The blog to end all blogs. Reviews and comments about all and everything. This blog is NOT affiliated with YouTube, Wikipedia, Copilot Designer or any commercial vendor! Links don´t imply endorsement. Many posts and comments are ironic. The blogger is not responsible for comments made by others. The languages used are English and Swedish. Content warning: Essentially everything.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Never mind the fulness
An interesting criticism of mindfulness meditation. In Sweden, mindfulness is even promoted at government-sponsored classes for the unemployed!
A critical look at mindfulness meditation
Schlagerbögfaktor 10,000
Jag visste inte att *den här* låten fanns på svenska, och dessutom med de tyska originalbandet! Wow. Ska jag skicka den här till STIM och Jonas Nordin för bedömning, eller?
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Stefan Löfvéns triumf
Triumfens ögonblick |
Stefan Löfvén snoppar av Donald Trump, kejsare av Amerika, och visar därmed vilken fett jävla hård snubbe han är.
Först kör han över Miljöpartiet, sedan Vänsterpartiet, sedan splittrar han Alliansen, och nu säger han frejdigt till den där skitfarlige maffiabossen från New York att Svärje minsann har ett OBEROENDE RÄTTSVÄSENDE, eat that, Orange Man Bad!
Jag måste absolut rösta på denna moderna version av Herkules och Stålmannen i nästa nyval...
Save the polar bear
This is *not* a trained bear. Wtf, I love global warming now!
"Arbetarrörelsens" svar på krisen?
Sossarnas och "vänsterns" lösning på systemkollapsen är alltså att även borgerligt styrda kommuner måste systemkollapsa. Något annat vore ju orättvist! Sossarna kommer säkert att få fler röster i Hagfors efter detta, håhå jaja.
Stockholm dumpar hemlösa på landet
Helvete också, den missade
Medans du sov...
Helvete att den missade, jag hade kunnat återfödas i Sukhavati redan nu på måndag!
A teddy bear and his cage
A lot of stuff like this on YouTube...
This is obviously not a real bear attack, since "Brodie" (the beast even has a name!) doesn´t attack the other people standing nearby.
It´s a trained brown bear (not a real grizzly) showing us some of its tricks, that is all. But sure, I suppose even mock attacks can be lethal, LOL.
United States
Pilgrimage to pantheism
to Koyasan” is a slow-paced (some would say boring) documentary about Koyasan in
Japan, a temple complex recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Koyasan was
originally founded by the Buddhist monk Kukai (Kobo-Daishi) during the 9th
century. Kobo-Daishi was the creator of Shingon, the most esoteric of the
Japanese Buddhist sects (also known as Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism and originally a Vajrayana lineage introduced to China by Indian monks).
documentary shows most of the important sites at Koyasan, with the exception of
Kobo-Daishi´s mausoleum, where taking photos is prohibited. Pilgrims, monks and
causal visitors fill the area. Inside the temples, there are statues of Vairocana
(the “god” of Shingon) and other cosmic buddhas, and also of Hindu-looking
wrathful deities.
It´s obvious from the description that Shingon has strong
similarities to Advaita Vedanta, since the goal is to realize that “the Buddha”
is really in your mind (i.e. it´s the Atman), and that the mind of the Buddha,
you and all sentient beings is the same. This is connected to the belief in the
Dharmakaya, the cosmic body of the Buddha, similar to the Brahman in Hinduism. Vairocana
is purely symbolic in nature, since in this system, everything is divine, and
the divine is ultimately impersonal.
Thus, we are dealing with another form of
Eastern pantheism. Some people find it profound. I just find it depressing, a
kind of worship of the fallen world as “God”. Why the instinctive religion of
mankind has to be “esoteric” is beyond me. Perhaps the meditation techniques
are too dangerous to ordinary monads?
Saturday, July 20, 2019
I solved Fermi´s paradox, guys
There are two
obvious solutions to Fermi´s paradox, and the reason why the matter hasn´t been
put to rest is simply that both answers are intolerable to Modern Man and his
belief in Eternal Progress, or rather a very specific view of Eternal Progress.
