Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Your cell phone might turn you zombie

This is the same site which claimed that Donald Trump had the support of the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command (no known relation to this here blogger). Here are some other "alternative news" (or alternative facts?) from the same site. This simply *must* be parody! 

Pope Francis murdered! All McDonalds across the globe ordered closed after FBI discovers they had been serving human meat

One day in 2022 your cell phone might kill you or turn you into a zombie

Alien-human hybrids have arrived...millions more on the way...gold is key??!!

Scarier than Krampus?

*Is* Christmas demonic, or what? Were the Puritans on to something when they banned the damned thing???

Iceland´s Christmas witch

Home invasion Christmas time

A bizarre Christmas tradition from Newfoundland and Labrador. Can we start a little culture war over this? Or no?  

"Any Mummers Allowed In?"

They lacked the Corona Mindset

"America is destroying religion". You´d wish. Here is another interpretation: the liberal clergy is quitting, since many Christians in the pews are Trump-loving anti-vaxxers. 

As our holiday season winds down, give thanks that America is destroying religion

Pretty in pink

More evidence (from 2007) that sociobiology is a pseudo-science...

We still haven´t explained pink

2021 increases (part 2,021)

A lot to unpack here... 

Trans paedophile who identifies as a 5-year old appears in court dressed as an elf

För sjukt för min blogg?

Det här är nästan lite för sjukt även för den här trollbloggen. Var är Lisbeth Salander när man väl behöver henne? 

Engdahls syn på 16-åringar är faktiskt värre än ni tror

Why haven´t we heard of this woman before?

Is this even a real person? And if she is, how come we never heard of her before?! It´s almost as if society is...I don´t know...patriarchal or something.  

Constance Markievicz

Monday, December 27, 2021

Good night, sweet prince


Thanks for disproving Hamilton´s rule. 

Hur tänkte ni här, egentligen?

Är jag den ende som tycker att det är jäkligt märkligt att Globen bytt namn till Avicii Arena? Avici är nämligen den lägsta och värsta graden i det buddhistiska helvetet! Det är där personer som medvetet dödat sin fader, sin moder eller en buddha hamnar. 

Lite lustigt att Dalai lama vid sitt Sverige-besök för många år sedan talade till den församlade menigheten just i Globen. 

Fast ni är som är vidskepliga kan trösta er med att Avicii faktiskt är felstavat. En korrektare stavning hade varit Aviici. Så det kanske inte kommer att hända någonting hemskt där, typ terroristattacker eller så...

Första april kommer sent i år

HA HA HA. "The religion of progress always quadruple down". 

"Fyrdubbling av levnadsstandard väntar dagens unga" 

Interview with the gorilla

Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska tycka om detta...

Guillou: "Jag kan inte bo på Södermalm bland alla vänstermänniskor"

"Saluhallen är full av utbölingar"

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Our destiny is in the stars


This is actually fascinating. On this scale model, Earth is a bit outside Stockholm City sensu strictissimo, while Pluto is in northern Hälsingland. If you live in Stockholm, and drive like a madman, you could probably reach "Pluto" later the same day. 

There´s just one little problem. The solar system is *much* bigger. The so-called Termination Shock is in northern Lapland, and the Oort cloud isn´t included in the model at all. The North Pole isn´t even halfway there! 

The model shows that "our" solar system is ridiculously large, and that a manned mission to freakin´ Pluto wouldn´t be much to write home about on a cosmic scale. 

Of course, a space rocket on this scale would look like a miniature toy, making even a journey from Earth to Mars (both situated at locations just north of Stockholm City) look completely ridiculous...

But our destiny is in the stars, right? Right.  

Sweden Solar System

Mandela-effekten på självaste julafton?

Tro det eller ej, men jag tittade faktiskt på "Kalle Anka och hans vänner firar jul"...och missade ändå PK-rutan som avhandlas i länken nedan. Däremot såg jag en annan ruta med engelsk text som innehöll något slags trivialt god jul-budskap. Har jag drabbats av Mandela-effekten, eller vad? 

Disney ber om ursäkt för "I jultomtens verkstad"

Kris? Vilken kris?

Härligt att se att den fria marknaden fungerar. Pessimisterna har än en gång blivit motbevisade. Allt ordnar sig alltid i den bästa av alla möjliga världar! 

