Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Hysterical petty bourgeois...or just hysterically funny?

I don´t know who wrote this, but it´s damn funny. Yes, there are many crazy "Communists" on Twitter and on YouTube, my favorite being Communist Furries (yes, Furries), apparently also with a slightly pro-Stalinist tinge. Or is it tail? Their main activity are dog fights against Nazi Furries. Or so I´ve heard. I also wonder what the hell "Communists" (that´s freaking Communists, for crying out loud) are doing on Twitter...

I laugh every time I see Communists on Twitter. Seriously, wazza up?

Is this how you organize the proletariat, the people´s front, the red labor opposition or whatever?


When I was your age, Communists worked in labor unions (if possible), stood on street corners selling their paper, etc.

They also organized protest marches around real issues, you know, like solidarity with Nicaragua and so on.

You´re spending most of your time on Twitter, a forum 100% middle class.

That´s because you are middle class yourselves, the most atomized and decadent part, presumably.

Have you ever worked for real? I mean, even in services or education (that´s not proletarian, of course)?

Also, everyone can see you on Twitter. The NSA already has a list of all Tankies and Antifas on Twitter.

Wanna bet?

Don´t even get me started on the “Communists” who are “trans-people” or whatever.

Modern Communism is a movement of privileged middle class freaks who meme each other on Twitter. Ha ha ha.

Come back when you convinced Trump´s working class base in the Midwest to support your labor organizations!

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