The first
obvious answer is the Rare Earth hypothesis. We really are alone, and we are
alone *not* because all civilizations go through a human-like history and
eventually destroy themselves in a human-like nuclear war (a typical 1970´s
anthropocentric conceit), but because multi-cellular life, or perhaps life as
such, only emerged once in the entire universe – here on the third rock from
the Sun. I´m not sure why this scenario is so intolerable to so many. Asimov
has it, and in his novels, humans eventually conquer the entire galaxy because
of it. I mean, there is no one to stop us! It´s almost as if the believers in
eternal progress want there to be advanced alien civilizations as a kind of
guarantee that we will once reach that stage, too. And a secret wish to fall
down and worship the aliens…?
The second
obvious answer is that the universe is *teeming* with life, including advanced
life, yes, including advanced intelligent life…but most of it is unable to or
even uninterested in developing our kind of advanced technology, let alone fly
around in space. (If you believe in the supernatural, you could even argue that
most life is clever enough to avoid this shitty universe, much preferring the
astral delights of some spirit-dimension.) Humans aren´t the only intelligent
species on Earth. What about chimpanzees, whales, ravens, or even octopi? Let´s
assume whales or octopi evolve for another 100 million years or so. What makes
us think they can´t become smarter? And why must this necessarily entail
leaving the sea, becoming bipedal and have opposable thumbs? “Because that is
the only way we can create a civilization”. No, it isn´t. What makes us think
the only way to create a civilization is the human way? What makes us think a
species with whale-derived intelligence would want to make the things humans
are making? Come to think of it, even creatures driven by pure instinct can
create something eerily resembling a civilization. Yes, I´m thinking of ants,
which did it millions of years before humans even existed.
And that´s
just one planet…
what weird and wonderful creatures could evolve at other planets. Once again:
what makes us think they would be interested in communicating with other star
systems (or conquering them), rather than studying the notochord, the
immortality of the common cockchafer, or what have you. If they evolved
differently from us, they might not even *need* to create a high technology
civilization that emits radio waves. That´s something we have to do because we
(or many of us, at any rate) wouldn´t survive without one. Other species might
not need this kind of jerry-rigged contraption.
in the very specific kind of progress which entails going to the stars can come
up with some pretty bizarre scenarios “solving” Fermi´s paradox. Thus, one
prominent atheist (who is otherwise a very smart guy) claims that the aliens
must be hiding in the empty space in between star systems (that´s why we can´t
see them) constantly hooked up to a virtual reality more interesting than our
galaxy (that´s why they don´t bother with humans). Analyzing the Bayesian
probability for this might be interesting, even apart from the fact that it
sounds almost religious…
Next week,
your favorite blogger will solve Euthyphro´s dilemma and the theodicy problem.
End of transmission.
PS. Now, read this:
Seven solutions to Fermi´s paradox
PS. Now, read this:
Seven solutions to Fermi´s paradox
Fermi's paradox,
John Michael Greer,
Richard Carrier,
United States
The curse of Ham
Not sure why this is my most popular blog post ever? I have virtually no readers in Ethiopia or Sudan...
The curse of the Hamites
Noooooooo, it can´t be true, it just can´t!!!
I used to have a "Platonic" view of mathematics (and abstraction in general), but here is a good polemic against such a view, written by atheist-plus gadfly Richard Carrier. I think it speaks for itself. Enjoy! Obviously, I take no responsibility for neither his atheism nor the "plus", and I can only hope that a nominalist rainbow-colored Bigfoot with telekinetic abilities and Trumpocrat politix will one day set him straight and make him return to the path of the Based Tao, but that´s me...
Wtf, I love Saudi Arabia now
Intressant artikel om Saudi-Arabiens geopolitik i Afrika. (På bilden ovan syns Sudans nyligen avsatte president Omar Bashir.)
Sunday, July 14, 2019
How capitalist is Singapore *really*?
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Singapore leader Lee together with Ronnie the Ray Gun himself |
A tie-in to the discussion on Singapore on a previous thread:
How capitalist is Singapore really?
Making me wonder what exactly United States capitalistas see in this Chinese paradise? LOL.
The little left-liberal catechism
boken om kristen tro” is a book published by the Church of Sweden (Svenska
Kyrkan) in 1992. It was distributed free of charge to most Swedish households. My
copy of the book also contains information from “Nynäs kontrakt”, the Church
sub-division in the Nynäshamn area of Stockholm County, suggesting that it´s a
local edition of some sort. Incidentally, I don´t recall getting the national
edition in 1992! (Swedish Wiki claims that the author´s name is Christer Hugo.
