Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Dark Fleet


A somewhat confused episode of the Why Files, in which AJ and Hecklefish (whose jokes are more lewd than usual) takes the viewer on a roller coaster ride through the UFO-conspiracist demimonde, or perhaps said monde´s undergrowth!

Planet X, supposed NASA lies about the Kuiper belt, fantastic stories about alien abduction which sound like they´ve been taken from a computer get the picture, that´s the content. 

Corey Good is somehow involved in all this, although he seems to have backtracked from the claim that it´s all true - probably for sheer copyright reasons. I assume you can´t copyright a true story or a message given to you by extraterrestrials, so Corey reluctantly had to claim it was all fiction (kind of). 

Funny detail: the rock song at the end of each episode is actually about the moderator and his muppet, never realized this before! 

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