja, så när som på en liten detalj. Hansson tror fortfarande att man faktiskt kan stoppa den på något sätt...  

Väst bär INTE skulden till klimatmötets misslyckande

Om kriget kommer


"Var är svenne-jävlarnas plastpåsar?" 

En härlig svensk pseudo-debatt. 

Bajstipset i krisbroschyren kritiseras: "Kan läcka"

OK, Boomer


"Ja, vi är ondskefulla robotar.
Och? Vad är anklagelsen?"

X-kontot "Stop Antisemitism" gör bort sig totalt och blir bokstavligt talat trollade av Israel-kritiker (eller anti-semiter?). Hur svårt var detta att räkna ut år 2024? Är "Stop Antisemitism" Boomers?  

Nu kan du rösta på årets anti-semit



- Yes, earthling, the pulsar disfigured our bodies,
but what´s left is still alive, a new kind of life,
to be sure, mu-hah-hah!

The Stellivore Hypothesis is making the obligatory rounds, before being shelved...or becoming nische nerd material on YouTube, alongside the Silurian Hypothesis, the Dark Forest hypothesis and similar stuff.  

Fast-moving stars are piloted by aliens, new study suggests

The end of the world. Or just the multiverse?


The anthropic principle is dead as a vaguely anthropoid dodo, apparently. Jokes aside, Sabine Hossenfelder summarizes a new paper which (perhaps) proves that the universe *isn´t* hospitable for life. Goodbye, anthropic principle and Christian apologetix based on it! also means that the atheist attempt to make an end-run around it has to go, as well. Yes, that would be the multiverse.

Not sure why this is "good news". Surely, it is extremely bad news. And a bad take? Posted on Stir-up Sunday, to boot!

Good news would be that God is a blue shepherd boy awaiting our arrival on a moon-lit evening at a distant multiversal planet in yonder heavens... 

Nuclear blast from the past


So the Swedish government has sent out a small pamphlet titled "Om krisen eller kriget kommer" (In the case of crisis or war), containing information about what to do if the shit really hits the fan. For instance, where to find shelter in case of a bomb attack. It states that the risk of a military attack on Sweden has increased and even contains a paragraph on nuclear strikes.

Scary, right?

Well, maybe to some people, but hear me out, fam! I´m old enough to remember when Swedish phone directories contained a section titled "Om kriget kommer" (In case of war) with detailed instructions on evacuation routes for civilians, exactly where to gather while waiting for the buses, and so on. I believe "my" neighborhood was supposed to be evacuated to some small town near the Norwegian border. Which just shows you who the Swedish military assumed would be the attacker (hint: not NATO). 

So no, I´m not particularly scared or even surprised. Feels like homecoming. The only thing I miss are the evacuation plans. I mean, are we supposed to just shelter in place??? 

Vem är otäck?


Jeppsson gånger två.  

Sluta skrämma unga, säger de, men vem är otäck?

"Civilisationen kan kollapsa 2040"

Sunday, November 24, 2024



Credit: X 

Håller förstås inte med om skribentens politiska perspektiv, eller hennes naiva kolartro på Bernie Sanders (ähum, Hillary Clinton fick fler röster än "distraktionen" Trump). Fast i en viss annan mening är artikeln faktiskt intressant att läsa... 

I helvete heller, man måste inte alltid förlåta 

The Grand Council is gay


Blasted. The good citizens of Swiss canton Basel-Stadt voted with an overwhelming majority to confirm the cantonal Grand Council´s spending plan on next year´s Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). 

The decision had been challenged by a small far right Christian party and had to be put to a popular vote (Switzerland is almost notorious for its constant referenda on this, that and other). The ESC has a "gay" reputation, was won last year in Sweden by a "non-binary" Swiss performer, and was moreover marred by anti-Israeli protests. Thus making it a fitting target for Christian nationalists. 

But it now seems that the extravaganza can continue for another round.  

Yes to Eurovision funding

Not so chill


Go get them, boy!  