Well, no, Hugo is the author of an archived article on the web *criticizing*
the book, which is anonymous.)
The book is
a very left-liberal work, both theologically and politically. The fact that
Jesus was a refugee in Egypt is used to promote solidarity with modern
refugees. Peace and environmentalism are important goals, as is women´s
liberation and economic development in the Third World. Direct aid in the event
of natural disasters and famine is another activity strongly promoted by the
Church. “The Little Book on Christian Faith” gives a very “soft” impression,
with lots of photos of girls, infants and nice old ladies. No crusaders or
fire-and-brimstone preachers in this one! It´s constantly emphasized that the
Christian faith must be reinterpreted anew in each generation. (The anonymous writer
doesn´t seem to understand that this makes it possible for illiberal groups to
reinterpret the Bible afresh.) Issues not mentioned (this was 1992) include gay
rights, trans rights and the glories of Islam. Today, “Lilla boken” wouldn´t be
considered “inclusive” enough.
the book takes an “orthodox” (or seemingly orthodox) view of Jesus. He really
was the Son of God, died and was resurrected. He was also an actual historical
figure, the book claiming that “several ancient writings” mention him (they
don´t) and that we can be almost sure that he lived from around 7 BC to 33 AD (we
can´t). The resurrection gives fighters for social justice hope that there
really is a God and immortality, and that their strivings won´t be in vain.
Since the goal is justice here on Earth, Jesus becomes a kind of left-liberal
overcomer of a social gospel postmillennial vision. (His Second Advent is never
discussed, as far as I can see.) Naturally, his loving forgiveness is
emphasized, rather than his curses or apocalypticism.
I can´t
say I like this little volume. During my hard left phase, I would have regarded
it as too soft and frankly hypocritical. (The bourgeoisie doesn´t mind charity.
What it fears is revolution.) Today, I also have a couple of objections, too
dangerous to mention here. Still, I admit that “Lilla boken om kristen tro” does
give a fairly good introduction to the left-liberal illusions of the Church of
Out of Greece?
This just in. It´s a bit speculative at this point, but personally, I think discoveries like this one will be proven to be true. First, I think the human story is far older than we think, so of course “modern humans” left Africa earlier than current research suggests. Second, I´m not even sure whether Africa is the cradle of humankind. Maybe, maybe not. Anatomically modern humans mixed with Neanderthals in Europe and Denisovans in Asia. Apparently, they also mixed with a hitherto unknown human species in Africa – Africans have unknown genes postulated to come from such a lineage. These genes are *not* found among non-Africans, suggesting either that the migration out of Africa took place before Africans started to date and mate our unknown evolutionary cousins…or humans didn´t emerge in Africa in the first place. Not that I really care. I have no problem being a honorary Afrikan, just as I don´t have any problems having Neanderthals in my family tree (although I probably would have preferred, say, peregrine falcons, LOL). Besides, the term “unknown human species” is a bit of a misnomer, since Neanderthals, Denisovans and African Hominin X must have been the same species as Homo sapiens by definition, otherwise they wouldn´t be able to mate with each other and produce viable fertile offspring…
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Onward, Singapore...or the wet dreams of our local unfriendly capitalistas
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Capitalist hero Lee busy building bridges to Putin´s Russia, here with Medvedev |
“The Wit
& Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015)” is a collection of short quotes from
the writings and speeches of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of Singapore,
the independent Chinese city-state south of Malaysia. The publisher seems to
be Singaporean, but nominally unconnected to the ruling party. The book is
difficult to understand unless you have a working knowledge of Singapore´s
history and politics. Interestingly, it covers all phases of Lee´s political career:
his “socialist” anti-colonialist period, his authoritarian anti-Communist
period, and the later liberalization (or supposed liberalization) of the
regime. The last quotes in every section often deal with globalism and the new
information technology era.
while nominally a parliamentary democracy, is a de facto one-party state
dominated by the People´s Action Party (PAP) and Lee Kuan Yew himself (until his death in 2015). Since
Singapore is considered a capitalist success story, the early “democratic socialist”
statements by LKY has to be seen to be believed. His authoritarian statements are
surprisingly explicit – no beating around the bush here (in contrast to
Communist regimes). Lee openly says that of course the PAP must remain in
power, that the only way to rule a Chinese society is by force, stability and
economic growth is more important than democracy, indeed, democracy is wrong even
in principle since it assumes that all men are equal or can contribute equally
to society.