Gasflotta till elkrisens Europa

Gorillas against guerillas

"Primates" is a 2020 BBC mini-series about apes, monkeys and prosimians. Some humans (mostly primatologists) have been thrown in for good measure, too! Most of the documentary is standard fare: spectacular footage of non-human primates from all over the world, and calls to save them for posterity. Good for a boring Christmas holiday, but perhaps not *that* interesting...

However, I did notice a few things. 

In the Congolese hills, the Virunga National Park - with a rare population of mountain gorillas - is protected by "park rangers", actually a heavily armed uniformed militia. The park rangers have been repeatedly attacked by rebel groups operating in the region. But why would humans volunteer to protect gorillas against guerillas, risking their lives in the process? The BBC interviews a ranger who claims to have a spiritual bond with the gorillas. Maybe he has. 

However, there is a much more mundane explanation. The rangers are recruited from the local population and paid by international organizations. Eco-tourism from Western nations is another source of income. Also, the local communities get a share of the profits. Nothing wrong with that, per se, but it *does* mean that the rangers have a very vested *human* (Homo sapiens sapiens) interest in protecting the gorillas. They are simply protecting their own sources of income. Since the rebels are presumably Hutu expats or expellees from Rwanda, some kind of ethnic dimension can´t be ruled out either. The people in the Virunga area are literally defending their homeland against foreign intruders. See how I managed to de-romanticize the whole situation? When the Western money stops coming, the mountain gorillas are bush meat, if you ask me...

Another uncomfortable fact. As I have repeatedly pointed out on this blog, even Native peoples deplete their resource bases if given half the chance. Research carried out at Koram Island off the coast of Thailand shows that monkeys, specifically crab-eating macaques, do exactly the same thing! The monkeys are tool-users: they use heavy stones to crack open oysters. The tool-use leads to over-exploitation of the oysters, which tend to become smaller and less abundant as a result. Imagine what would happen if some primate started to use tools consistently...wait... 

Edenic ecological balance doesn´t even exist among tool-using freakin´ *animals*, it seems. 

"Primates" does contain other interesting information, to be sure. We get to meet a team of animal rescuers trying to "retrain" young orphaned orangutans for a life in the wild (the orphans are used to human "foster parents" and have therefore lost these skills). As part of their project, the human trainers have to take climbing lessons in really tall trees! Another team tries to reintroduce pet gibbons into the wild. Gibbons are popular as exotic pets, but many of them are snatched from the wild and essentially trafficked as part of the illegal animal trade. The gibbons shown in the docu are rescued and taken back to their original habitat. 

So perhaps there is some hope, after all. However, I have to say that what really caught my attention was the somewhat more pessimistic facts, some of which BBC doesn´t really want the viewers to confront...  

Hmmm...hade DN rätt, trots allt?

Vad bra, då *kan* vi ju betala de höga elräkningarna, ställa om till vindkraft och provocera fram krig i Ukraina. Hurra! Bästa julklappen i år!

Rekordsiffror väntas för julhandeln

Stora inkomstökningar i Sverige under 2000-talet

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas (second try)


OK, here comes my second attempt to wish you all a merry Christmas. Current mood: see above. I´m the wise philosopher who knows the truth and dares say so, on the verge of being arrested by the Regime (any regime)...

It´s actually Santa being apprehended by the Puritans, but you get my point.

Merry Christmas!  

Ödets ironi

Observera att t.o.m. min disinfo-källa erkänner att studien inte är "peer reviewed" ännu, och att det kan finnas andra orsaker till att vaccinerade blivit smittade med COVID i större utsträckning än ovaccinerade. 

Exempelvis att de vaccinerade "klubbat" som djur även när effekten från den andra sprutan börjat avta, medan ovaccinerade undvikit sådant (i och för sig också ett intressant resultat - jag trodde att vaxxade var fett ansvarsfulla medburgare?). 

Det är likväl ganska dråpligt att en studie finansierad av *Facebook* för att motverka disinfo om vaccinet kan spinnas av personer som är...tja...mot vaccinet. Jag vet, jag har sjuk humor, but there you go. 

Gojul förresten! 

Vaccinering gav ökad risk för COVID

We are here for a reason

An intriguing hypothesis from John Michael Greer (# 114) on the December 2021 Open Post. 

