Saturday, April 29, 2023

10 questions Shaivas can answer


How would a Shaiva answer the questions from the YouTube clip linked in the previous blog post? No idea, and they probably never will, so I decided to LARP as a Shaiva of a slightly Left Hand Path inclination. Or is it the Lord of the Dance himself who is speaking here?

Does science answer everything? – No, it doesn´t. Still, it´s great fun that my idol is on display outside CERN!

Why do atheists care if people worship God? – Why do you care if people worship Shiva instead of Christ?

Can Nothing create Something? – Of course Nothing can create Something. I AM THAT NOTHING, BROTHER!!!

If you never been everywhere in the universe, how do you know God doesn´t exist? – If you never been everywhere in the universe, how do you know Shiva doesn´t exist? I´m right under your nose as we speak, in fact I am INSIDE OF YOU.

What is the origin of life? – Well, what do you think? Can you prove that your god created life 6000 years ago, rather than our god creating and DESTROYING life as he dances along for billions of years? MU HA HA HA!

If humans are animals, where does our sense of morality and justice come from? – What morality? What justice? You sound like an orthodox Vaishnava or something…

If you had evidence of God, would you become a Christian? – If you had evidence of Shiva, would you become a Shaiva? Or would you run away from me in sheer terror of my sublime tandava dance?

If evolution is real, how come there are no transitional forms in the present? – Not part of my play, dude.

Do you live your life according to your belief, or according to what you lack in belief? – Can´t say I really give a damn, frankly, since every single one of you are my puppets on a string anyway HA HA HA.

“If God exists, will you not lose your soul when you die” – If Shiva exists, will you not lose *your* soul when you die?

“Just because you can´t see God, doesn´t mean he doesn´t exist” – Oh, granted, but you see me all the time, just look around you, who do you think is behind this imaginative creation? That little bleeding heart pussy god of yours? Nah, it was Me all this time!

“Creation itself testifies to a powerful and imaginative creator” – I see you appreciate me creating tape worms, zombie ants, ichneumon wasps and shit. Maybe there is hope for you guys after all!


  1. Off topic. Joe Biden - dement och gränslös.

  2. Har kommenterat där. Tycker i största allmänhet att hela "Biden-fenomenet" är oerhört märkligt. Kanske ännu märkligare än Trump-fenomenet!

  3. Ja, det är extremt märkligt. Att en stor del av de ledande grupperna i USA har lagt ner så stor energi på att få ett dement kvasipedofilt creep till landets högsta post. Jag förstår förstås att de inte ville ha Bernie Sanders, och Hillary Clinton ansågs väl förbrukad när hon förlorade mot Trump valet innan. Men av alla karriärister i det demokratiska partiet borde de väl ha kunnat hitta tusentals ock åter tusentals som var mer kvalificerad än Biden. Att hitta någon som var mindre kvalificerad än Biden torde däremot ha varit ganska så svårt.

    Erik R

  4. Sure! Punch down on 'Uncle Joe'! Given the above blog, it appears Shiva is indeed just messing about with all Creation, including we colonialist/invaders here in North America who ran off, tortured and infected with all forms of European disease the natives who came across the Bering Strait some 30,000-15,000 years or so ago, from (most likely) Siberia!
