Thursday, November 21, 2019

The cosmic triumph of Donald Trump

For some time, I wondered why "Ashtar Command and Trump" is the most popular search term for those who find my blog. I mean, I assumed my QAnon proclivities were a well-kept secret and so forth. I just got the answer. My blog inadvertently comes up when people search for stuff like the one linked below. And here I´ve been complaining about Queer Vanatru being crazy...

Just another Thursday in cyberspace.

Donald Trump has the support of the Galactic Federation


  1. "He is running for office with the backup of the Galactic Federation of Light" Det måste väl bero på att med en sån som Trump som chef för världens starkaste militärmakt blir det mycket lättare att invadera jorden.

  2. Trump kanske i hemlighet är posadista?

  3. Märke du förresten att den där bisarra sajten även hyllar Obama? Det måste vara parodi!