>>>Tryptie, remember that our species is part of the biosphere. We’re not outside of nature; we’re just one set of organisms in the whole system, and our numbers are rather tightly controlled by other organisms. If the Earth wanted there to be a lot fewer humans, she could do it in a matter of months by tweaking a virus or two. Thus I conclude that, baffling though it seems, the current situation is here for a reason and will end when the Earth decides we’ve done whatever she wants us to do. It may be that she’s tired of ice ages and wanted to evolve some animals who were good at digging, to get some of that buried carbon back into circulation — and no, I’m not being facetious.

We don´t even have five years left

Robert Mathiesen is a retired US scholar of Russian-related topics who frequently comments on John Michael Greer´s blogs. Here is his latest comment (# 134) at the December 2021 Open Post. He is even more pessimistic than I am... 


On the subject of Putin and the current absolutely terrifying situation with Ukraine:

Every long-established state has an egregore of its own, or (to use less esoteric terminology) a national mythology that defines and justifies all its geopolitical actions. For many centuries the national mythology of the Russia insists that its history began in the territory around the city of Kiev, which at present is located in Ukraine, not in Russia. As a consequence, only a small minority of Russians are willing to concede even the smallest measure of historical legitimacy to any sort of Ukrainian state and Ukrainian nation (narod), but reflexively “know in their heart of hearts” that sooner or later Ukraine will and must be reabsorbed into Russia, and Ukrainians must be made to become Russians, no matter what the military cost might be. Even a nuclear war would be justified, in Russian eyes, if there were no lesser way to reach that goal. (In another part of the world the attitude of China toward Taiwan is somewhat similar.)

Consequently, there is not really any safe way whatever for the USA and/or Nato to play geopolitical games with Russia over Ukrainian independence, as they seem to be doing now. This is the closest the world has ever openly come to a nuclear holocaust within the eight decades of my own life.

I think the odds are better than 60 to 40 that all our recent discussions about preparing for collapse will be rendered moot within the next three years, and that the population of North America and Western Eurasia will be reduced by more than half within those same years.

I do not scare easily, due to having an atypical neurology, but even I am running scared about this. I do so hope events may prove me wrong!!!


My response (not yet put through):

Robert #134

I´m very worried too (live in Sweden). Russia has also issued a declaration about "security guarantees" which in effect demands that NATO dissolves itself. Obviously, NATO will do no such thing.

The most moderate interpretation I can think of is that Putin issues impossible demands so that his *real* demand (get at least half of Ukraine?) will then be considered "reasonable".  

The official viewpoint in Sweden seems to be that Russia won´t attack Ukraine (sic). Some people in the media take a grimmer view: Russia knows that NATO won´t intervene to save Ukraine if the Russians actually invade...

Both scenarios have one thing in common: there won´t be a third world war. Well, let´s hope they are right!

God jul

Jag skojade ju om det här så sent som igår, men det är tydligen...sant. Shivas heliga berg smälter bort. OK, glaciären åtminstone. God jul, förresten!

Himalayas glaciärer smälter i en rasande takt

Merry Christmas


Zeitgeist 2021

Kommer hen att hamna i ett kvinnofängelse? Eller är straffet att få bära hundkoppel? Asking for a furry friend named Terf...

Transpedofil våldtog hund

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Paris is worth a gay marriage

Burn the little transphobe! Cancel her, er, him, cancel him, I say! 

Most bizarre news item this week, and frankly, the competition was pretty stiff (nor is the week over yet). 

Note that this BAU rumour campaign on the web is called "disinfo", as if it was on a par with, say, the claim that Iraq had WMD´s, or that Trump was a Russian asset, no wait...wrong side of the fence. 

OK, whatever. 

Macron´s wife sues over claims she is transgender

Is Macron´s wife a man?

En sista varning?

Lite naiv artikel. Anta att glaciären inte spricker inom fem år. Vem bryr sig då? Och vad ska vi göra om den spricker? Panikbygga 1,000 nya vindkraftverk (kräver rätt mycket fossila bränslen, koppar och sällsynta jordartsmetaller) som höjer elpriserna ännu mer? Och nej, "samhället" ändrar inte alls kurs om 25% "engagerar sig" *såvida inte dessa personer tillhör någon elitgrupp inom medelklassen*. Vad resten av befolkningen (75%) kommer att tycka om höjda elräkningar är kanske en intressant fråga... 

Slutsats: We are fucked either way. Och nej, NATO:s Patriot-missiler går inte på grön el...