Lee does have a siege mentality in which Singapore is constantly threatened by its neighbors, by Communism, by communal violence or by a downturn in international trade (Singapore being an important trade hub). Of course, this siege mentality wasn´t entirely irrational, the little city-state having a somewhat precarious geopolitical position. To Lee, the only guarantee of national survival is to keep the PAP strong, pure and willing to use the knuckles if necessary. In return, the people get economic growth, good education and a fight against corruption at all levels. In his later statements, LKY even concedes that Singapore used to be “boring” (this was a state in which you could get arrested for spitting on the pavement) and should instead become an international center for culture and entertainment. The older Lee Kuan Yew, while graciously allowing an Opposition, nevertheless constantly warns the people against voting for it, fearing that a non-PAP government will ruin Singapore in just five years…
Lee does have a siege mentality in which Singapore is constantly threatened by its neighbors, by Communism, by communal violence or by a downturn in international trade (Singapore being an important trade hub). Of course, this siege mentality wasn´t entirely irrational, the little city-state having a somewhat precarious geopolitical position. To Lee, the only guarantee of national survival is to keep the PAP strong, pure and willing to use the knuckles if necessary. In return, the people get economic growth, good education and a fight against corruption at all levels. In his later statements, LKY even concedes that Singapore used to be “boring” (this was a state in which you could get arrested for spitting on the pavement) and should instead become an international center for culture and entertainment. The older Lee Kuan Yew, while graciously allowing an Opposition, nevertheless constantly warns the people against voting for it, fearing that a non-PAP government will ruin Singapore in just five years…
Many of
the quotes in this little book are standard capitalist sound bites against high
taxes and nationalizations, for home ownership and huge wage differentials,
complaints about Singaporean workers being lazy, and so on. This from the
leader of a party which at least nominally belonged to the Socialist
International! More interesting are Lee´s views of immigration and a
multi-cultural society. He seems torn between a more nationalist-traditionalist
position, and one more in keeping with global capitalism. There are apparently
500,000 foreign guest workers in Singapore (presumably unskilled ones), but the
leader assures the people that they won´t stay indefinitely.
Skilled immigration is explicitly encouraged, however, and use of the English language as a lingua franca is promoted. It seems to have been Lee Kuan Yew´s first language. At the same time, Lee doesn´t believe in an American “melting pot”, but rather a situation in which different ethnic communities live side by side, keeping many of their traditions intact. This would be similar to the multi-culturalist ideal current in the contemporary West. Lee doesn´t seem to like the widespread use of Hokkien, the Chinese dialect actually spoken by the common people in Singapore, but instead promotes Mandarin, the “Standard Chinese” used officially in both the PRC and Taiwan. It´s unclear whether the reason is some kind of Han national pride, or simply pragmatic considerations.
Skilled immigration is explicitly encouraged, however, and use of the English language as a lingua franca is promoted. It seems to have been Lee Kuan Yew´s first language. At the same time, Lee doesn´t believe in an American “melting pot”, but rather a situation in which different ethnic communities live side by side, keeping many of their traditions intact. This would be similar to the multi-culturalist ideal current in the contemporary West. Lee doesn´t seem to like the widespread use of Hokkien, the Chinese dialect actually spoken by the common people in Singapore, but instead promotes Mandarin, the “Standard Chinese” used officially in both the PRC and Taiwan. It´s unclear whether the reason is some kind of Han national pride, or simply pragmatic considerations.
As far as
I understand, Lee Kuan Yew was much admired in the United States by the
tireless promoters of the eternal blessings of capitalism. This is interesting
for many reasons. As already pointed out, Lee was no democrat. Nor was he a
nationalist in the sense usually understood by that term (despite Singapore´s
break with Malaysia). Is this the state of affairs secretly yearned for by the
GOP-ish and business Democrat establishment, an authoritarian multi-cultural
With that
reflection, I close this discussion of “The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew”.
The Eternal Adam
Eternal Adam” is a French science fiction story, originally published in 1910.
It´s attributed to Jules Verne, but many now believe that the real author was
Verne´s son Michel, who greatly expanded on a draft left behind by his father
(who died in 1905). The story is still very short, but has an intriguing
Set on
planet Earth but in an indefinite future, the main character Zartog Sofr-Ai-San
is an archeologist living in a society resembling that of Verne´s own time (i.e.
the late 19th century). After millennia of barbarism and war, humans
have finally created a single world empire (but that too took a savage war to
accomplish) and for the first time, something like universal peace, prosperity
and constant scientific progress seems possible. Most people still believe in
old superstitions, such as the idea that all of humanity is descended from a
single primordial pair named Hedom and Hiva, created out of nothing by God.
