Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Pogrom in Palestine, Trots launch new recruitment drive on campus


Credit: Aiwok

Some pro-Hamas/pro-attack/anti-Israeli comments from far left "Trotskyist" groups. Some of these people sure sound as self-conscious pogromists! 

However, what makes these articles especially bizarre is that, if read carefully, none of these groups actually think the Palestinians can win! But if so, what´s the point of supporting a bloody terrorist attack against Israel? The whole thing smacks of murderous despair mixed with vile anti-Semitism. 

These groups are simply going through the motions, seeing this as yet another opportunity for campus recruitment and paper sales in the Western heartlands. 

Which is ironic, since it´s perfectly possible that the Hamas "counter-offensive" (sic) might turn out to be a geopolitical earthquake. If that will benefit Trotskyists, is perhaps another matter entirely. 

"Be careful what you wish for"... 

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