Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Official declaration


In case anybody wonders...

On X (Twitter), many users are claiming that Yemen has officially declared war against Israel. That´s not strictly speaking true, although it´s not entirely "fake news" either. 

The Houthi rebels, who apparently control most of North Yemen and are supported by Iran, have access to long-distance missiles. I believe they already launched some against Israel, and today they did it again, trying to hit Israel´s Red Sea port of Eilat. It was after this that the North Yemeni rebel government, fronting for the Houthi and only recognized by their Iranian patrons, "declared war" against Israel. In the name of the "Republic of Yemen", to boot.  

At least that´s my interpretation of the situation. The declaration of war itself is presumably just a propaganda exercise, but the fact that the Houthi have the capacity to strike at targets in Israel and Saudi Arabia of course adds another serious dimension to an already dangerous situation. It means that Israel could face a war on four fronts: Hamas in Gaza, Hizbollah in Lebanon, Syria and now (at long distance range) the Houthi in North Yemen.

All of whom are supported by Iran. 

Greta´s war


Suspicions confirmed


This is the video I´ve been waiting for all year. Now, can we *finally* lay to rest all the manufactured controversies surrounding Halloween? 

Short form: no, it´s not Samhain. Nor is it All Hallows Eve. It is...modern American! 

No surprise there. I long suspected that most "ancient traditions" or "pagan survivals" aren´t older than the Middle Ages, and that many are in fact very new. Halloween is no exception. While the presenter tries to be as objective as possible, my impression is that there is very little real evidence for a connection to Samhain. Rather, we are dealing with folk customs that can only be documented from the 14th century onwards. The "evil" reputation of All Hallows Eve seem to come from Protestant propaganda during the Reformation, directed against witches and Catholics.

During the 19th century, this older form of Halloween pretty much died out on the British Isles, but got a new lease of life in the United States. Indeed, most of what we associate with Halloween today is American and comes from the 19th or 20th centuries. Originally a children´s holiday (this version peaking during the 1950´s), Halloween was recast during the 1970´s into a kind of horror film/pop culture variety more suitable for adults. 

And here we are. The presenter, who speaks English, is actually Swedish and he is quite right that Halloween (in its modern American form) is celebrated here, as well. I think it began at some point during the 1990´s and gradually spread pretty much everywhere, even to kindergartens and schools, were kids dress up as skeletons or what have you. Pumpkins and jack-o´- lanterns are also part of the picture, but I haven´t seen a "Scream" mask for years. 

What´s less clear is when the damn thing is supposed to be celebrated. Both Swedish Wiki and a Church of Sweden website (sic) proposes October 31, but I´m old enough to remember that American Halloween was originally celebrated in Sweden on the same day as All Saints´ Day, which drew more conservative Christians mad, as Swedish TV would show tons of horror flicks on this solemn Christian holiday! In Sweden, All Saints´ Day is always commemorated on the Saturday that falls between 31 October and 6 November, so the two occasions can still collide, but not as often. Besides, I get the impression that Swedes today celebrate Halloween pretty much when they feel like it, albeit in the general timespan of late October/early November. 

All that being said, it would be fascinating if people 500 years from now would celebrate American 20th century Halloween in the belief that it´s a pagan survival from a time truly primordial...   

Monday, October 30, 2023

At the court of Emperor Rudolf


The King of Tonga 

Gotta love it when Czechs (yes, Czechs) still think Prague is golden and Bohemia the center of the world. And yes, the defense minister is ODS. Of course she´s ODS. That strange Czecho-centric isolationist party. I´m sure the Czech Republic can form a very succesful international organization together with Tonga, the Marshall Islands and Paraguay, LOL.

But sure, at least the current version of the ODS prefers being brokered by the United States (and the South Pacific Tourism Organisation), rather than by Vaclav Klaus´ somewhat notorious friend Vladimir Putin!

And these people complain about Slovaks... 