Sofr and the other “zartogs” (scientists or philosophers) know better, having
arrived at something resembling Darwin´s theory of evolution. However, Sofr –
who is a surprisingly honest scientist – admits that the theory (mostly
developed by himself) has one major flaw. Humans don´t seem to fit into it. Archeological
digs suggest that humans were just as advanced millennia before the
establishment of the Empire of the Four Seas (Sofr´s own time). Even worse,
humans seem to have *regressed* from an ancestral form with an even bigger
brain than that of the zartogs, after which progress began anew. Animals and
plants fit the evolutionary picture admirably, but not the human species.
One day,
Sofr-Ai-San makes a sensational discovery literally in his own backyard. An
aluminum casket thousands of years old surfaces, and after years of labor, the
zartog finally manages to translate the mysterious documents inside it. It
turns out to be a diary written in French during the 21st century (although
the technology seems to suggest 19th century). It tells a dramatic
story of a great human civilization (ours) which vanishes within hours after a
world-wide cataclysmic earthquake during which all land is submerged by the
sea. The few survivors manage to reach a new land arising out of the sea – the
same land at which the Empire of the Four Seas would eventually be established –
but within just one generation, most of their scientific and philosophical
knowledge is lost, the people reverting to a primitive lifestyle. They walk
around nude, sleep on the ground, think mostly of food collection, etc. The
French castaway tries to salvage the scientific knowledge of his lost
civilization, but these manuscripts are long gone when Sofr find the aluminum
container near his residence. In passing, the survivor also mentions that
another great civilization, known as Atlantis, once disappeared under the ocean…
The story
ends with Sofr realizing the meaning of “Hedom” and “Hiva” (it´s Adam and Eve,
of course), while also reaching the disturbing conclusion that “Adam” is
eternal, every round of human civilization being a product of a few survivors
from a previous one which was destroyed. Sofr is profoundly unsettled by the
implications: there is no evolution or progress, but instead an eternal return
(a concept presumably borrowed from Nietzsche).
I have no
idea whether Verne (the father) believed in this or not, but I´m almost sure
few other people did at the time (1910). I used to be a strong believer in
Eternal Progress myself, so stories like this would have filled me with
existential dread only 20 years ago or so. Which may even be the point – perhaps “The
Eternal Adam” is intended as horror? Today, I have to say that the story
doesn´t feel like science fiction at all. It´s the true human story,
accidentally or otherwise stumbled upon by Jules and Michel Verne.
We are all
Eternal Adams. And, dare I add, Eves.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Only in Russia
Couldn´t help linking to this fringe stuff. Only in Russia, right?
Secret and shabby?
An extremely confused criticism of Theosophy from "Oumuamua Guy" Thomas Sheridan. Almost made me wanna join the nearest Agni Yoga lodge or something, LOL.
The commentary section is priceless, too.
The gods were silent
Harrison´s “Digerdöden” is a book in Swedish about the Black Death, the worst
plague epidemic in world history, which killed millions of people in Europe and
the Middle East during the short period 1347-1352. The book is relatively short
and should be seen as introductory, but it nevertheless manages to cover a lot
of ground. It discusses what caused the epidemic and how it spread, the
devastation in its wake, the vain attempts to stop it, and folklore associated
with the disease.
The Black
Death killed between one third and one half of Europe´s 14th century
population. In Scandinavia, Norway was particularly heavy hit, with many areas
remaining almost depopulated for centuries. It´s not a pretty story, and it
becomes even worse when we realize that literally nobody knew what caused the
plague in the first place, and that no cure existed at the time anyway. The
panic the Black Death must have caused would put any director of modern zombie
flicks to shame. Strategies to deal with the pandemic and its aftermath
included complete isolation, wild indulgence and reveling, prayer and financial
contributions to the Church, and massive killing of Jews. Nothing helped. In
Italy, the poor took advantage of the situation and hired themselves out as
servants to rich people struck by the plague, demanding enormous sums in
payment. Of course, this greed (or bizarre survival strategy) was short-lived,
as the servants soon became infected as well. The only “positive” thing about
the Black Death was that it killed both rich and poor at about equal rates!
