Sunday, June 21, 2020

A more perfect union...or make Denmark great again?

“Kalmarunionen - en nordisk stormakt föds” is a book by Dick Harrison, a Swedish professor of medieval history. The Kalmar Union, which nominally (and sometimes really) existed from 1397 to 1523, was a personal union between the three Scandinavian kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. At the time, Finland was an integrated part of the Swedish kingdom, while Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands sorted under Norway. The acts of union were signed in the Swedish town of Kalmar, but in practice Denmark was the dominant kingdom. Harrison´s book deal with the historical background to the Union, and the rule of Margareta or Margret (her reign in Sweden lasted from 1389 to 1412). It also discusses the time of Erik (or Eric) of Pomerania (reigned in Sweden 1412-1439 with some interruptions), but cuts the story short immediately before the Engelbrekt uprising in 1434. Harrison has written extensively about Engelbrekt and the later history of the Union elsewhere.

The Kalmar Union was formed in response to the chaos after the Black Death or Great Death, the plague pandemic around 1350 which killed about half of Europe´s population. The architect of the union, Margareta, had gradually become de facto and then de jure ruling queen of Denmark and Norway during the 1370´s and 1380´s. She also gained the support of the Swedish nobility. Margareta´s project was to create a regional great power that could defeat the well-organized pirates (the Victual Brothers) which made the Baltic Sea unsafe, while also challenging the dominance of the German Hanseatic League. The Swedish nobles felt shortchanged by the incompetent king Albrekt of Mecklenburg and his German bailiffs (in later sources known as “the birds of prey”). Albrekt´s main backer, Bo Jonsson (Grip), owned and controlled almost half of the kingdom. Or perhaps all of it, since Jonsson was the king´s “prime minister”. To rid Sweden of Jonsson and Albrekt, the nobility was willing to cooperate with a powerful foreign monarch. (Jonsson died a few years before the final showdown between Margareta and Albrekt, however.)  Besides, Margareta wasn´t strictly speaking “foreign” at all, being the widow of the Norwegian king Håkan Magnusson, who was the son of Magnus Eriksson, the Swedish king deposed by Albrekt. Magnus Eriksson had at one point been king of both Sweden, Norway and Scania, so the union idea wasn´t new either. The irony is that many nobles had initially supported Albrekt´s coup against Magnus, only to get cold feet later! Game of thrones...

Harrison clearly admires Margareta, one of the few powerful women in the man´s world of the Late Middle Ages. There is little doubt that Margareta did succeed in creating a Nordic great power of sorts. However, Margareta saw the Union as first and foremost a personal and family project, with the nobility playing second fiddle, and the common folk essentially none at all. She even confronted the clergy, expropriating vast Church holdings. It´s probably symptomatic that Magareta died of the plague during an attempt to add the Duchy of Schleswig to her realm. Erik had a similar view of the Union, and attempted to centralize it more than Margareta ever did (the Union flag was his idea). Erik´s reign also saw the first major crisis of the Union, when the Swedish peasantry, led by Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson (a member of the lower nobility) rose in rebellion against him. After this, the union would never really be the same, with Sweden constantly oscillating between membership and independence (de facto or de jure).

Harrison believes that the Union was doomed to failure from the start, since the component kingdoms were too different. Sweden was oriented towards eastern theatres, seeing a confrontation with Novgorod as having prime geopolitical importance. Denmark, by contrast, wanted to expand on German territory by incorporating Schleswig and Holstein. Before the Union, Sweden and Denmark had fought several wars against each other. Margareta and Erik favored Denmark, and the Swedes increasingly resented that their tax money was used to finance Danish expansion southwards rather than Swedish wars against the Russians. Since “Danish” expansion was really Margareta´s and Erik´s personal expansion, the anger must have been doubled! Harrison further points out that Margareta had a very pragmatic view of “fighting the pirates”, frequently simply recruiting them to the cause of the Kalmar Union instead. Former pirate captains were generously given their own fortified castles if they swore loyalty to Margareta!

In the beginning of the book, Harrison criticizes the Sweden Democrats (the right-wing nationalist party in the current Swedish parliament) for having an anachronistic view of the Kalmar Union, seeing it as an early version of the EU and hence extolling the “patriotism” of anti-Union rebel Engelbrekt. But at the end of the book, it´s almost as if Harrison himself projects his hopes and disappointments concerning the EU onto the medieval Kalmar Union. What seemingly began as a cooperative project between three kingdoms to curb the worst abuses of the post-plague world and police the Baltic Sea, ended with a union exclusively for royals and nobles, devoted to their own self-aggrandizement. And yes, it seems to have triggered a kind of “populist” revolt!

Surely Harrison is making a point about our own troubled times here? However, I won´t accuse him of anachronism. Perhaps it´s reality itself which simply moves in circles…

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The memes (and cancellations) make themselves

Just yesterday, I wrote an ironic blog post wherein I "proposed" that the woke left should "cancel" Lincoln, Gandhi and Karl Marx for "racism". Then, this shit happens...

General Grant cancelled

There simply is no hope for this people. But then, maybe that´s a good thing. Those the gods wish to cancel, they first drive ANTIFA. 

Let God sort them out

Dick Harrison is a Swedish history professor who has published a long series of introductory books to various subjects related to Swedish or European history. They are often based on his more extensive volumes on the same topics. This book, “Kättarna – de kristna rebellerna”, seems to be an exception.  It´s an overview of heretical movements within mostly Western Christianity from Roman times onwards. I don´t think Harrison has previously touched on this issue.

