Monday, February 26, 2024

The Thunderbird Effect

One of the more funny cryptozoology mysteries. Think Mandela Effect or something to that, well, effect. Somewhere, there is supposed to be an authentic photo of a "thunderbird" (a monstrous cryptid raptor) nailed to a barn, surrounded by cowboys. The photo may be taken in Tombstone, and many people have hazy memories that they´ve seen it in some old newspaper or magazine. However, cryptozoologists and other enthusiasts can´t seem to find it?! 

Weirdly, I also have a rather strong memory of a thunderbird photo that fits the description. It´s not included in the collection below, but the way I remember it, it was the Argentavis silhouette surrounded by the usual cowboys. Which isn´t a mystery at all, since I read Fortean journals during my sadly misspent youth. At the moment, I can´t seem to find them, but my guess is that it would have been INFO Journal circa 1990. My point being that the picture was probably photo-shopped, not the elusive original. 

Bing AI´s version of the Tombstone thunderbird can be seen above, LOL.

About the Thunderbird Photo 

Thunderbird Photos Exposed! 

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