Världens största glaciär spricker sönder - därför ska vi börja bry oss

The Omicron surge and how to fight it

World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) attacks the US Biden administration (and everyone else except China) for being too soft on the corona virus. WSWS argues that you can´t just vaccinate everyone, hard lockdowns are also necessary. So is mass testing and contact tracing. They explicitly point to China as a good example of how the pandemic should be fought. (See also previous blog post.) Please note that links don´t imply endorsement!

The Omicron surge: Scientific facts vs Biden´s fictions 

China´s Zero COVID policy

World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) on the Chinese "Zero COVID" policy. Not sure what to think of this. Chinese propaganda? The truth? If true, where does that leave us? China is an authoritarian one party state. Note the widespread use of surveillence technology and "social shaming" techniques. 

The misunderstood - and misrepresented - Zero COVID policy in China 

China´s Zero COVID Policy proves that the elimination of COVID is possible

Expect the unexpected

There was a time (at least supposedly) when human philosophers were so daring, or so hubristic, that they believed they could know pretty much everything (at least in principle). There are still such people, although today mostly in science: "Why does the universe conform so well to our minds? It must mean we are SPECIAL" (always followed by the usual required huffing and puffing about teleology of course being wrong, and so on). Now, it´s easy to see the anthropocentrism of such ay claim. 

Then, Kant took his walking stick and started to obsessively-compulsively scale the streets of Königsberg (a town he never left - must have been a really nice place). After Kant, philosophers drew the conclusion that we can´t know anything at all. Not really. 

But isn´t that equally anthropocentric? When the human mind realizes that it´s (surprise) finite, it punishes the cosmos by lashing out at it, claiming that it may not even exist...since the SPECIAL humans can´t fully comprehend it. Isn´t this just a kind of invented sour grapes hubris? 

And why are regularities seen as the closest thing we can have to "evidence" that there really is an objectively existing outside world? Surely, it´s the other way around? It´s the completely unexpected that shows us that the world is, at any rate, independent from *our* minds. An anomaly is the great pointing-out instruction of the cosmos. The talk about regularities is another form of anthropocentrism. After all, we can pretend to be in control of the regular, the predictable (predictable by our philosophies or sciences). The anomalies show us that we´re not really in charge of everything. Or anything. Objectively, mind-independently. And that´s what makes them so scary.

Fermi´s paradox...solved


Told you so. We are forever stuck on this rock. 

Solving Fermi´s paradox

Must be Russian disinfo...


WHO says no country can boost its way out of the pandemic

WHO: Veckans Nazbol?

WHO är missnöjda med den skeva vaccinfördelningen i världen. Ska bli intressant att se när booster-liberalerna (eller vad vi nu ska kalla dem) kräver att WHO ska censureras från Facebook. De ifrågasätter ju påfyllnadsdoser. Vilket gynnar anti-vaxx, nazbol, rysk disinfo på din I-pod, och såna saker. Objektivt sett. Man undrar förresten vad WHO har för alternativ lösning på problemet med omikron? Lockdowns forever?

WHO: En tredje dos riskerar att förlänga pandemin



The 1972 prediction from "The Limits to Growth". Note when industrial output and food starts declining sharply, while pollution increases. Yes, at some point around 2020.

Then, look around you.

But LTG must be wrong cuz Paul Ehrlich couldn´t predict the world market prices of tungsten in 1980 blah blah blah blah.

Yeah, whatever.

Note: Food´s mine. Cornucopians aint invited. Grow your own food, Chicago Boys! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

In the Tantric maze

"Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition" is a 2012/2013 book by Christopher D Wallis, an American scholar and practitioner of Tantrism, a rather notorious esoteric tradition within Hinduism and Buddhism. "Tantra Illuminated" is an attempt to write a popularized account of Tantrism, or one that is accesible to at least *somebody* outside the ivory tower of academia (and, I suppose, the kulas of Tantrism). The book gives a very eclectic impression, and it´s therefore possible that it may confuse the reader more than it illuminates. But then, Tantrism is a vast and complex topic, and Wallis´ tome is certainly not worse than any other I´ve come across this side of the Kashmir Valley...

Strictly speaking, the author "only" covers Non-Dual Shaiva Tantrism, mostly from its "classical" period during what we would call the Middle Ages (but before the Muslim conquests in India). At the time, Shaktism was still part of Shaivism. Or so Wallis argues. He also believes that Tantrism and Shaivism were the same tradition, the more "civilized" form of Shaivism that still exists being a later development. Wallis also points out that no "Hindu" identity existed before the Muslim conquests, indeed, the term "Hinduism" comes from the 19th century. Originally, Shaivism was a separate religion, and so were Brahmanism and Vaishnavism, and (of course) Buddhism and Jainism. 