Despite being a popularized work, it is surprisingly comprehensive. The “classical” heretics, meaning the Bogomils, Cathars and Waldensians, are of course mentioned. So are Giordano Bruno and Michael Servetus.  However, Harrison is at pains to point out that many suspected ”heretics” were really Christians who simply happened to belong to the wrong theological faction, such as the Arians or Pelagians during Roman times, the Spiritual Franciscans and Beguins during the Middle Ages, or the Protestants during the Reformation. In Protestant lands, the Catholics were the “heretics”!

Groups considered too socially unruly were another potential target. Thus, the flagellants during the Black Death (who were Catholics) often ended their days on the stake after their movement had gotten out of hand. The charge of heresy could also be a cover for political machinations, as when Joan of Arc was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake by the English during the Hundred Years´ War between England and France. A Swedish example was the Stockholm Bloodbath in 1520, when Danish king Christian II (who also claimed the Swedish throne) executed almost 100 opponents from the Swedish nobility after they had first been accused of heresy by the Swedish archbishop (who supported Christian). In reality, the conflict was completely political, both sides being Catholic at the time.

The most interesting chapter deals with a number of almost unknown Swedish heretics. There is the curious case of Botulf Botulfsson, an early 14th century peasant with no known connection to any heretical group, who repeatedly denied the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistic elements. His ultimate fate is unknown, but since he was condemned as a heretic by the Church, Harrison assumes that he was indeed burned at the stake. Another virtually unknown heretic is Hemming of Vadstena, who started preaching in 1442 and claimed to be a conduit for Virgin Mary. Although Hemming was supposedly a simple peasant, the fact that he preached in Vadstena is significant. After all, the Vadstena abbey was founded a century earlier by Saint Bridget, who claimed to have received visions from…you guessed it…Virgin Mary.

Although I studied Church history at college level, there were some surprises in this book even for me. One is the heretical movement known as Antonianism, which erupted in the Kongo Empire in Central Africa during the 18th century (Kongo controlled parts of modern Congo-Kinshasa and Angola). Antonianism was a peculiar blend of Catholicism, an iconoclasm closer in kind to radical Protestantism, a cargo cult-like apocalypticism, and Black supremacy. The female prophet, Beatriz Kimpa Vita, was burned at the stake in 1706 and the movement collapsed three years later when its “capital” was overrun by Kongo and Portuguese troops.

The last person in the Christian world executed for heresy was Cayetano Ripoll, who was hanged in Spain in 1826 for being a Deist (the secular authorities had “commuted” the sentence from death by burning to death by hanging). According to one urban legend, the Catholic priests insisted on burying his corpse in a barrel on which flames had been painted! Another tall tale has it that the barrel was later burned on the stake…

Since “Kättare” is intended as a brief overview, Harrison never discusses the deeper issues connected to the heresy meme. Why is this meme a feature rather than a bug of Christianity? Could there be a connection to monotheism, for instance? He also denies that heresy and heresy-hunting exists today, surely an ironic statement in a book published in 2020. True, we don´t burn people at the stake today, we just “cancel” them, but maybe tomorrow…? After all, authoritarian secular movements such as Communism also combat “heresy”, so what makes us think we are more safe than our ancestors?

With that little reflection, I close this review of “Kättare – de kristna rebellerna”.

Peter Wolodarski om två månader

Mobben i Minneapolis utsätter borgmästaren, den judiske demokraten Jacob Frey, för något som närmast liknar en kulturrevolutionär "struggle session". Trots att han "bekänner" (första klippet) blir han utbuad och tvingas löpa gatlopp mellan arga demonstranter (andra klippet) sedan han vägrat stödja extremisternas krav på att "avskaffa polisen". Det verkar som att globo-liberalerna har tappat kontrollen över sitt Frankensteins monster... 

Borgmästaren "bekänner"

Borgmästaren blir "utrensad"

Det är någonting som inte riktigt stämmer...

Det är någonting som inte riktigt stämmer här…

Antifa, ett vänsterextremt våldsbejakande anarkistiskt nätverk med internationella kopplingar, har bränt ner typ 15 amerikanska städer genom att ingripa i, eller kanske själva starta, regelrätta kravaller.

Hur har etablissemanget reagerat? Jo, på många håll har guvernörer eller borgmästare i princip sagt åt polisen att inte göra någonting alls. I Minneapolis beordrade borgmästaren att polisen skulle evakuera sitt högkvarter när Antifa gick till attack. På andra ställen har man släppt många som arresterats misstänkta för delaktighet i våldsamheterna. I stort sett ingen som deltagit i kravallerna (eller de fredliga protesterna) har blivit anmäld för att bryta coronakarantänen, trots att denna fortfarande är i kraft i många amerikanska delstater. I Seattle har sex kvarter tagits över av Antifa och utropats till ”autonom zon”, uppenbarligen med borgmästarens goda minne. Även här beordrades polisen att evakuera sitt högkvarter...

Amerikanska medier försökte först förneka att Antifa ens existerade, eller att de var inblandade i kravallerna, trots att anarkisterna själva basunerade ut sin delaktighet (och sin existens) på Twitter och annorstädes. I Sverige har medierna konsekvent refererat till kravallerna som ”protester”, och DN kallar t.o.m. Antifa för ”vänsternätverk”. 

Vänsternätverk? Lite som Feministiskt Initiativ, kanske?

