Friday, July 27, 2018

I took a little souvenir, 57 pretty heads

Well, what can I say? It's a murder orgy signed Quentin Tarantino.

If you love samurai action and spaghetti western music, "Kill Bill, Vol 1" is for you. If not, you will probably consider this to be the worst slapstick-and-slash movie ever made.

I admit I was sceptical at first, but I started loving the movie when O-Ren cut off the head of Mr. Tanaka for questioning her ethnic background (well, what would *you* do, huh?). The best character: Gogo Yubari, a sadistic and severely disturbed 17-year old girl working for the Yakuza. How do people even *come up* with characters like that?!

The plot doesn't stand closer scrutiny. Let's just say that The Bride is a female vigilante who doesn't want to be sexually molested while comatose, and has a real crush on samurai swords...

"Kill Bill, Vol. 1" is definitely worth five stars. But please don't tell anyone about this review. I'm supposed to be an intellectual, for crying out loud!

I took a little souvenir, 57 pretty heads...

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