While the author (who presumably lives in California) tries to paint Tantrism as "egalitarian", its real social base does shine forth here and there in the book. This was the religion of the Indian aristocracy, many prominent Tantrists being royal ministers. The most well known teacher of Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra, Abhinava Gupta from Kashmir, is portrayed as a refined nobelman and aesthete, surrounded by his own retinue in luxurious surroundings. Tantrism enjoyed liberal royal patronage, and therefore entered a period of sharp decline and crisis when the Muslims conquered the Indian kingdoms where it was a de facto state religion. The typical Tantrika of the later period became the wandering fakir, a social outcast that inspired both awe and dread, was mostly interested in attaining "magical" powers, and who presumably was much less refind than Abhinava. Tantrism did survive in southern India, but now as a Brahmanized and domesticated tradition. A comic example is how the Tantric goddess Tripura Sundari went from being depicted as a red-skinned almost-nude teenage girl, to a fully dressed ditto in a red sari! While red is apparently the color of passion, it does seem that the goddess has been made (somewhat) safe for polite company... 

What is less clear to me (and perhaps to Wallis) is how Tantrism first emerged, since the tradition does have traits suggesting origins far outside a luxury-loving medieval aristocracy. One is the curious rejection of caste distinctions, obviously illogical in a caste society. There are also rituals reminescent of possession cults. Even seemingly trivial ideas (trivial for a religion) such as belief in spirits and demons, are anything but, since Wallis believes that standard Vedic religion by this time had become a crypto-atheist empty ritualism. The "primitivist" strands of Tantrism may indeed point to origins among tribals excluded from Vedic orthopraxy. Or Dravidians? (Insert comment about the IVC and Pashupati here.) 

"Tantra Illuminated" makes a valiant attempt to describe the incredibly complicated Tantric rituals, some of which can take days to complete. A proper initiation ritual includes sleeping at the place of initiation, and discussing the contents of one´s dreams with the guru. Meditation and visualization are also part of the ritual. Since only a god can worship a god, the worshipper must "become a god" by visualizing himself as such. Other mental and physical techniques have as their goal to raise the kundalini, or experience the cosmic energies, for instance in the form of a fiery wheel! The author believes that traditional hatha yoga was to a large extent Tantric, with only a small contribution from the famed Patanjali. The main source on kundalini yoga and the six-chakra system is the Kaubjika sampradaya, a form of Tantrism worshipping Shiva and the goddess Kubjika.  

Most Westerners associate Tantrism with sex, and Wallis spends some time debunking this (not entirely succesfully). The point of having "maithuna" was the transgression as such. Thus, a Tantric Brahmin might have sex with a low-caste woman (Wallis doesn´t say so, but presumably it would be a prostitute), in the same way as he would drink alcohol or imbibe small quantities of feces or semen. By transgressing caste norms, the unreality of caste is demonstrated. Also, Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra claims that everything is Shiva - therefore everything (including transgressive acts) must be holy. The author half-jokingly suggests that perhaps in California, with its hedonistic sexuality but strong New Age vego-culture, a more relevant transgressive act would be to eat a hamburger at McDonalds! Other forms of Tantric sex are really meditation techniques, or magical ditto. While this is perhaps true, the whole tenor of Tantrism (or at least some forms of it) seems to be hedonistic, sensual and sexual. What would a medieval Kashmiri Tantrist have done if exposed to Western neo-Tantrism? Reject it? Or integrate it into his grand synthesis? Or indulge in it for non-spiritual reasons, as you may indulge in good food or fine art? But then, that too is Shiva... (As for Oom the Omnipotent, I think the entire topic of Western sex magic is yuge. See "Why Mrs Blake Cried" by Marsha Keith Schuchard, "A Time of Sifting" by Paul Peucker, and "The Secret History of Western Sexual Mysticism" by Arthur Versluis. Note also that Swedenborg met a Russian Freemason who may have been initiated by a Mongol Tantrika!)