Anger management


I´m sure some of you have read the tongue-in-cheek "evidence" that Napoleon Bonaparte didn´t really exist, and then a lot of fake parallels to Greek mythology. On the web, nerds take this as a splendid and excellent example of how easy it is to cast doubt on well-established facts and hence promote conspiracy theory.

Yeah. In reality, the Napoleon Sun God story is shitty as fuck, and not convincing at all. Even apart from the fact that nobody today even recognizes the mythological references in the first place. Duh!

Oh, and speaking of conspiracy theory, forget about the "prophecies of St Malachy", actually a 16th century forgery, according to which the last pope will be named "Petrus Romanus". He will not, since no pope is vain enough to name himself "Petrus". And several popes had the birth name "Pietro" since the 16th century, and yet, here we are. Oh, and Francis isn´t Petrus, nor was he born Pietro, so probably not the last pope either!

What´s the point of this blog post? Nothing really, just venting on a chilly Sunday morning... 

No nukes are good nukes


I never heard this one before. The claim is that nuclear weapons aren´t real?! Apparently, this conspiracy theory became popular in the wake of the film "Oppenheimer". Now it´s going strong again, but strangely enough on pro-Russian accounts. 

You would think that people who support Russia would claim that Evil Ivan *does* have access to nukes, but what do I know. Maybe their hypersonic missiles are fake, too? 

Nuclear weapons are real 

Conspiracy theorists are trying to claim that nuclear weapons aren´t real

Nuclear weapons do exist

Revolutionary United Front


HA HA HA. So Workers Power and the ITO (the "moderate" faction of the former ITC) are going to regroup with...the Morenoites?! Or at least one of the 57 Morenoite fragments, the one still calling itself MST in Argentina. 

Their prospective regroupment platform agrees on three points: China/Russia are imperialist, Ukraine should be defended...for now, smash Israel outright (no surprise there). These agreements, we are gravely told, are "substantial". 

Yeah, whatever. This new-new Fourth (or is it Fifth?) International will split again within a year, trust me. OK, make that two years. I mean, come on, I´m old enough to remember a time when these three currents would never-ever have united. But who knows, maybe things are changing. Or maybe the Morenoite "ISL" simply wants to consume the two other tendencies, which must be smaller, and use them as political cannon fodder for taking back Las Islas Malvinas...

For a regroupment of revolutionaries



SD:s tankesmedja Oikos har tydligen skrivit en debattartikel tillsammans med Timbro. 

Budskapet är att landsbygden bör avregleras. Även om debattartikeln försöker få det hela att låta nationalromantiskt. 

Har dock ingen välgrundad åsikt om jordbrukspolitik. And sure, we need to eat...  

Oikos + Timbro = sant?

The Goblin Shark feat. Marvin


"The best cryptid evidence" doesn´t strike me as very "cryptid". Note that the Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot fame isn´t included in this survey. All animals featured (except maybe Marvin) seem to belong to known and currently extant taxa. So-called cryptozoologists don´t really care - they want to find a giant ape-man, a surviving dinosaur, or something to that effect. 

So it seems the Patterson-Gimlin film is unique, being the only good footage of an *actual* cryptid (i.e. a monster). But it´s precisely it´s singular character that makes it so hard to believe...   



In case you think American politics are acrimonious. The vice president of the Philippines, Sara Duterte, recently stated that if somebody kills her, a paid assassin will take out the president, his wife and the speaker of the (Filipino) House of Representatives?! Note also that Sara Duterte is the daughter of former president Rodrigo Duterte, otherwise known as "The Punisher"...

What´s going on here, I think, is that the current president, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, was elected on an anti-American platform. The equally anti-American Sara Duterte was his (de facto) running mate. Once in office, however, Marcos became pro-American instead, leading to a permanent political crisis in the Philippines, since the president and the vice president now have completely different foreign policy orientations. 

Some time ago, Rodrigo Duterte threatened to create a breakaway republic on the island of Mindanao, and the drama has apparently not abated...   

Filipino vice president threatens to have the president assassinated

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Religion in the making


How is this not a kind of religion? Ancient aliens be damned, here come the CURRENT aliens. The Stellivore Hypothesis is the Dyson Sphere times ten. The aliens are gods, and we can become just like them, amen! The evidence for their very existence is about as strong (or weak) as the evidence for "God". There are some tantalizing hints and clues, but nothing definitive, and a lot of wishful thinking...