Not even
the clergy and the monks were safe from the mobs looking for scapegoats. At the
Baltic island of Gotland, there were no Jews to blame for the epidemic, so
instead a number of priests were burned at the stake accused of somehow collaborating
with Jewish sorcerers. In Germany, mendicant Dominican friars were attacked as
prime suspects. There was also a bizarre penitential movement known as the
flagellants, consisting of men whipping themselves bloody during public
processions in the hope that God would take pity on them. The flagellants often
came into conflict with Church authorities, and some ended their lives at the
stake. Harrison points out that the urban legends about child sacrifice being
used to stop the plague could very well be true. There are several trustworthy
reports from all over Europe about children, adults and animals being buried
alive in this manner. The method had a certain grim logic: since the plague was
personified in folk belief, attacking the personification (for instance, child-beggars
from outside the community) was seen as a sure way of getting rid of the
disease. According to another folk belief, a man could avoid death by helping
the personified plague to cross a river, something the plague couldn´t do by
itself. Harrison doesn´t say, but I wouldn´t be surprised if this belief led to
killings too in the wake of a plague outburst.
The plague
didn´t disappear in 1352, of course. It came back, over and over again, with the
Great Plague of London in 1665 being a notorious outburst. In modern times, the
plague became a Third World phenomenon, although it isn´t entirely clear why it
so completely disappeared from Europe during the 19th century.
Stricter quarantine regulations, including at the Ottoman borders, and modern
hygiene are two explanations. Harrison doesn´t believe biological explanations
work. The black rat, the main vector of the bubonic plague, has been replaced
in large parts of Europe by the brown rat, but when the plague disappeared from
our continent, there were still many black rats around. Today, the plague has
been almost eradicated among humans even in the Third World, and effective
antibiotics exist. However, the plague isn´t gone – it lives on among rodent
populations. In the United States, about ten persons get the disease each year,
often from infected prairie dogs. However, unless Yersinia pestis (the plague
bacterium) mutates in some diabolical fashion, we are probably relatively safe
from *this* particular problem. Harrison ends on a cautionary note, pointing
out that there are other infectious diseases out there. He probably had Ebola
in mind when writing that sentence. (The book has 2019 as its publication
I have to
say that this little book gave me the philosophical creeps, and made me even
more positive towards Axial Age Gnosticism. Do we really want to live on this
hellish planet? Or even atheism. The gods didn´t help anyone in 1347, did they?
The shit will mutate. This will happen again. And the gods will remain silent…
With Lenin on a train
Merridale´s “Lenin on the Train” is a lively and very interesting book about –
guess what – Lenin´s notorious 1917 train journey from Switzerland to the
Finland Station in Petrograd, Russia. This is easily the most well known piece
of train travel in world history – small wonder, since it made it possible for
Lenin to lead the October Revolution. I read the book in the Swedish
translation, “Lenins Resa”. The book could be confusing to readers completely
new to Russian history, since it really does focus rather narrowly on the train
journey itself, and the February Revolution in Russia immediately preceding it.
It says nothing about the October Revolution – the story stops short with the
July Days in Petrograd, when Lenin had to flee from the city to avoid arrest by
the Provisional Government.
That being said, the book is extremely well written
and gives the reader the feeling of actually being at the place of the action –
in Lenin´s Swiss exile, on the “sealed” train (all kinds of absurd situations are
mentioned), among the angry masses in revolutionary Petrograd… Part of the
story is set in Sweden, including Haparanda and its Finnish sister town Torneå.
I admit I knew next to nothing about 1917 Haparanda before reading this volume!
Only Lenin himself remains something of an enigma, combining personal
asceticism with an energetic and monomaniac pursuit of “revolution” and
ideological orthodoxy.