What is hardest to accept with Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra (at least to my own humble Shiva nature) is the non-dualism itself, the idea that everything is Shiva, and that everything is therefore already divine, including every moment. (Yes, I´m going to argue from Hitler. So now it´s done.) Shiva voluntarily hides himself from himself "as an act of love" by seemingly splitting up into myriads of living beings and inanimate objects, and then forgets himself. This is why we suffer, the suffering being a kind of reminder that we are really Shiva and can return to the blissful state of perfect non-dual awareness at any moment. This is simply absurd, and note also that it makes God responsible for evil and suffering, while simultaneously turning suffering into a kind of sport indulged in by God for the hell of it. Unless "God" is interpreted in a more impersonal way, but then the system is just a form of atheism or spiritualized materialism. 

Perhaps there is a Shiva-Shakti ground of being in the cosmos, but I have a strong feeling (or is it faith) that there must be much more besides... 

How about Perfection?  

Time travels and vaudeville jokes


Some interesting points in this one. Funny that a former pseudo-Satanist suddenly sounds like a skeptic, LOL. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Russian bear hibernates no more

Russia is in effect demanding that the United States dissolve NATO. Note the (probably deliberate) ambiguity concerning Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

It´s good to know that the US administration and military are in such capable hands. Absolutely no need to worry! 

Russian draft proposal for treaty on security guarantees with the United States

Clown world...literally

This is from last year, but it´s still...no laughing matter. I think!

Oregon official dresses as clown to announce COVID-19 death tolls

Chang Frick = Agent of Globo Homo?

Eftersom jag är kvasi-strasserit tycker jag förstås att det är okej att hellre fria än fälla...förutsatt att den där tornedalska bruttan skrek "Sieg Heil" snarare än "Heil Hitler". Allvarligt talat, Chang Frick låter ju nästan lite woke här... 

Veckan då Hitler-hälsning blev det nya normala

Cold, dark normality


Longest night of the year. Cold as hell, too. Still, gives me a sense of normality. Of course it´s dark and fucking cold. It´s the Winter Solstice, after all! :-)

Monday, December 20, 2021

Några hübinettare

En lägesrapport, december 2021. Från Tobias Hübinettes blogg.

Om fruktsamheten bland yngre och äldre kvinnor

De som inte röstar är i hög grad desamma som inte låter vaccinera sig

Många i miljonprogramsområden ovaccinerade

SD: Den nya frihetsrörelsen?

Ja, det finns faktiskt vita blåsippor!

Ovaccinerade svenskar, då. Från Tobias Hübinettes blogg. Lägg märke till hur chockad och pro-etablissemang han låter här! 

SD "flirtar" öppet med de ovaccinerade

Det eviga hatet

I flera årtionden har goda liberaler predikat mot "hatet". Eller "haaaaatet". Den värsta synden. Haaaatet. Hatgrupper. Hat, hat, hat. Hate is the new sex. 

Och vad händer när man undertrycker naturliga mänskliga impulser och förnekar verkligheten? Det vill säga, att det faktiskt finns saker som är värda att hata. 

Först kommer projiceringarna. *De* är fyllda av hat. Inte vi. 

Och sedan kommer...hatet. Det undertryckta hatet. Som en explosion. "You are here". 

Jag syftar givetvis på att dammluckorna har brustit när det gäller "de ovaccinerade" (vad nu det är för något). Anta att DN istället skrivit "Judarna borde bekosta sin egen koshermat" eller "Muslimerna borde bekosta sina egna omskärelser". Eller varför inte "Afghanska ensamkommande borde bekosta sin egen svenskundervisning". Vad hade hänt då? Gissa. 

Lägg också märke till att de flesta ovaccinerade *med stor sannolikhet är invandrare*. Är det verkligen en slump att de liberala anti-rasisterna väljer att attackera just invandrare via vaccinationsargumentet? Det tror inte jag. Jag tror att globo-liberalerna äntligen hittat en giltig ursäkt (inom ramen för den liberala världsbilden och Overton-fönstret) till att hata, hata, hata alla jävla massinvandrare. Givetvis utan att det syns på ytan. 

För det vore ju *verkligt* hat. Och det sysslar inte vi *upplysta* människor med år 2021. Nähädå. 



ÄNTLIGEN. Den borde få bekosta sin begravning själv också. 