Facebook har censurerat valpropaganda från Trump-kampanjen som angriper Antifa. Och nu senast har Förenta Nationernas office i Genève tweetat sitt stöd till Antifa. Observera också tajmingen på Antifas kravaller. De sammanfaller ganska exakt med inledningen till den amerikanska valrörelsen. De handlar *inte* om att demokraterna *tillsammans med Trump* drev igenom världshistoriens största ”bail out” (eller kanske shake down) under coronakrisen. De handlar inte om statligt finansierad sjukvård. De handlar inte ens om polisreform, eftersom ”Defund the Police” givetvis inte är ett seriöst krav.

Är inte detta märkligt? Hur kan det komma sig att anarkistiska kravallanter har det liberala etablissemangets fulla stöd? Jag är gammal nog att komma ihåg när i stort sett alla, från höger till respektabel vänster, tog kraftigt avstånd från den här typen av aktiviteter...

Det är nästan som om det liberala etablissemanget *ligger bakom* kravallerna. Men så kan det ju inte vara. Det vore nämligen en KONSPIRATIONSTEORI. Och sådant är som bekant fascistiskt. Eller nåt.

Men så är det nog. Visst fan är kravallerna fjärrstyrda av någon ljusskygg front för demokratiska partiet. Det som hänt är att ”färgrevolutionerna” nu kommit hem till USA, och används av ett av partierna för att underminera den folkvalde presidenten. 

Det verkar dock som att Frankensteins monster har rymt! Den vakna mobben har de senaste veckorna attackerat statyer, utrensat liberaler som inte är tillräckligt ”vakna” från olika medier, och i största allmänhet löpt amok. I Minneapolis blev den judiske borgmästaren förödmjukad på ett massmöte under närmast kulturrevolutionära former, trots att han ”bekände” sina tillkortakommanden. Jag undrar vad de mittenliberalerna judar som stödjer ”protesterna” kommer tycka när mobben upptäcker deras ”sionism” och diverse andra verkliga eller inbillade politiska ”avvikelser”? Kommer Peter Wolodarski fortfarande att liknöjt tala om ”protester” och ”vänsternätverk”? Nå, vi lär väl få svaret inom några månader...

I övrigt konstaterar jag följande. Hade jag på 1990-talet berättat för mina coola anarkistiska polare att de om 30 år skulle bilda folkfront med den där lilla Timbro-pojken som hade ett eget TV-program vid 24 års ålder, ta emot pengar från stenrika valutaspekulanter, och helt frivilligt delta i en gigantisk provokation organiserad av en amerikansk imperialistfalang, så skulle det antagligen tro att jag läst för mycket EAP-propaganda. De brydde sig inte ens om att försöka fälla Karl XII:s staty i Kungsan!

Tiderna förändras. The Fourth Turning has arrived.

The man was kreizi

An Osho classic. Apart from attacking Nostradamus, the crazy wisdom guru explains how the Hindu clerics hoax the people of India with their phony divination techniques. Absolute must see!
Interviewer: But you do have some faith in the prophecies of Nostradamus, though? Is that correct?
Osho: I don´t have any faith in him, the fact is, that the man was kreizi…

Waffen-SS soldiers on the right side of history?

Did you know that retrained Waffen-SS soldiers guarded the Nuremberg war trials? Probably not, and neither did I. This YouTube clip tells the weird story. 

It turns out that the Waffen-SS units were Estonian and Latvian, mostly the former. At least some of their members hadn´t volunteered for service in the Nazi German military. This provided the United States with a suitable loophole to pardon all Baltic Waffen-SS soldiers stranded in the Allied occupation zones of Germany after World War II. Some were then retrained by the Americans to guard the premises in Nürnberg where the war trials were held. The fact that the ex-SS fighters spoke German was an important reason for the assignment. Another reason was that many American soldiers had either been sent home or were needed at other locations in Germany. 

My main problem with this clip is the monotonous voice of the narrator, which makes my ears almost hurt after a couple of minutes! 

But that´s me.

Eire, not Hibernia

“Eire: An Old-New Vision” is a clip featuring Thomas Sheridan, the Irish modern pagan and chaos magician. The clip should perhaps be paired with “Onset” and “My Pagan Path”, which I linked to before. Sheridan believes that Christianity and Catholic Emancipation is the worst thing that ever happened to Ireland, and that the Irish must return to their pagan roots (while simultaneously remaking them to better fit a modern world).

The Irish should embrace “Eire” rather than “Hibernia”, Eire being the Gaelic designation for Ireland derived from the name of an ancient Earth goddess. Hibernia is what the Romans (and by implication the Catholic Church) called the island. The attack on Catholic Emancipation does *not* mean that Sheridan supports discrimination of Catholics, rather the point is political. The Irish leaders pushing for Catholic Emancipation during the 19th century weren´t interested in real Irish independence, instead preferring to strengthen the cultural dominance and social control of the Catholic Church over the bulk of the Irish population.

Sheridan hopes that Ulster culture in its old form (simultaneously Irish, Protestant and regional) can form the basis for a reunited Ireland. It shows that there isn´t a necessary connection between Catholic and Irish identity, or between Protestant and anti-Irish/pro-British identity. At the same time, Sheridan believes that a united Ireland is still far off, since both Catholic and Protestant forms of Christianity probably must collapse before people on both sides of the border will realize their shared Irishness.

Interesting, if nationalist and regionalist identity issues are your thing, or if you´re interested in modern forms of paganism.

Garden of Defeat

ANTIFA (or whatever they call themselves this week) have occupied six blocs in Downtown Seattle, renaming the area "CHAZ" or "CHOP". It´s a complete flop, a kind of leftist version of the right-wing milita Malheur occupation in 2016. That one was roundly mocked by liberals, now the tables have turned, with every right-winger on the web laughing at the faux revolutionary antics and sheer ineptitude of the ANTIFA occupants. Above is libertarian organic grower Styx analyzing the anarcho´s attempts at setting up their very own victory garden. The short form is that you probably would have more luck at a Byelorussian collective farm!

