Saturday, January 25, 2020

A flawed understanding of Realpolitik

Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) is being such a basic bitch here. The real question is not if the Buddha could time travel, it is whether Christian Rosenkreutz sent Gautama to the planet Mars in the year 1604 after a secret council of the true Rosicrucians to stop humanity from splitting into two entirely different species. 

Gee, I thought that was obvious.

And the fun time continues...

The Wiki page about Sadhguru was obviously written by one of his critics. I mean, just listen to this infinite wisdom: 

"Vasudev's sociopolitical ideology aligns with that of Bharatiya Janata Party and HindutvaAn article over The Wire noted him to play a vital role within the right wing ecosystem—sugarcoating an exclusionary brand of non-secular ethno-nationalistic politics with an universalist mystic mooring, and deliver the same in a tranquil and captivating manner before an urban audience, whilst operating from within the realms of apolitical spiritual spaces. He advocates a total ban on cow slaughterHis understanding of realpolitik and history, as displayed in delivering these stances has been widely criticized."

I can only hope and pray that Adiyogi will give his most trusted servant a better understanding of Realpolitik in the near future. 

1 comment:

  1. Somebody just changed the Wiki article, making it sound less comic. Funny how it happened just after I posted this, ha ha ha.
