Saturday, February 3, 2024

Make America (and the world) NORMAL again


What if the true black swan of 2024 isn´t all the shit that will undoubtedly happen, but a creeping *normalization* of both politics, culture and "discourse" in general? 

It may be very "impressonistic" to think in these terms, but I couldn´t help myself when faced with some of the recent news/hype. 

For instance, Trump´s half-hidden call to increase financial support to Ukraine. Or NYT´s questioning of the trans agenda. Or the pushback against bizarre conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift. Perhaps Nikki Haley has captured a real mood with her new slogan "Make America NORMAL again". And what about the increasing support for nuclear power? Even the mainstreaming of opposition to mass immigration could be interpreted as a normalization of sorts...

I wonder what´s going on (if I´m right at all). Perhaps this is the fall out of the Israel-Hamas war, which effectively split the liberal coalition. The more moderate elements support Israel. The un-ironically Woke are useful idiots for Hamas. This, in turn, makes the moderates - and the common people - question the rest of Wokeness.  

I see this normalization as a good thing, since abnormality probably isn´t a very good response to the crises ahead...    

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