The coming of the cenobites

Modern pagan and chaos magician Thomas Sheridan discusses demons and demon possession in this clip. He claims that a class of demons he calls "cenobites" can take over people who are into BDSM and similar bizarre sexual practices. 

You can´t LARP a medieval mass

This is a Catholic mass, celebrated in 1990 in Endre kyrka, a medieval church building at the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. 

Gotland is Swedish territory, and the church at Endre has therefore been Lutheran since the Reformation. Somehow, the Catholic priest Anders Pilz managed to get permission to celebrate a Catholic mass in the church. 

What is even more interesting, however, is that the mass was celebrated according to a medieval liturgy, more specifically the liturgy used in 1450 in the diocese of Linköping. Not being an expert on medieval Church liturgies, I have no idea why Pilz chose that form (Linköping is on the Swedish mainland) rather than any other. 

Note the people in the pews, dressed up to look like medieval peasants! Note also that Pilz is bearded in the introduction to the video, but clean shaven during the actual mass. Apparently, Catholic priests were supposed to shave during the Middle Ages. Even the books used during the mass look medieval - perhaps they are authentic manuscripts from the period in question, or really good reprint editions. 

Since you can´t LARP a Catholic mass (not unless you´re a bloody heathen and blasphemer to boot), the mass itself is the real deal.

ADDENDUM 2021-07-25
Pilz actually explains why the mass is celebrated according to the Linköping form: the island of Gotland formed part of the Linköping diocese.  

Based & Biden

A funny clip from the leftist Jimmy Dore Show, exposing the fact that Joe Biden (who recently restyled himself BLM aficionado) wasn´t always *that* woke on the race question. Ironically, these clips show that racism really is pervasive in US society and pops up at the strangest (?) of places... 

Evil on higher planes

Cyrus Kirkpatrick is an “astral traveler” and paranormal investigator with his very own YouTube channel, called “Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics”. In this clip, he discusses the origins of evil. I haven´t read the controversial channeled material (known as “Law of One”) the discussion is based on, but I did notice that David Wilcock and Corey Goode also promote it, as do many others. This comment is therefore based solely on Kirkpatrick´s content.

In contrast to much of what passes for New Age, Kirkpatrick believes that evil is a real thing, not simply an “illusion”. This is logical, since his general worldview emphasizes that the astral planes (often seen as a grand illusion) are just as real as our physical existence. Kirkpatrick´s attitude is very “empirical”, so obviously he would regard evil as real, too (it can, after all, be experienced empirically). Nor does Kirkpatrick believe that matter is evil, and that all spiritual entities or realities must therefore be loving and good. Kirkpatrick instead holds that we are astrally embodied (my term) in the afterlife, and that our lives in many ways continue as before. Our “heaven” is a place where we reunite with our loved ones, live in houses, watch TV, perhaps even work. The point of our earthly existence is to “graduate” at a higher level, and I assume that´s one point of our astral afterlife existence, too. Therefore, matter can´t be fundamentally evil. Neither, of course, is spirit, but the point is that evil comes from the spiritual, being a distorted form of it.

Kirkpatrick is not a dualist in the Manichean or Zoroastrian senses either. At bottom, there is only one divine life force, which is wholly good. Evil arises when highly evolved spirit-beings use the life force that manifests through their spirit-bodies for selfish ends, rather than for the collective good. In this way, “service to other people” gets transformed into “service of self”. Kirkpatrick seems to have reached this conclusion by observing narcissists and sociopaths in real life (he says his father was an extreme narcissist), noting that they actually seem to be highly “spiritual” and charismatic, but in a warped kind of way. They do have love and empathy, but only for their own ego! It struck me that many New Age people may follow teachers who are narcissistic and sociopathic, which may explain why they don´t connect the dots.

Another difference between Kirkpatrick and many others is that he doesn´t see evil as entirely chaotic. Sociopathic evil is elaborate and cunning. There is such a thing as organized evil, perhaps even a kind of hierarchy of evil. (Compare the Borg in Star Trek.) Thus, we could imagine an entire planet ruled by an evil dictator who nevertheless manages to keep law and order by making everyone bow to him and cater to his wishes. He might even give the planetary inhabitants certain individual freedoms, the better to keep overall control. (This sounds like a metaphor for…well, 21st century global capitalism.)

Of course, there *is* an established religion which claims that evil is real, matter isn´t evil in itself, that evil is spiritual, that it´s connected to egoism, that it´s not entirely chaotic. It also claims that a certain Satan was a fallen angel… Yes, that would be Christianity. 

Prison Planet

“Is the Earth a Prison Planet?” is a YouTube clip featuring astral traveler and paranormal investigator Cyrus Kirkpatrick. He discusses the seemingly bizarre idea that the Earth is a “prison planet” used by aliens to get rid of their criminals. These therefore reincarnate in our world as humans (perhaps particularly evil or vile humans). This take on things is mostly associated with Scientology, but is really an old religious concept – the belief that this world is fallen and that we are here as a form of punishment. In the modern world, this gets turned into a scenario involving UFOs and aliens. 

In the clip, Kirkpatrick shows a trailer to a film produced by the “Farsight Institute”, a weird group that apparently believes in notions of this kind. He then discusses whether the concept has some kind of merit. Kirkpatrick seems to believe that although Earth in general is *not* a prison planet, one cannot rule out that certain individuals really do end up here because they are unwanted elsewhere. Kirkpatrick´s own father had near-paranormal powers of charisma, which he often used for nefarious purposes, and Kirkpatrick feels that this could be one example. 

