Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Trinity or Tawheed?


A surprisingly advanced and serious theological critique of Islam from an Orthodox Christian perspective (presumably Eastern Orthodox). Not the usual stuff about Muhammad being a paedophile who enserfed the dhimmis and wanted to capture Constantinople.

The presenter argues in favor of the Trinity, liturgical worship and icons on the basis of the Old Testament. He also believes that the Muslim view of the Bible is inconsistent at best. Also includes some discussion on who is a true prophet.  

Note also the criticism of Alt Right (?) people considering conversion to Islam “based” or “trad”.

Recommended viewing on a dark Wednesday morning!


  1. How's the weather today? I argue in favor of refraining from pronouncement of *what reality is* until we get the scientific report. Myths have no empirical evidence, or do they?

  2. My take is that not even mystics can arbritate between Islam and Christianity, so even if mystical experiences are somehow true, it implies a kind of pluralism...
