Friday, July 27, 2018

Eric J Lerner = Agent of Gaddafi

A fake review I posted on Amazon of Eric Lerner´s book "The Big Bang Never Happened". Reviews of this kind were accepted for over a decade! 

Eric J. Lerner has been a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche. He is still a supporter of fusion energy.

Therefore, obviously, he is a cultist.

Lerner's book is heavily promoted by the International Marxist Tendency. They infiltrated the British Labour Party during the 1980's, using the front name "Militant Tendency". Today, they support Hugo Chavez.

Chavez is a friend of Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi (a.k.a. the Brother Leader of the Revolution).

Therefore, Eric J. Lerner is a friend of Gaddafi, too.



OK, sorry, but I couldn't help myself...

No matter who is right or wrong concerning the big one, life on planet Earth will go on pretty much as usual. For instance, LaRouche will probably stand in the presidential elections this year as well.

So what on earth is the problem?

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