Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Punch a Nazi


It seems to be extremely common that pro-Palestinian activists tear down posters showing photos of the Israelis taken as hostages by the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. This vile and despicable behavior have been documented from both the United States and the UK.

A few things stand out. First, the activists who are tearing down the posters are of all races and ethnicites: dark-skinned Muslims, Mideast-looking, White. Two, virtually all of them seem to be women. Three, they are in most cases completely shameless, and don´t care about being taped. (The exceptions seem to be some of the White girls, perhaps suggesting that they are relatively privileged and have more to lose.) 

But what really stands out, at least to me, is that the people taping the vandals are usually also female, and don´t actually do anything to stop them. They just berate them with shrill, silly, female voices. The whole thing looks impotent. The Wokies are laughing at us. They don´t care. The vandalism will continue. 

Unless somebody starts to punch the activists in the face, that is. 

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