Sunday, November 13, 2022

Joan of Arc: the pagan connection


Was Joan of Arc a Shamanistic pagan? Some interesting speculations from our old man Thomas Sheridan, still at large somewhere in County Sligo. But he begins by a blistering (and negative) review of "alternative media" and "Truthers". 

1 comment:

  1. From the commentary section below the YouTube clip:

    >>>Hi Thomas, i met a guru in India who said that Joan was an incarnation of Durga, the warrior goddess. it was important for France to escape the English and establish itself and end 100 years of looting and destruction. ive lived in Rouen France and followed up lots of her legends. Before going into Battle she meditated alone for days with a statue of the Black Madonna. No one knows how these statues arrived in France but many think they came from India brought back by the crusaders and were Mahakali representions. She also sent someone to dig in a secret spot to find a sacred weapon which was her sword. When she was burnt her heart didnt burn and this was a sign of a living saint. Her heart was put into the river in a ceremony. Absolutely amazing.>>>
