Monday, November 20, 2023

Don´t cry for me, Argentina


I have no idea why a guy like Milei could become president of Argentina, but a couple of immidiate reflections do come to my mind.

For instance, why did the US Alt Right (or what´s left of it) support this man? Aren´t Alt Right trolls supposed to be "based", nationalist, anti-Israeli and pro-Russian? Well, it seems Milei supports Israel and Ukraine. He also wants Argentina to leave BRICS. And while Milei says he will abolish the Argentine central bank, his plan to introduce the US dollar as currency will (surprise) make Argentina subordinate to the whims of the *American* Federal Reserve! 

In other words: Milei is a fraud, at least if you believe in Nationalism (TM). Or perhaps it´s really the Alt Right which is a fraud? This bizarre and postmodern phenomenon, always a meme more than a movement, was apparently nothing else than libertarians against immigration (or libertarians who read "The Bell Curve"). When the libertarian and nationalist tendencies clashed, they went all in with the former and some Latino anarcho-capitalist superhero.

Class interests never lie, it seems. 

Ironically, Milei´s landslide victory also shows that democracy doesn´t work...since 56% of the Argentinian electorate essentially voted to abolish their national sovereignty. That´s democracy for you, right there. LOL. 

But whatever. Milei won´t be able to solve any problems, of course. But when the masses come for him with the noose, as they inevitably will when the dollar crashes and burns, I suppose he could save his neck by pretending to invade the Falkland Islands! 

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