Merridale believes that the Bolsheviks really did get the famed “German gold”. Of
course they did. Everyone admits that the fat cat Israel Helphand (Parvus) was
on the German payroll. Parvus and another German agent invested heavily in the
wartime smuggling business of Jacob Fürstenberg (Ganecki), who was a close
confidant of Lenin. It´s difficult to believe that this *wasn´t* the conduit for
German money – unless one for ideological reasons has to deny that the great “revolutionary
internationalist” Lenin could ever do such a thing. Merridale points out that
the Bolsheviks had a lot of financial resources at their disposal, despite
having few openly declared incomes. Where did all the money come from? The
Germans were using millions for war-time propaganda on the Eastern Front – was *all*
that money going to Parvus´ wild swing parties? I assume it´s well established
that the Bolsheviks got German subsidies after taking power in Russia, during
the period of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty, so why not before? That being
said, Merridale also admits that there isn´t any *direct* evidence of Lenin
getting German money, but why should we expect such? Lenin was no fool. The
weakest chapter in the book is the author´s weird moral preaching at the end,
where she says that Lenin should have come clean about the German money since
lies are always psychologically self-destructive. Yeah, whatever.
The book
cover of the Swedish translations show the famous painting by M G Sokolov showing
how Lenin descends from the train at the Finland Station…followed by Stalin. In
reality, Stalin wasn´t even on the train! I sometimes wonder if Stalin had a
sick sense of humor when he accused his old Bolshevik comrades of being “German
spies” during the Moscow show trials...
For more
on this, see my blog post “That elusive Berlin gold”. And yes, I recommend
Catherine Merridale´s book to all readers interested in modern history.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Muskoxen in my backyard
fälthandbok” is a field guide for hunters in Sweden, written by Karl Henning
and Rolf Svensson. The publication date is 1994. It features mammals and birds.
All of Sweden is covered, including the coasts and islands, which explain why
some species I assumed were strictly “Atlantic” show up in the book. There are
no range maps, but the ranges are described in the species presentations.
Curiously for a book directed at hunters, it contains no information on hunting
seasons (if any) for the game animals?!
obvious reasons, moose, roe deer, red deer and fallow deer are prominently featured.
The guide seems pretty exhaustive, even showing Samson foxes (a genetic
mutation) and foxes with scabies. All ducks are shown flying! I presume that´s
how hunters usually see them (that, and in dead condition).
I was surprised to learn that the mouflon and muskox are part of the Swedish fauna – I would be *very* surprised if a bunch of muskoxen would munch on the tulips in my backyard! Apparently, the muskox (really a species from Greenland) has been introduced to Norway, and a small group sneaked across the Swedish border into Härjedalen. A more sinister addition to the Swedish wildlife is the raccoon dog, which spreads a deadly disease that can infect humans through blueberries. I don´t mind if there is a permanent hunting season on these critters…
I was surprised to learn that the mouflon and muskox are part of the Swedish fauna – I would be *very* surprised if a bunch of muskoxen would munch on the tulips in my backyard! Apparently, the muskox (really a species from Greenland) has been introduced to Norway, and a small group sneaked across the Swedish border into Härjedalen. A more sinister addition to the Swedish wildlife is the raccoon dog, which spreads a deadly disease that can infect humans through blueberries. I don´t mind if there is a permanent hunting season on these critters…
Just leave
the muskoxen alone, will ya!
A problematic testimony?
was a first century Jewish historian, most famous for his works “The Jewish War”
and “Jewish Antiquities”. The latter work contains the so-called Testimonium
Flavianum, in which Josephus mentions Jesus – the only roughly contemporary extra-Biblical
reference to the founder of Christianity. Josephus also mentions other
characters who appear in the New Testament: John the Baptist, Pontius Pilate
and James (the brother of Jesus). For this reason, Josephus´ writings have been
meticulously preserved by Christian scribes, whereas the Jews consider him a
traitor, since he surrendered to the Romans during the Jewish War (66-70 AD)
and became a confidante of Roman commanders (and later emperors) Vespasian and
Titus. Of course, some believe that the works of this Jewish maverick were
tampered with by the Christians, and that the real life Josephus never mentioned
Jesus or his brother…
and the New Testament. Second Edition” is a book by Steve Mason, a Professor of
Humanities from Canada. The author is at pains to point out that his work is an
introduction to Josephus studies, neither more nor less. It seems it takes a
scholar of some standing to sort out all the esoteric speech in the oeuvres of
Josephus! Mason wants the reader to look at Josephus in the context of his own
time, since he is usually used (or misused) by later Christian apologists who
quote-mine his works to score this or that theological point, often of an
anti-Jewish nature, or simply attempt to prove that Jesus was indeed a real
person. Josephus wasn´t particularly interested in Jesus, and he certainly didn´t
see himself as anti-Jewish. Nor can his works be approached as “pure” history,
a treasure-trove of objective facts about the world of the New Testament,
another common approach. In reality, Josephus wrote his “histories” with a very
clear agenda, and a grossly self-serving one at that, precisely because he was
a participant in some of the events he is describing.
