Friday, April 28, 2023

Thugee or devotee?


A fascinating story from the Bhagavata Purana (Shrimad Bhagavatam) about a group of "dacoits" (bandits) who kidnap a devotee of Krishna by mistake, since they need to sacrifice a human to Kali. 

Kali´s reaction is...very Kaliesque, for sure!

The links are to the ISKCON edition, which is verse-by-verse. Yes, you have to read all the verses...


  1. ..."he is always punished in the way mentioned above".... Oj!

  2. Ja, det var jag (Erik R). Mer allmänt framstår ju Kali som betydligt förnuftigare än sina anhängare - i alla fall dessa anhängare. Alltså kan jag fortsätta att dyrka Kali med gott samvete.

  3. Prabhupadas kommentar är ju rätt rolig...