Gävlenbocken har brunnit ner

Låt dem käka fentanyl

Bevisar bara att den fria marknaden fungerar. Sedan opiumkrigen. Som öppnade Kina för världsmarknaden. Vilket har ökat den ekonomiska tillväxten med 75%. Att fler dör av fentanyl visar bara att vi har bättre vetenskap idag än någonsin tidigare. Tack vare globalisering. Opium används till läkemedel och är ett viktigt inslag i fattigdomsbekämpningen i Afghanistan. De som dör av fentanyl i USA hade dött av någonting annat ändå. Kanske malaria. Som inte längre finns i USA. Tack vare Chicago Boys. Sett i relation till folkmängden dör färre människor i USA idag än någonsin tidigare. Förutom feta människor som kolar vippen under en pandemi. Men det är exceptionellt. Det kommer alltid att finnas pessimister. 

Fentanyl vanligaste dödsorsaken bland yngre amerikaner

Låt dem käka elräkningar

LOL! För tankarna till Wolodarskis bisarra dumheter för sex år sedan på temat "Sverige har aldrig varit tryggare". Häpnadsväckande att det fortfarande finns folk som saknar, ska vi säga, krismedvetande. 

Och när krisen till slut inte går att förneka (när de hänger upp och ner från en lyktstolpe?), så kommer de givetvis skylla allting på "extremister", "disinfo" och "pessimister". För EGENTLIGEN har vi ju aldrig haft det bättre. Objektivt sett. I genomsnitt. Jämfört med äldre medeltiden. 

Eller hur?  

"Vi har råd med höga elpriser"


Are liberals and leftoids abandoning the demand for universal health care in favor of needlecraft apartheid? Extremely good article, worth reading! 

The Left would sacrifice the unvaccinated

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Interesting times

OK, I am getting this right? Most scientists seem to be suggesting (if you read the fine print in the main stream media) that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is much *less* dangerous than the Delta variant. Indeed, it seems to be much less dangerous than the original COVID-19 virus. Yet, it´s also expected to "completely overwhelm" the health care system. And for that reason, everyone who refuses to take the vaccine (which may not even work against Omicron - this also according to fine print in the main stream media) will be shut out of society: jobs, supermarkets, public transit, diners, pubs, etc. And, of course, Facebook. You might even end up in jail! Unless you live in a country where *everyone* is locked down...again. 

I call bullshit. It´s becoming increasingly clear that the lockdowns, mandates and passports are really about social control. Or, not to put too fine spin on it, repression. Are we to believe that the same neo-liberal governments *who never gave shit about health care before* (unless you could handsomely pay for it) are suddenly going after the evil evilly anti-vaxxers *because they want to save the health care system (and our public health)* from these truly Satanic minions? Not to mention everything else they screwed up for the past 30 year or so...

No, this is an ersatz state of emergency, a form of creeping authoritarian globo-liberalism, by which a dying class (the PMC) is trying to shore up its crumbling system and thereby its power and privilege. COVID is a real pandemic, but it must have been a heaven´s send that it came in 2020, enabling the US Democrats to defeat Trump in the elections, and then try and deflect (or even repress) popular anger at Biden´s failures by using COVID as the perfect excuse. It also created an excuse for both Dems and GOP to transfer billions or trillions to their fat corpocratic donors (the PMC and the corpocracy of course being tight allies). This also explains the (bizarre) tendency of many supposedly radical leftists (including ostensible revolutionaries) to *support* the state of emergency, which atomizes the working class and often disproportionately hits the specially oppressed. The leftists are based in the PMC, and indeed, under a lockdown, the workers and oppressed will become totally dependent on the work-from-home middle class radicals, who will "lobby" the governments to give the downtrodden at least a token slice of the COVID relief pie. Being does indeed determine consciousness. 

The good news is that the repression will fail. How many people are willing to put up with all this BS for another year? Or two years? And how strong is the globo-liberal establishment *really*? The so-called anti-vaxxers won´t go quietly into the night. Let´s hope there is still room for a peaceful, democratic conflict resolution in 2022. Otherwise, there might be an ugly trial by combat...

I long wondered how the old world would end. Fires? Floods? The Great Meteor? A squamous rugose green monster squid with bat wings rising from the ocean? Or some basic bitch combo of all the usual suspects: peak oil, Islamist terrorists, Russian breakaway republics, melting doomsday glaciers, the mysterious disappereance of the honeybees, and a random dude named Donald? (The SWP and Militant aren´t on the list, sorry.) I admit that I didn´t believe globo-liberalism would meet its Waterloo because of a flu epidemic and the refusal of some QAnons to take a vaccine, but I suppose we live in interesting times.