Sunday, August 25, 2019

The monofuture just cracked

Finally, some good news...unfortunately, only in Swedish! Also a positive example of the Greta Thunberg effect. Maybe it *is* a good thing that she hooked with the Grimaldis of Monte Carlo and went on that little leisure cruise across the Atlantic? 

An article in Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter mentions sailing ships, Flettner rotors and unmanned dirigibles (sic) as possible solutions to our transportation problems in a fossil-free future. The dirigible stuff sounds sci fi, but the others are interesting (unless the Flettner rotor needs some exotic mineral from North Korea to work properly). 

It seems the "monofuture" just cracked. 

Or maybe not, since DN is the fickle organ of the equally fickle privileged middle classes of globalist-liberal persuasion, so I wouldn´t be surprised if these guys turn coat again next week in favor of Elon Musk´s electric cars, Elon Musk´s plans to nuke Mars, Elon Musk´s cold fusion, or whatever gadget Elon Musk claims to have invented this week!

Maybe somebody should tell Greta to sail across the Pacific, too...

Segelbåtar och zeppelinare löser klimatkrisen

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