The best are the worst


“Äventyraren Sven Hedin” is a popularized book by Axel Odelberg about the life of famed Swedish explorer Sven Hedin (1865-1952). The author describes Hedin as a man who “found his way in geography but lost it in politics”, which seems to be a fair assessment. Hedin traveled widely in Central, Inner and East Asia. He made sensational archeological discoveries in the deserts, solved the mystery of the “wandering lake” Lop Nur, discovered (or supposedly discovered) Transhimalaya and the sources of several Indian rivers, and attempted to climb Muztagh Ata in Xinjiang. He also made a dramatic but failed attempt to reach Lhasa in Tibet, at the time off limits to foreigners. 

Hedin became an international super-celebrity, spoke several European and Asian languages more or less fluently, and met a number of luminaries, including Emperor Meiji of Japan, the British explorer Stanley, Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek, and the Russian Czar Nicholas II. From an upper class background, he also had connections with the Swedish royal court and was apparently the last person in Swedish history to be ennobled. His coat of arms shows a globe centered on Asia!

As a person, Hedin seems to have been both charming, an excellent speaker, tough and somewhat reckless. He was good at flattery, but also easily flattered. Odelberg believes that Hedin was too fixed on the exterior of people he encountered, including the trappings of power. Interestingly, Hedin never got married and had no children. His love affairs were entirely Platonic. I can´t help wondering if he might have been homosexual or even asexual. 

His political views, while conservative at bottom, were frequently idiosyncratic and mercurial. He turned from being pro-Russian to becoming Sweden´s most prominent anti-Russian militarist activist, only to develop sympathies for the Bolshevik regime after the revolution. During his travels, he tried to be on good terms with both the Russians, the British and the Chinese, while at bottom having a “pro-Asian” attitude and a contempt for Christian missionaries. His pro-German sympathies were more fixed, and he was eventually to develop strong pro-Nazi attitudes. Indeed, Hedin was one of the few Swedes who could meet more or less freely with Hitler himself, who did his best to flatter the famous explorer with effusive praise. Hedin´s pro-Nazi sympathies and increasingly prominent anti-Semitism were bizarre, since he was actually half-Jewish! It´s not clear to me whether Hitler and the other Nazi leaders knew this.

I admit that I found “Äventyraren Sven Hedin” a fascinating read. I never much cared for Hedin before…well, except for one thing. 

In 1914, Hedin made his most memorable (and most controversial) intervention in Swedish politics. He actually used King Gustav V to force the liberal government of Karl Staaff to resign! The short story is that the king addressed a pro-militarist farmers´ march in Stockholm, expressing strong support for larger defense spending. The so-called Courtyard Speech was secretly written by Hedin (something he didn´t admit until 40 years later). The liberal government, which opposed Swedish rearmament, resigned and was replaced by a conservative administration which subsequently was confirmed in a snap election. 

This was a remarkable achievement by Hedin, but it did take place before Sweden introduced universal suffrage. It was also the last time a Swedish king tried to meddle in politics. Judging by the book, Hedin managed to remain on good terms (more or less) with all the main political factions in Sweden even after the 1914 events, which strikes me as even more remarkable. During World War II, the Swedish government (which was neutral in the war) used Hedin as a back channel to Hitler. Odelberg speculates that maybe Hedin played a role when Hitler lobbied Stalin not to force too harsh peace terms on Finland after the Winter War.

In general, though, Hedin´s pro-Nazi sympathies (rather obviously) destroyed his reputation. He even wrote a panegyrical obituary to Hitler upon learning that the German Führer had shot himself in Berlin, arguing that Hitler was one of the greatest men in world history! It´s not clear to me whether Hedin ever recanted his views, but shortly before his death, he actually criticized the terror against the Jews and against Poland in an interview with an Irish (sic) newspaper.

I´m not sure how to end this review. Maybe by saying that the best are frequently also the worst?