Czech defense minister wants to leave the UN, blah blah 

When Gloria Mundy met the angels


Actress Goldie Hawn and her husband, actor Kurt Russell, shares their UFO experiences. Goldie Hawn´s encounter sounds more "legit" in the sense that she might have had a genuine paranormal experience. But why "aliens"? Why not...angels? Russell apparently saw the Phoenix Lights, but that was probably the US military testing some of their little trinkets!   

Goldie Hawn says she encountered aliens decades ago

Utvisning på gång


Regeringen vill utvisa fler som inte har rätt att vistas i landet. Den vill dessutom att Belgien ska utvisa 100,000 personer.


Se nedan! Tydligen vill Migrationsverket (eller någon) även utvisa Salwan Momika. Vilket kan bli pinsamt om han faktiskt visar sig vara iransk agent eller något sådant. 

För hur ska myndigheterna kunna utvisa en durkdriven provokatör för främmande makt, om de inte ens klarar av att hindra en trasproletär *som bokstavligt talat redan utvisats och befann sig utanför EU* från att komma tillbaka inom fyra arbetsdagar? 

Man kan förstås utvisa folk. Om man bara vill. Men då måste man som sagt vilja. Och i förbigående sagt kan man såklart stoppa 840,000 kronor i skadestånd till dömda våldtäktsmän. Man kan också höja straffen för gruppvåldtäkt...

Slutsats: regeringen snackar bara goja. Hade den menat allvar, hade den här typen av personer aldrig ens vågat välja Sverige! Jag menar, är det en slump att han stack hit, snarare än till, säg, Israel? 

"Jackpot-Ali" utvisades - var tillbaka i Sverige på fyra dagar

Folkmord och hjärntvätt


Fridays for Future verkar vara väldigt nära att splittras så att säga "officiellt". Notera länken från 2021, då FFF också skakades av interna motsättningar relaterade till terrorattacker från Hamas´ sida mot Israel. Men då försökte Greta förhålla sig neutral. Nu? Inte riktigt, verkar det som...

Min tolkning är att klimatrörelsen blev irrelevant redan år 2020, överspelad av BLM men också negativt påverkad av lockdowns under pandemin. Sedan dess har den försökt "bredda sin appell" genom att driva de frågor allmänvänstern uppfattar som viktigast för stunden. Greta tog ställning för vaccinet, FFF i Tyskland utlovade protester mot "fascistiska" anti-vaxxare, och när Ryssland attackerade Ukraina strejkade Greta för de senare. 

Av detta kan man alltså dra slutsatsen att allmänvänstern är anti-israelisk och dessutom blivit så tondöv att man inte verkar förstå/bry sig om att man ofta låter pro-Hamas. Eller så är man det faktiskt. 

Och *givetvis* är det Israel-Palestina som till slut splittrar ännu en social rörelse. Det är alltid Israel-Palestina. Inte, säg, Gretas uttalanden om kärnkraften! 

Extinction Rebellions alltmer "militanta" aktioner är troligen också ett svaghetstecken. Ingen bryr sig om XR längre, och att förstöra konst, ambulansutryckningar eller Mello blir då enda sättet att väcka uppmärksamhet. 

Förtroendet för klimatrörelsen har lidit stor skada

Spricka i klimatrörelsen efter anklagelser om folkmord och hjärntvätt

Thunbergs klimatrörelse tar ställning mot Israel (från 2021)

Putin´s Black Hundreds


The CNN and two Indian news outlets comments on the pogrom-like situation at the airport of Makhachkala in Dagestan, a Muslim-majority "republic" of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, some other news outlets (invariably Western ones) have chosen to call the pogromists "pro-Palestinian protesters"! Sigh...

