Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let them eat roasted locusts

The recent invasion of desert locusts in East Africa was hardly caused by climate change, since locusts have threatened Africa since time immemorial. Remember the seven plagues of Egypt? 

And even if it was, so what? The airplanes used to spray the locusts with pesticides are dependent on fossil fuels. And the pesticides are hardly organic.

So the only way to have modern agriculture in Africa is to go full brownlash. Otherwise, most Africans would die of starvation. And Europeans would have no more hot chocolate. Or whatever it is we´re importing from down there. 

And no, I´m not "denying climate change" or anything like that. I´m just the grumpy old guy in the back of the room reminding you all what we are *really* up against.

Jehovah, come back, all is forgiven.


  1. Man undrar hur alla som bullshittar om elektrifiering och Ringhals tänker lösa problemet med gräshopporna? Man kanske kan elektrifiera alla flygplan i Afrika, och alla isolerade flygfält i Kenya och Sydsudan, och ta kraften från flytande kärnkraftverk på pontoner i Blå Nilen? HA HA HA.

  2. It just struck me that locusts could be highly nutritious, so perhaps the Africans can sell them to crazy woke consumers in the West, after first roasting them and dipping them in cocoa? I see a potential billion-dollar industry here.

  3. For the record, I´m being ironic...

  4. Why are locusts suddenly a problem according to Western media, just six months ago we were supposed to EAT insects! Funny how fast that shit evaporated when the real insects actually came swarming...

  5. Will Deep Green Resistance and Derrick Jensen dare to come out and say that we shouldn´t help the starving Africans since this simply shows modern agriculture is impossible in overpopulated regions? Or no...?

  6. What will China do now? Is their food security dependent on import from the affected region?
