Sunday, July 29, 2018

They´re coming to get you, Barbara

I admit that I don't like horror movies, especially not the horror stereotypes: blonde girl with big you-know-what screaming, vampires, zombies, even more vampires, etc.

The cleavage and the vampires have been left out of this one, but there sure are some zombies in it.

This is the 1990 remake of "Night of the Living Dead", George Romero's horror classic from 1968. I didn't like the original, and would go for this colour version if forced to choose. However, I don't think the remake was much of a hit either. It's not even entertaining in turkey fashion. OK, maybe a little. The opening line, "They're coming to get you, Barbara" is a cult classic. Another funny detail, given the title of the movie, are the end credits: "Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is co-incidental". I suspect the pun was unintended.

As for the actual plot, it's the usual one: Barbara (who turns out to be a feminist vigilante), Ben and a couple of other people barricade themselves in a house, while zombies from nearby cemeteries attack the premises. The survivors trapped inside the house don't get along very well, some of them are zombified, and a break-out attempt ends in a big gas explosion. Eventually, Barbara manages to escape - the zombies aren't very fast, nor very clever - and the film ends with redneck vigilantes lynching zombies, letting them fight each other for sport, etc.

"Night of the Living Dead" thus ends on a pessimistic note, with the poor zombies becoming a new, oppressed minority. And yes, Barbara shoots the annoying male chauvinist Mr. Cooper. Good going, Barb. He definitely had it coming.

"Night of the Living Dead" might scare the living (!) daylights out of your children, or very sensitive persons, or perhaps your Chihuahua, but for us adult non-zombies, the film is an exercise in futility.

Two stars.

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