Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A homo named naledi


I actually commented Homo naledi before, mostly on a whim, so I was somewhat amused by hearing about this. Apparently, a controversy broke earlier this summer about claims that this early hominin buried its dead and produced rock art. The whole thing seems to have turned nasty due to conflicts over peer review, media exposure, and so on. In other words, just another Tuesday in academic politics (and media exposure)! 

The link below goes to a summary of the paper triggering the brawl, the link above goes to a YouTube content-creator named Erika (alias Gutsick Gibbon) who tries to explain the controversy the best she can. 

Personally, I don´t really care either way, but claims that an "ape-man" like Homo naledi (probably just an australopithecine in my lazy lay opinion) was advanced enough to have symbolic culture *are* hard to believe given our present state of knowledge. Stay tuned for more Tuesdays!  

No scientific evidence that Homo naledi buried their dead or produced rock art


  1. Off topic. Har en så stor del av Argentinas befolkning blivit komplett galna? https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/KnJjdo/javier-milei-ny-president-i-argentina

  2. De måste vara desperata eftersom peronisterna inte lyckats lösa krisen. Kommer nog inte sluta lyckligt, misstänker jag...