“Afterlife topics and metaphysics” (the name of the channel) contains many clips that are (at least from my perspective) a blend of the reasonable and the really far out. For some strange reason (my horoscope, perhaps?), I find this strangely fascinating…

Friday, June 19, 2020

Embodied in the astral

Cyrus Kirkpatrick is an “astral explorer” in the proud tradition of Robert Monroe. He believes that the soul has the ability to leave the physical body and explore the astral realms beyond our mundane everyday existence. This phenomenon, often known as Out of Body Experience, has obvious similarities to a Near Death Experience. Occultists call it astral projection. Kirkpatrick believes that his soul (or astral body) lives a kind of parallel life on the astral planes. He has a house and a family in an astral city! I haven´t read Kirkpatrick´s book, but have started to follow his YouTube channel. Some of the content is pretty wild, while on other points, our traveler actually sounds more reasonable than many New Age faithful (not to mention cultists). I suppose the astral planes are somewhat complex…

In this clip, Kirkpatrick argues that the afterlife does *not* mean that everyone turns into fluffy quasi-perfect and presumably impersonal balls of light (or something to that effect), rather we have a personal and even somewhat “bodily” life on the other side, surely a more appealing perspective to many people. If you take Near Death Experiences seriously, they certainly seem to indicate that our personalities will remain intact even in a spiritual state, and that the heavenly existence has strong resemblances to earthly incarnation. In general, I get the impression that almost all religions have huge problems with NDEs, since they always contradict some of their cherished dogmas…

The Asatru that wasn´t

"Common Misconceptions in Old Norse Religion" is an interesting clip featuring Arith Härger. I´ve previously linked to his lecture on Thursatru, a "Left Hand Path" development within Neo-Pagan Asatru. 

In this clip, by contrast, Härger strikes a more "scholarly" pose and criticizes various popular misconceptions of the Norse religion. 

He makes roughly the following points: "Rune Yoga" has nothing to do with ancient Scandinavia, Loki and the giants were never worshipped during the Viking Age, there was no professional priesthood although temples *did* exist, Asatru is wholly Neo-Pagan and while the so-called Volknut is an authentic Norse symbol, nobody really knows what it means. 

Well worth watching and pondering!

The Necromancer shalt not be mocked

ANTIFA wants to destroy the Karl XII statue in Stockholm. Maybe they will succeed. However, there is another statue in the same park. It´s the statue of Karl XIII. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES APPROACH THIS MONUMENT. It is protected by the NECROMANCER and the Mystical Brotherhood of the Golden Rose and Cross!!! 

Yeah, really. 

That, and the Swedish police.

Really existing Taoism

“Taoism: A Question of Balance” is an old BBC documentary from 1977. The narrator visits Taiwan in order to learn more about Taoism. Interestingly, he focuses on folk Taoism and “church Taoism” rather than the philosophical version, which is mentioned only briefly. I suppose you could say this production is about really existing Taoism! 

In Taiwan, Taoism is strongly intertwined with Chinese folk religion, including ancestor worship, temples to local gods (one temple has a television set in case the god wants to watch TV shows!), and seasonal festivals. Inside one of the temples, a séance is held with a medium undergoing spirit possession. The BBC team also pays a visit to a traditional Chinese drug store to check out the alternative medicine. 

More specifically Taoist is a burial featuring a Taoist priest and his acolytes, who carry out elaborate rituals each day for over a month. Their main purpose seem to be saving the soul of the departed from hell. 

As for the philosophy, Tao is said to have emerged from a primordial chaos, which could also be interpreted as unlimited potential. The duality between Yin and Yang is not an opposition between good and evil, but rather a complementary relation, where “the good” is the balance between them, and “the evil” is imbalance. Which sounds more reasonable than certain other interpretations I´ve heard. The philosophy is demonstrated in action, so to speak, by a Tai Chi master!

There is nothing on esoteric Taoism in this program, perhaps it was considered too imbalanced…

Culturalism, not nationalism

Thomas Sheridan´s take on Irish history. A lot of criticism of Irish nationalism and Catholicism. Sheridan says that he is a “culturalist” rather than a nationalist. He also quotes a friend of his who said that the nationalist Catholics want to “take away Eire and give us Hibernia”. This later morphed into an entire lecture all its own, which I will link to shortly.

Ett demokratiskt projekt

Nej, Moskva ligger ditåt, din korkade Antifa-slyngel

Intressant debattartikel om Karl XII:s staty i Stockholm och varför den står där den står. Kan ju vara bra att veta om någon tönt får för sig att försöka fälla den (något inte ens anti-rasisterna på 1980- och 90-talet försökte göra, trots att statyn då var en samlingspunkt för nynazister och högernationalister varje år på 30 november). 

Karl XII-statyn var ett demokratiskt projekt

A pagan path

"My Pagan Path" is a de facto lecture by YouTube personality Thomas Sheridan in which he explains his particular version of modern paganism. It´s quite interesting, Sheridan´s path being more individualist and "secular" than classical paganism, not to mention monotheist faiths such as Christianity or Islam. The only tradition he seems to explicitly identify with is Chaos Magic, a current I know very little about. 

