Saturday, January 4, 2020

Make the zodiac Greta again

Greta Thunberg celebrated her 17th birthday yesterday. So *that´s* the explanation! She´s a Capricorn!

I should have known.

Only a Cap can be so super-serious that he or she tries to save the world at the age of 16, and doesn´t understand why nobody else gives a damn. The weird sarcastic humor is also a typical Cap trait. Yes, Greta has that too – hi there, Sharon!

I happen to be familiar with this problematique, since I know at least one other Capricorn with similar tendencies. Yes, that would be, ahem…myself. 

However, there is one obvious difference between my horoscope and Greta´s. OK, I haven´t checked hers, but if you believe in astrology (as a card-carrying Cap, I obviously don´t), Uranus is crazy planet. And I happen to have it in a *very* prominent position in my horoscope. Even apart from the fact that my progressed sun is probably in Aquarius right now…

By contrast, Gretish Thunbergish is 100% Saturnine.

I suppose this explain why Greta is busy saving the world, while I´m busy trolling her from a blog named after the Ashtar Command.

No hard feelings, I hope.


  1. The real explanation is that she´s got Asperger´s while you probably have a bad case of ADHD. Ever thought of that one, "Ashtar"?

  2. Intressant. Jag är också stembock, och har också en Asperger-diagnos. Jag brukade förut ofta ilsket säga att jag var feldiagnostiserad, men efter att ha fått reda på att Greta Thunberg också har den diagnosen började jag tona ner detta...

    Dessutom ingår vi ju båda i den dessbättre numera ganska stora grupp som inser att den globala uppvärmningen är ett hot mot mänskligheten.

  3. Får väl önska grattis på födelsedagen! ;-)

    Har du förresten läst mina inlägg "A Theosophist in Bombay" och länken i inlägget "Wtf, I love Anglo-Catholicism now". Innehåller en del intressant bakgrund till teosofi, LKK och annat.
