Sunday, February 4, 2024

Rosemary´s Baby or just End of Days?


I almost forgot about the Palmarian Church, having read about them in some book 20 years ago. YouTube´s all-knowing algorithm recently recommended me to look at some of their content, so here we go! It turns out that the Palmarian Church, based in Spain, has its own "pope" (or is it Anti-Pope), with the peculiar name Peter III. Above, we see the petty pontiff during a triumphalist mass in the main church building of this group. Note the cheers, applause and I-pods of the audience in attendance!

On to the Wikipedia entry, where I found a *lot* of information about this stongly sectarian Church. Here are the "best" tidbits (yes, I want to indulge ye):  

>>>At the time of his passing, the General of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face and other top Palmarian bishops, were in Bogotá, Colombia, as part of their regular trips across the Atlantic Ocean to see to their followers and attempt to recruit more clergy. 

>>>While waiting to be deported from Colombia, a few hours after the death of Pope Paul VI, Domínguez reported an apparition, in which a mystical papal coronation ceremony took place, where he was crowned Sovereign Pontiff of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church by Jesus Christ himself, with Peter and Paul in attendance, as well as the recently deceased Pope Paul VI. 

>>>Although confessing to be but a poor sinner, from now on he would be referred to by Palmarian believers as Pope Gregory XVII and the Holy See of the Catholic Church would no longer be in Rome, but in El Palmar de Troya. The motto he took was Gloria Olivae, drawn from the Prophesy of the Popes, a Christian apocalyptic writing.


>>>Supposedly, before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, comes the Antichrist. An in-depth and specific account of the Antichrist is given in the Palmarian Catechism. 

>>>The Palmarian Church teaches that a Beast of a woman, consecrated to Satan is brought up, as an Anti-Mary (the antithesis of the Blessed Virgin Mary), a false virgin from a Jewish background. Both Satan and the Virgin Mary appear before her, as she is given the choice over becoming Satan's mother, with the former arguing for and the latter against, using her free will, the Anti-Mary chooses in the affirmative. 

>>>She joins a "Jewish religious group involved in Satan worship" and eventually becomes their leader. In a great Masonic Lodge, elaborately decorated with an inverted crucifix, she copulates on the altar with an apostate ex-Palmarian Bishop, dressed in his clerical attire. 

>>>Described as "extraordinarily beautiful and seductive", upon the completion of the act of fornication, the Anti-Mary immediately strangles the ex-Bishop and kills him (whereby he goes straight to hell). The Antichrist; Satan; is immediately conceived in the flesh and all of hell rejoices. The entire ceremony is witnessed by a group of leading 33rd degree Freemasons.

Sounds like the plot of every bad horror flick from the 1970´s ever. But then, perhaps the flicks are based on Christian or pseudo-Christian speculations about how the end times will look like? 

It turns out that Wiki´s entry draws heavily from the work of a Swedish historian of religion, Magnus Lundberg, so off I went to his blog, where I downloaded (for free) an entire 200+ book on the Palmarian Church! So I suppose this isn´t over yet. Not by a long shot. Below, a link to Wikipedia and one to the relevant section of Lundberg´s blog. 

Happy huntin´! 

Palmarian Christian Church

Magnus Lundberg: Palmarian Catholic Church

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