In Sheridan´s worldview, the gods are not literal personal beings, but symbols or archetypes for certain forms of energy or consciousness, both within man and "out there" in the cosmos. For this reason, even fictional characters such as Ziggy Stardust can be venerated by pagans, provided they are based on archetypal forces. Sheridan completely rejects Christianity and Islam, which he sees as dogmatic, scriptural, missionary and intolerant. Islam is the worst and can´t really change at all, whereas Catholicism at least had to adapt to its pagan surroundings in order to survive. Ultimately, however, Sheridan rejects Catholicism, too. He is also extremely critical of Judaism, and sees both Christians and Muslims as a kind of ersatz Second Temple Rabbinical Jews. Jehovah is probably an evil force!

Since the gods aren´t personal beings, they can´t be "worshipped", nor do they "destroy sinners". The lecturer attacks an article in an Irish newspaper which suggests that Earth is a goddess (Gaia) and punishes humanity for climate change by way of the corona virus. This is simply covert Judeo-Christian monotheism. Instead of worship or prayer, sacrifice is important. Sacrifice to the community, for instance in the form of poor or sick relief, is the true worship of the "gods". Everyone has morality (or immorality, for that matter), this has nothing to do with the Bible. All men are responsible for their actions, so you can´t blame "the devil" for your own immorality. Sheridan emphasizes that "the gods move in mysterious ways", the world is unpredictable, and Nature can´t always be tamed. If there is a divine archetype summing up existence as a whole, it is Discordia or Chaos. Creation can follow destruction, and there is also reincarnation. Another important "god" is Nemesis. Rather than bemoan our fate, however, we should always strive to learn from it. In this way, we can get in touch with the untapped potentials of the universe. My impression is that Chaos is both literal chaos, fate *and* creative potential at the same time, dependent on what attitude the individual takes towards it. 

Despite being a modern pagan and magician, Sheridan has little patience for mainline Neo-Paganism. He is particularly scathing towards Druidry, especially British Druidry, but also rejects Wicca and Asatru. This is "denominational paganism" too closely modelled on Christian Churches. It´s also frequently politically leftist. Interestingly, the lecturer also attacks Wicca for trying to invoke gods (such as Diana). In his opinion, gods cannot be invoked and certainly not controlled. Demons are invoked, and pretend to "serve" the magician the better to lure him to his destruction. Sheridan´s preferred archetypes are Irish or "Celtic", but he also has a soft spot for "the esoteric Lucifer" and the fictional gods in H P Lovecraft´s fantasy stories. He wants Ireland to be secular, both the government and the school system. 

While Sheridan often sounds apolitical, the general tendency of his Kulturkritik is "right-wing". In the lecture, he interprets an ancient Irish legend as a prophecy of our own time. He attacks trans-people, SJWs, NPCs and "cultural Marxism". Sheridan does believe in climate change, but see it as a good thing! It leads to more plants, more fruit and more rain forests. Since Nature is divine, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should be celebrated. The current events in the United States, with ANTIFA running amuck, are caused by sun spots and the full moon. Indeed, they can even be seen as recurring pagan archetypes. The young activists of "BLM" and ANTIFA can be seen as embodying Dionysian madness. Seen in this way, present events suddenly look less threatening and can even make you laugh! To Sheridan, humor and satire are important and almost play a kind of spiritual function. Life is an adventure, both a blessing and a curse.

There are few factual errors in the clip, which I as a super-nerd couldn´t help noticing. The first crusade really was against Muslims (and Jews), the Albigensian crusade being a later event. The Hassidic Jews in New York City are called Lubavitcher, not "Labayevich", there is no "Book of Ham" in the Bible, and what on earth is the "Kepler belt"? 

Still, a relatively interesting presentation! See it before it gets cancelled...

Tar den här skiten aldrig slut?

Gällivare kommun vill införa ett slags lokal karantän p.g.a. kraftigt ökad smittspridning. Tar den här jävla corona-skiten aldrig slut?

Äntligen en glad nyhet

Äntligen en glad nyhet! Fast jag är lite cynisk och misstänker att någon eländig domstol snart kommer att hitta ett förment kryphål även i den här lagstiftningen. Dock inga jag tänker dela med mig av här... 

De som kämpade för en samtyckeslag hade rätt

Dramatiska klimatförändringar i Sverige?

Jag har köpt den här boken och kommer att recensera den så småningom, men under tiden länkar jag till den här artikeln i Aftonbladet.

Dramatiska klimatförändringar i Sverige

I´m sure this is all perfectly normal

Can anyone please explain to me why there are armed Chechens in France? I´m sure this is all perfectly normal. At least during a time of civilizational decline and budding warlords... 

Armed Chechens and Algerians fight in French city 

Sociable omnivorous feeders

"Collins Field Guide: Mammals of Africa including Madagascar" is a book by Theodor Haltenorth and Helmut Diller, translated by Robert W Hayman. The German original, "Säugetiere Afrikas und Madagaskars", was published in 1977. The English edition is from 1980. My copy is a reprint from 1992. 

The book comes across as a hybrid between a field guide in the proper sense and a reference work, with the two German authors (with Teutonic efficiency) cramming as much information as possible into a small space as possible. The species presentations are divided into Identification, Distribution, Habitat, and Reproduction. The Habitat section has information on Daily Rhythm, Toilet, Voice, Sociability, Enemies, and Food. Vernacular names in German and various Africa-related languages are given. All subspecies are described. The book also contains a long introductory chapter on African geology and mammal fossil history. The range maps are somewhat confusing, and I was bewildered even by the color plates. Many of these mammals really do look pretty similar to each other! 

Did you know that the Sassaby (alias Korrigum, Tiang, Topi, Hirola or Hunter´s Antelope) has 9 subspecies, respond to alarm calls from Guinea Fowls, often associates with zebras and ostriches, and marks territory by standing conspicuously on termite hills? I admit I had no idea. I would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a Sassaby and, say, a Senegal hartebeest. 

