Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Hail Saint Germain



  1. Not a big fan of the I AM Activity, but their "symbol" is fascinating...

  2. I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the purity God desires!

  3. A bizarre anecdote. In Sweden, the Summit Lighthouse used to have their offices/meeting spaces in a basement in a building in Stockholm that was otherwise occupied by the Swedish energy agency (Energiverket)! I wonder if the bureaucrats at the agency knew that the "Montana Doomsday Cult" was renting space in the same building? And how did the Summit Lighthouse see the situation? They are anti-Communist, so decreeing against Swedish socialism in the same building as an evil regulatory agency must have been quite the experience... BLAST, BLAST, BLAST!!!

  4. The offices had a huge steel door, and on the door was the above symbol. And no, I didn´t dare knocking...

  5. Secret entrance to the melonheads global underground network of nuclear safe shelters and transportation. At least that what Texas Arcane would say.

  6. I unironically like his idea thar "solomons tempel" that the freemasons are working on is about who will get entrace to the best shelters before nuclear SHTF begins.
    And this scenario have played out many times before and will many times again.Homo Sapiens alwaays self destruct to near extinction. Most of the survivors will be Melonheads and Neanderthal, locked in a forever cycle of antagonism and repeated apocalypses.

  7. Was Texas Arcane somehow inspired by the Ascended Masters teachings?

  8. Good old Arcane seemed to be inspired by a lot of things, but i doubt he liked this whole "ascended masters" stuff. He is very christian. Somehow he managed to shoehorn this whole neanderthal thing into being what the bible is all about.
    He really despised freemasons etc... They were hierarchical and centralised in their melonhead mindset, unlike other neanderthals who by nature are anarchistic, tribal and decentralised(Nordbol?).

  9. Of course he was contantly busy improving his own fall out shelter. Abandonded his shelter in USA to build a new one in australia, wich hw believed was better during nuclear holocaust.
    He also believe i massive global cool-down. Not from nuclear winter but from changes in solar magnetism or something.

  10. Combined with massive prolonged snowfall. Get ready for the whole northern hemisphere ti be covered in 10 meters of snow at least.

  11. Only people with neanderthal and or melonhead DNA will have what it takes to survive this in any significant numbers.
