Friday, November 10, 2023

Backyard time machine


Never heard of Mike "Mad Man" Marcum before, but then, I never followed Art Bell´s show Coast to Coast AM. Which is hardly surprising, since I live in Sweden, far from any American coast! This episode of the Why Files tells the story. 

"Mad Man" seems to have been a classical crazy inventor who claimed to have built a time machine in his Missouri back yard. Compare, say, John Hutchison. Marcum´s machine did work, after a fashion: it created a black out in his home town, as the entire local power grid went off line! Marcum was sentenced to five years probation, but with the help of Art Bell, still managed to build another prototype. 

The Why Files and their moderator AJ are usually mildly skeptical to stories like this, but I do get the impression that they think *something* real might be going on here. If time goes faster around a black hole in outer space, maybe time travel is possible even on Earth...provided you can create a big enough space-time anomaly? 

The Mad Man is apparently still around somewhere, but the fate of his time machine is unknown. Did the US government confiscate it? Well, if there is any chance at all that the device might work...of course they did. Let´s just hope it doesn´t...

One of the more interesting and entertaining WF shows in a long time, if you ask me.  

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