All bat species have been excluded from this volume. Likewise with most rodents and insectivores (they are too small and too many). Exceptions to the rule are the elephant shrews and otter shrews (which are unique to Africa) and certain highly conspicuous forms such as the Giant Gambian Rat or Beecroft´s Flying Squirrel. 

The translator didn´t always see eye-to-eye with the original authors concerning taxonomy. No surprise there - that´s always a tricky subject! Hayman doesn´t believe in the existence of the Pygmy Elephant, and regards the Common Chimpanzee as monotypic. The original writer treats the Tschego as a subspecies. (It seems the current Wikipedia consensus is that the chimp really does have several distinct subspecies.) Weirdly, the field guide also include the Quagga and the Barbary Lion, both of which are extinct! In case they suddenly return from the dead? 

Not sure how good this field guide was from the backseat of a land rover, or whether you could identify herds of majestic antelopes outside a Torquay window, but since I review everything, I obviously had to put my teeth into this one, too... 

Säg inget till den vakna vänstern... både Engelbrekt och Dacke var faktiskt troende katoliker. Dacke var dessutom smålänning! Deras statyer skulle sitta löst om dessa saker blev allmänt kända. 

There will be war games

Clearly an unrealistic scenario, since it doesn´t include the globalist liberal establishment funding the so-called "Zoomer rebellion"... 

Crucify him!

Why hasn´t "Life of Brian" been cancelled? Let me guess. Because it´s anti-Christian? LOL! 

Yeah, sure, but only because the woke mob watching it doesn´t understand that the "anti-Jewish" jokes are really anti-Palestinian and anti-leftist! What do you think "the People´s Front of Judea" (and the Judean People´s Front) symbolize? Jews? Naaah, it´s the People´s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), of course, and babbling sectarian Marxist "revolutionaries". 

Just wait until ANTIFA (and International INTIFADA) realizes this, then Python (Monty) will be removed from your streaming service forever, HA HA HA. 

SCOTUS did nothing wrong

Why does the Alt Right bitch about the SCOTUS decision prohibiting firing of gays and transgendered people? Surely it´s a good thing that Muslim halal supermarkets can´t fire employees who come out as gay, or that Black churches can´t sack janitors who "transition"? 

I mean, this will strain the LGBTQ-Muslim-Black alliance to the breaking point, and surely the Alt Right are not supposed to interrupt the enemy when he is about to make a mistake? 

Or have I misunderstood the basement dwelling incels on some central point?  

And yes, I´m being ironic... 

Vänstern i USA attackerar kvinnoidrotten

Vänstern attackerar kvinnoidrotten i USA. Anmärkningsvärt! På engelska. 

Activists urge NCAA to boycott Idaho over bill

Ge fan i våra statyer, era jäääävlar

Varför vill den vakna mobben riva Karl XII:s staty i Kungsan i Stockholmish? Förstår ingenting. Karl XII var en queer envåldshärskare som attackerade Ryssland i allians med muslimer, han hyllades av ateisten Voltaire, och han lät "tattare" invandra till Sverige. Låter som en ledande medlem av Demokratiska Partiet i USA, med andra ord. Så vad är problemet, som sagt var? Hade Karl XII levt idag hade han garanterat försökt avsätta Donald Trump! 

På Djurgården finns det förresten en staty av en annan svedish kingen, Karl XV. Även den är FREDAD eftersom Karl XV vid ett tillfälle träffade Bakunin, den store anarkistiske revolutionären... Om ni ifrågasätter något jag säger möts vi i gryningen utanför Café 44 och kämpar man mot man (eller queer mot queer), välj vapen, molotov eller slangbella!

Struggle session hit list

Since the woke mob is so adamant about toppling statues, hell, here is a list of *other* statues, monuments and TV shows they should "cancel". Not sure why they missed them? Not woke enough? Time for a struggle session, it seems! Here goes...

Mahatma Gandhi - Racist against Blacks. 

Charles Darwin - Racist, sexist, Malthusian, de facto founder of Social Darwinism. 

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro - Homophobic. Sent gays to concentration camps.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - Said that "slavery has made the American Negro fit for civilization", while Jamaican Blacks were still "barbaric". Called for Germanic race war against "reactionary peoples". Called Mexicans "degenerate Spaniards" and "lazy", supported US war against Mexico in 1848. Why is Marx´ huge bust in London still standing?

Leon Trotsky - Jewish. That´s problematic in itself. Said that slavery was progressive at one point in the history of civilization. 

Nancy Pelosi - Wears kente cloth. A clear case of cultural appropriation!

Abraham Lincoln - Sure, dude, he emancipated the Blacks in the South, but do you have *any* idea what he said about Blacks in private? Also defended Mormons (sexist polygamists).

Greta Thunberg - Well, she is White and very privileged, isn´t she? Paint over the Greta murals!

Game of Thrones - How many times must I tell you that Daenerys Targaryen is a White supremacist trope and that the slave-traders in Essos look "Semitic"? Also, the Red Viper is the "exotic Latino lover" trope. 

Star Trek The Next Generation - OK, maybe not, since the Ferengi are an anti-Semitic stereotype (they look like charicatures from "Der Sturmer"), and Jews aren´t a protected class in woke circles. 

It also struck me that Bakunin once met Swedish king Karl XV, Proudhon supported the Confederacy and Kropotkin supported Czarist Russia during World War I, so perhaps ANTIFA should "cancel" themselves...?  

Struggle over this, comrades! 

