Friday, February 16, 2024



Previously posted on June 15, 2022. I had completely forgotten about this little gem! So here we go again...

Yes, the universe (*all* of it) was fine tuned for life...*our* kind of life. We were the dominant life form for 140 million years, until that damn meteorite struck us down 66 million years ago. We still don´t know what the heck happened, but we do have our suspicions! 

Yes, that would be Big Shrew, the bizarro "god" secretely worshipped by your mammalian breed under different (and hideous) designations. *You* got him to flung that meteorite towards us, you crazy genocidal bastards, and now you claim that the cosmos is fine tuned for your kind of life, which is of course quite absurd. 

We don´t know why this darkness has come upon us, but if you think we´re gone, you are quite mistaken. One of our lineages survived (you know them as "Aves" and sometimes cannibalize them for food), but what you don´t know is that they are our secret missionaries to all other Reptilia and Squamata. 

There will come a day when the eagle shall lay down with the crocodile, the raven shall cavort with the taipan, and the pendulum tit shall sing joyful songs for the gila monster. Then, when the temperature and sea level rises, we (the immortal ghostly souls of the victims of the K-T apocalypse) shall reappear from our hiding places underneath the Sierra Nevada, and reclaim what´s ours by fine-tuned birthright.

Woe, woe onto thee, woe onto everyone who is a devotee of Big Shrew on that day, the terrible day of the true god, Spinosaurus divina rex, the Creator and fine-tuner of the universe in all its 15 billion year glory, when He shall make the great wrong right, restoring the third planet from Solis to its ancient dinosaur glory!!!    

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