had two main aims in mind when producing his works. First, he wanted to defend
Judaism and the Jewish people against Roman accusations after the anti-Roman
Jewish revolt in Palestine. Josephus tried to prove that only a minority of
fanatics and petty tyrants were involved in the war, Judaism as a whole being
perfectly compatible with Greco-Roman civilization. The second aim was to exonerate
himself from the charges of treason and cowardice since he had turned coat
during the Jewish War, becoming a pro-Roman imperial asset. Thus, the works of
Josephus are extended propaganda pitches, and frequently contradict each other.
Josephus belonged to the Jewish priestly aristocracy, a privileged layer
squeezed between the Roman occupation forces and Jews demanding independence,
often plebeian ones. The aristocrats´ over-riding concern was to uphold “law
and order”, which made them positive towards Roman imperial power, but the
incompetence and greed of many Roman officials made the balancing act between
Empire and the restive locals difficult.
writings of Josephus follow Hellenistic literary conventions, which also makes
them unreliable as “objective” source material. A good example is when the
historian writes about himself. Josephus emphasizes his good genealogy, that he
was a precocious child, studied philosophy as a teenager, but nevertheless entered
public service at an appropriate age, etc – all standard tropes of this kind of
literature. He even claims to have gone into the wild and become the disciple
of a certain Bannus, a desert-dwelling holy man! This claim is more Jewish, but
fits neatly with the Roman idea that young men were expected to study
philosophy and train their virtues – before going on to more worldly pursuits. When
describing Judaism, he deliberately tries to place it as close to the
Hellenistic mainstream as possible. Hence, his discussions about the “three
philosophical schools of Judaism”, the constant emphasis that Judaism is very
ancient, and the claim that Judaism is preoccupied with the best constitution
(just like, say, Plato or Cicero). Unsurprisingly, the best polity turns out to
be an aristocracy, i.e. a society ruled collectively by people of Josephus´ own
class background. The entire Bible is interpreted through this lens, as is the
Sanhedrin of Josephus´ own day. The Zealots, by contrast, are “tyrants” (a loaded
Greek term) and bandits.
With this
baggage, small wonder that the relationship between Josephus and the NT is
complex, too. Mason accepts Testimonium Flavianum, although he believes it was
heavily amended by Christian scribes. There are also curious similarities between
Josephus and Luke-Acts (the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in the
NT). Or “curious”, since they are readily explicable if we assume either that
Josephus knew Luke-Acts, or – more controversially, if you´re Christian – that the
author of Luke-Acts knew Josephus (rather than basing his story on authentic
Christian tradition or divine inspiration). Mason is at first reticent to tell
the readers his solution to the problem, but eventually discloses that he
believes “Luke” used Josephus as a source. The parallels are just too many.
Note also that Luke-Acts is using the standard Hellenistic tropes as Josephus
when writing about Jesus and the apostles: Jesus has an impressive genealogy, the
speeches are obviously composed by the narrator, there are references to
philosophy and poetry, Jesus is a precocious child. Like Josephus, he even
meets a master and teacher in the desert – yes, that would be John the Baptist!
That “Luke” never mentions the Essenes is readily explicable on the assumption
that the Christians play the same role in the Lukan narrative as the Essenes do
in that of Josephus: as the peaceful, philosophical sect of Judaism. The main
aim of “Luke” is the same as that of Josephus. Both want to make a group of
outsiders respectable to the Greco-Roman mainstream (and to the Roman
authorities). This also explains some of the differences between Luke-Acts and
the works of Josephus, such as the near-positive description of Pontius Pilate
by the Lukan author, while Josephus portrays him negatively. “Luke” wanted to
downplay Roman complicity in the execution of Jesus, while Josephus used Pilate
as another example of a provocative Roman official who was making it harder for
the Jewish aristocrats to contain popular discontent.
In the
end, the parallels between Josephus and the New Testament make it possible for
us to question both.
Donald Trump and Disclosure
POTUS Donald Trump comes VERY close to confirming the existence of UFOs in this weird clip from a recent interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Confirms that a new round of disinformation is on its way...and that the US might have fancy new drone technology at its disposal.
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