Saturday, April 29, 2023

OK, so I decided to LARP "atheist" again...


The short video above is from YouTube and has the provocative title “10 Questions Atheists CANNOT answer” (at least that´s the title in the description). I´m not an atheist sensu stricto, but since I have nothing to do on this boring and grey Saturday morning, I decided to LARP such ay creature, so here are my answers…

Does science answer everything – No, it doesn´t. How does that disprove atheism? Everything we know comes from empirical experiences. In *that* sense I suppose you could say that “science answers everything”, since science is a generalized empirical method of research. Besides, does the Bible answer everything? For instance, is the germ theory of disease in your holy book? What about the existence of America? Or the discovery of Pluto?

Why do atheists care if people worship God – Because people who worship God persecute atheists!

Can Nothing create Something? – No, but you believe that Something can create Something else from Nothing. You know, creation ex nihilo and all that.

If you never been everywhere in the universe, how do you know God doesn´t exist? – Are you telling me God actually shows himself on other planets? Could you please tell him to show his ass on our planet, too?

What is the origin of life? – Can you prove that God created life, then? Show me your peer reviewed paper…

If humans are animals, where does our sense of morality and justice come from? – We are highly aberrant animals, LOL. Seriously, it comes from the fact that we are an intelligent social species. Where does your sense of morality come from? The Bible? Which book? Joshua or the Sermon on the Mount? Why are they better than simply being social? Perhaps the real mystery is where genocide or quietism in the face of genocide come from…

If you had evidence of God, would you become a Christian? – A sly question, me man, since it shows that most atheists are really misotheists. I´ll let you know my true feelings when the evidence is forthcoming!

If evolution is real, how come there are no transitional forms in the present? – You´re kidding, right?

Do you live your life according to your belief, or according to what you lack in belief? – What on earth does this question even mean???

“If God exists, will you not lose your soul when you die” – Pascal´s Wager. Answered 1000 times already. Christians lose out on all the fun shit if atheism is true, btw. You know, sodomy and all that.

“Just because you can´t see God, doesn´t mean he doesn´t exist” – We can´t touch, smell, hear or taste him either, so wazza point, dude?

“Creation itself testifies to a powerful and imaginative creator” – Yeah, he´s “imaginative” alright, creating tape worms, zombie ants, ichneumon wasps and shit. Haven´t you forgotten something in your own theology? I don´t know, the fall or something…

Sure wonder what would happen if a Shaiva would answer the very same questions. Stay tuned!

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