Thomas Sheridan, the old Irish heathen, covers a lot of ground here. Some of it we heard before, others is...more unexpected. It turns out that Sheridan, who often attacks "Abrahamics" in general and "Second Temple Judaism" in particular, actually supports Israel against Hamas?!
Welcome to the club, paddy!
Other topics covered include "the needlecraft", conspiracy theories about Antifa and the Celtic soccer club, Lovecraft, pro-Hamas Truthers, and the inevitable doom of Western civilization.
Somewhat unexpectedly, Sheridan ends his 40-minute video with the words: "Grab what you can and I´m gonna meet you in Baghdad". By which he apparently means that we have to leave collapsing Western civilization behind and take our cultural knowledge with us to the center of the next high culture (here symbolized by Muslim Abbasid Bagdhad, although Sheridan seems to conflate it with pre-Muslim Persia in the heat of the moment).
It seems this content-creator still has some surprises up his sleeve...
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