In 1888,
famous Swedish writer August Strindberg plus family spent the summer in
Denmark, at the 18th century Skovlyst palace at Holte. Strindberg,
who I assume was quite the character, was soon embroiled in a bitter conflict
with the head of the palace staff, Ludvig Hansen. Hansen accused Strindberg of
sleeping around with one of the maids, 16-year old Martha Magdalene, who was also
Hansen´s half-sister. Apparently, Hansen´s violent outbursts scared Strindberg
into leaving the palace prematurely. Later, he filed a formal complaint with
the Danish authorities, accusing Hansen of theft. Then, nothing much happened,
Strindberg with family simply leaving the country.
Or so poor
Hansen imagined…
In 1889,
Strindberg had a novella published in Denmark. Titled “Tschandala”, it´s
nominally about the conflict between a cultivated 17th century
Swedish intellectual and a suspicious-looking Scanian palace administrator
(Scania or Skåne was a Danish province until the 17th century).
Anyone who knew the local gossip about the Hansen fracas immediately recognized
the references. Yes, it was Strindberg´s answer to Hansen´s accusations,
republished on a semi-regular basis ever since as part of the famous author´s
collected works. Clearly, messing around with August Strindberg came with a
price! (The Swedish version wasn´t published until 1897.)
As already
indicated, the plot is set in late 17th century Sweden. The main
character, Andreas Törner, is a learned university teacher who is forced to
spend a summer in Scania, a former Danish territory annexed by the Swedish
great power. Törner and his family rent rooms at a nearby palace, administered
by a certain Jensen, who is married to the aristocratic widow owning the
estate. Jensen turns out to be a “Gypsy” or “Traveler” (Strindberg uses the politically
incorrect designations “zigenare” and “tattare”. The latter in particular is
considered strongly derogatory). He is depicted as a lower breed of man, a chandala
or pariah, constantly surrounded by filth and foul stenches. The palace and its
adjacent gardens are run down, the animals have nothing to eat, and the
administrator´s main activity seems to be stealing (and sometimes eating) other
animals from nearby farms. His family are a clan of bandits, and heavy drinking
orgies are the main order of the day. Like many other low-lives, Jensen
imagines himself to be a man of culture, worth and education, but of course
looks comic or pathetic compared to Törner, described as an “Aryan”. Jensen is
also something of a pimp – he wants his daughter Magelone to enter an illicit
sexual relationship with Törner. Soon, the Aryan and the Gypsy are at each
other´s throats in something that is presumably supposed to be a psychological
thriller. Jensen burglarizes Törner´s rented room, threatens his children, tries
to get him framed for theft, and so on. Törner fights back as best he can. At
one point in the narrative, the Aryan reveals that Jensen´s wife isn´t really
an aristocrat at all, but the daughter of a common harlot, thereby punctuating
Jensen´s insolent pretensions at being part of the nobility. It also punctuates
Jensen´s Gypsy pride, since it means that a non-Gypsy “gypped” *him* rather
than the other way around. (It´s part of the plot that Jensen believes his wife
to actually be a noblewoman, and therefore regards his marriage with her as his
best Gypsy scam.)
interesting detail with the story, is that Törner (who is Strindberg´s alter
ego, remember?) *does* have sex with Magelone (really Hansen´s teenage sister
Martha Magdalene). Magelone is described as extremely ugly, and sex with her as
borderline bestiality. Törner´s body and soul are soiled by the experience,
while the Gypsy of course sees it as a great success for his intrigues. In the
end, Törner decides to get rid of Jensen. Playing on the Gypsy´s superstitions
and fears, Törner projects pictures of ghosts which profoundly shock Jensen
and reduce him to a babbling fool. In a climactic scene, a ghost-like image of
a dog appears, inducing the starving dogs of the palace to attack the
distraught pariah, tearing him to pieces. “The Aryan had emerged victorious”.
How much
of the story is true? This sounds like a silly question – everyone assumes that
it´s character assassination pure and simple – but in his private letters,
Strindberg at least pretended that “Tschandala” told the truth, with the
obvious exception of the climactic murder scene. He claims that Hansen actually
was a Gypsy, defrauded Strindberg of money for the rent, and then drove him away
from the palace. A Gypsy orchestra, a burglary into Strindberg´s rented room,
and huge aggressive dogs played a prominent part in the psychological warfare. In
his letters, Strindberg admits that he did have sex with the maid, but claims
that she was 18 years old (and hence presumably legal to mount). The letter
includes a portrait of Martha Magdalene, drawn by Strindberg himself, depicting
an ugly and slightly obese nude female. She was also “very hairy”. Strindberg
also claims that the aristocratic lady who owned Skovlyst was a brothel owner!
obvious reasons, “Tschandala: berättelse från 1600-talet” (the Swedish title),
is often considered to be Strindberg´s absolutely worst work, due to its
explicit anti-Gypsy or anti-Traveler racism. While the anti-Ziganism is (of
course) obvious, the work has further dimensions, equally disturbing to modern
readers (and also to “progressive” Strindberg aficionados – the famous writer
is often regarded as a man of the left). “Tschandala” is a Nietzschean story,
with Törner-Strindberg cast in the role of Übermensch. The word in the title comes
from Nietzsche´s “The Anti-Christ”, where he uses it profusely. In Hinduism,
the chandalas are one of the untouchable castes. Equality is said to be
impossible, since there really are different breeds of men. Even more
disturbingly, inequality has to be *consciously created*. The “tschandalas” are
filthy because they have been *forced* into the gutter by Manu´s laws. Also,
the only way for the Aryans to flourish is by oppressing the “tschandalas”, thereby
turning them into manure for the sprouting of the elite intelligentsia. In the
novella, Törner has to set aside his Christian convictions and veneer of
civilization in order to embrace his true nature as an Overman. Only by
dispensing with societal conventions can he hope to defeat the out-cast Gypsy. It´s
also interesting that Törner is described as a progressive. He is opposed to
the autocratic rule of Swedish king Karl XI, and it´s implied at several points
that he is an atheist. Strindberg presumably didn´t see any contradiction
between a certain kind of leftism and the elitism of Friedrich Nietzsche.
With that,
I end this review.
Jag minns att JP Mallory nämnde berättelsen i sin bok "In Search of the Indo-Europeans" från 1989, en bok om teorier om det indoeuropeiska urhemmet (han stödde Gimbutas mot Renfrew, och denna åsikt har de senaste åren blivit allmänt vedertagen). Han tog fram det absurda i att svensken genomgående kallades "ariern" och ställdes mot "zigenaren". Mallory påpekade att "zigenaren" faktiskt hade större rätt att kalla sig "arier" än svensken eftersom han tillhörde en folkgrupp som har indiskt ursprung - och indierna och iranierna var de första som använde termen arier om sig själva - långt innan någon hade hört talas om det uttrycket i Sverige.
ReplyDeleteDet stämmer, men Strindberg skulle väl ha svarat att chandalas måste vara icke-arier etniskt sett, eller att svenskarna äro arier "andligen", eller något sådant. Eller något ännu konstigare, jag menar, vi snackar om Strindberg...