Wtf, I love Harry Potter now

J K Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels and a well-known progressive, refuses to apologize for her controversial tweets about trans-genderism. Logically, the woke left should now burn Harry Potter books, or at the very least start self-identifying as Voldemort´s Army. So far, Rowling´s popularity has saved her from being "cancelled", but if the current hysteria continues in Los Estados Not-so-Unidos, who knows... 

J K Rowling refuses to "bow down" for defending biological sex

Monitoring the situation

While I wouldn´t quite put it this way, this guy (of whom I know very little - he does identify as a Never Trumper and former refugee) does have an interesting perspective on things, relevant to the recent situation in the United States. 

Amir Pars on race in America

Italian-American identity politics

This hypocrite is really going on my nerves. So Italian-American White supremacy is OK cuz reasons or something? Italian Lives Matter! Next, Cuomo is going to defend some statue of Israeli generals in Brooklyn to win back the Jewish vote. Don´t get me wrong, I believe all statues should remain standing (even those of Mussolini, Nappaloni and Al Capone), but that´s precisely why I can´t stand this guy... 

Natives and strays

This is a volume of the Swedish encyclopedia "Nationalnyckeln", subtitled "Ädelspinnare - tofsspinnare. Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae - Lymantriidae". It presents 144 Nordic species of macro-moths belonging to three superfamilies: Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea and Noctuoidea (excluding the unwieldy family Noctuidae). 

After a huge introductory chapter follows species presentations, range maps and keys. Most illustrations and photos are in color. Apart from adult specimens, many larvae are also illustrated (some of them are pretty bizarre). The volume covers spectacular species such as the Garden Tiger, Cinnabar Moth, Oleander Hawk Moth, Privet Hawk Moth, Death´s-Head Hawk Moth and Tau Emperor. 

The work is surprisingly comprehensive. The Large Tiger Moth (Pericallia) is included, despite being a rare stray in the Nordic region. The Cream-Spot Tiger (common in Central Europe and Russia) has only been found in Sweden a couple of times during the 18th and 19th centuries, with the last (unconfirmed) report being from 1930, when a specimen was found caught in a spider´s web in Scania! Yet, it too has a full species presentation. OK, let me guess. Whoever made this book is a hardline macro-moth aficionado? 

Recommended even if you don´t understand a word of it, since "Nationalnyckeln: Ädelspinnare - tofsspinnare" is a good collector´s item in its own right. 

Worms in the water

"Nationalnyckeln" is a multi-volume work in Swedish originally intended to cover all species of living organisms found in Sweden and its adjacent territorial waters. This goal proved too ambitious (mostly due to extremely high production costs for each volume and a surprisingly stingy Swedish government), but the publisher occasionally still ads new volumes to the work. 

This one was published in 2018 and its full title is "Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. Ringmaskar: Havsborstmaskar. Annelida: Polychaeta: Aciculata". Yes, it´s about worms! 

Aciculata (sometimes Errantia) is a subclass of Polychaeta (bristle worms) which in turn is a class within the phylum Annelida (ringed worms). The most well known annelids are the earthworms and leeches, but there are also thousands of marine species, many of them within Polychaeta. This volume covers 205 species of aciculate bristle worms found in Swedish waters. Somewhat surprisingly, most are illustrated in color, some even with color photos! The English summary has been dropped, but the keys are still bilingual. There is also a general introduction to the annelids. 

Although I can´t say I´m *that* interested in bristle worms, I admit that the species diversity is stunning. Some species are predators, others are "herbivores" (or whatever you call bristle worms which don´t munch on other animals), still others are parasites. These are small and not elongated. Many species in this group are virtually unknown, so the species presentations are sometimes pretty short. And since worms aren´t particularly aesthetically pleasing, I don´t think this is a good collector´s item! That being said, probably indispensable if you are a Swedish nerd with a strange interest in ocean-dwelling invertebrates... 

Nordic tribes

"Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna" is a multi-volume work covering select portions of the Swedish plant- and wildlife. Originally intended to cover *all* (!) species of plants, animals and fungi in Sweden, the series is now published on a more sporadic basis. 

"Tvåvingar: Blomflugor.  Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae" (otherwise known as volume DH53a) covers 169 species of hoverflies of the subfamily Syrphinae. The two other syrphid subfamilies, Eristalinae and Microdontinae, are covered in vol DH53b (reviewed by me elsewhere on this blog). For some reason, the hoverfly volumes cover all Nordic species, not just the Swedish ones. The Nordic countries and territories are Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Svalbard. Greenland is excluded. 

Volume DH53a begins with a general overview of the hoverfly family, including sections on morphology, ecology, species diversity and collection for study (why would anyone want to kill and collect these beautiful creatures, is beyond me). Systematics are apparently difficult in this group. The existence of three subfamilies is generally accepted, the number and extent of tribes and genera not so much. "Nationalnyckeln" accepts the following tribes within Syrphinae: Bacchini, Melanostomini, Paragini, Chrysotoxini, Syrphini. 

The bulk of the book contains species presentations. General characteristics, behavior, range, and the etymology and pronunciation of the scientific name are discussed for each species. Range maps are included. The Swedish vernacular names seem to be mostly new, constructed by the "Committee for Swedish Animal Names" (I didn´t know we had one!). Each species is illustrated both to scale and magnified, and most illustrations are in color. There are also lavish color photos in the introduction. There are very short English summaries, and bilingual identification keys, but otherwise this is a Swedish in-house work. 

Still, since hoverflies are more appealing than, say, gadflies, the volume could be an excellent collector´s item even if you don´t understand a word of it! Recommended.