It´s difficult to believe that this could have happen without the knowledge of the Russian (and I do mean Russian) authorities. There have been anti-draft protests in Dagestan, and the republic borders Chechnya. Separatist sentiments have existed in Dagestan for a long time. An international airport in Makhachkala seems to be exactly the kind of place where the security presence should be heavy, and yet the crowds could just storm the buildings and the runway! 

I can´t help thinking that Putin let it all happen as a kind of safety valve. Maybe it´s a way of redirecting people´s energy away from anti-Russian protests? 

It seems the Black Hundreds are back, but this time they are "Green" instead! However, there is still "one ring to rule them all"...in the Kremlin.   

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Make the world X again


I can´t find the article right now, but I do believe it was Swedish Social Democratic tabloid Aftonbladet which wrote a propos Elon Musk´s promise to provide aid organizations in Gaza with Starlink and Israel´s threats to somehow stop this that "jamming satellite communications is considered to be very difficult...and Israel would probably think twice before assassinating an American citizen". 


But whoever wrote these lines had no problems imagining that the Mossad might actually contemplate murdering Musk! Not sure exactly how that would stop Starlink, to be honest, but...well, it´s difficult to stop.

Maybe a labor union death squad could put an end to any scabbing at Tesla workshops in Sweden? Kidding...  

The Midwit Range


Enraged Russians?


Some kind of pogrom-like situation is developing in Dagestan as we speak. Trending on X (Twitter) for those who have access to that forum.

Apparently, Muslim "protesters" (pogromists) stormed the local airport when a flight from Israel landed there, searching for Jews. At least one of the protesters carried a Palestinian flag. The mob chanted "Allahu Akbar". A mob have also gathered outside a hotel where a suspected Jew have checked in. 

But sure, I suppose this proves that all Jews really should leave the Russian Federation while there is still time!

PS. According to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, "enraged Russians" were looking for "Israelis" after a "rumor" that an Israeli plane had landed on the airport. Yeah, sure. But if you click on their link, they kindly imform you after about a minute that the town "has a Muslim majority" and that the mob "is said to have chanted anti-Semitic slogans". You can also hear them scream "Allahu Akbar" on the video shown, but with no comment from Aftonbladet.

I´m not surprised, since this despicable rag previously "informed" us that "people" (in general) are celebrating Hamas on the streets of Sweden, or that "children" (in general) are sending anti-Semitic messages to each other through TikTok.

Maybe they too were enraged Russians! I´m pretty sure they weren´t Swedish right-wing radicals, since something tells me Aftonbladet would have told us if that had been the case...   

Our most recent ally


I suppose it´s official now. The US Socialist Workers Party supports Israel´s war against Hamas (or Gaza, if you wish). What I frankly can´t fathom is why people who must have opposed Israel most of their politically active lives can change their line of march so drastically. 

While the line change seems to have happened already in 2009, most current SWP-ers were presumably recruited circa 1968. 

I know from my own experience that the Israel-Palestine issue isn´t just *any* issue but *the* central one for many leftists, indeed, I sometimes get the impression that it´s more controversial to support the IDF in any context, than to support the US military! One reason is (surprise) that many leftist radicals in the US are Jewish, and supporting the PLO or Hamas as a Jew must be rather taxing, but Gentiles have the same Pavlovian reflexes towards this particular conflict, presumably because of the Holocaust. 

Ask any radical leftist why he can´t stand the British AWL and something tells me it won´t be their support for Peter Kilfoyle in the Walton by-elections or even their opposition to an immidiate British withdrawal from Northern Ireland. Nah, it´s their support for Israel, it´s always Israel.

So the idea of an entire political party (albeit a small one these days) on the left changing their line from anti-Zionism to Zionism is weird...and fascinating, after a fashion.

They are Commies, but they are now "our" Commies!  

Fight Jew-hatred! Support the right of Israel to exist!

Through a mental sheath dimly


Some quotes from JMG. He´s not saying anything really "new" here, but it struck me that the system of different "bodies" can explain why humans can´t agree on anything related to religion or values/meanings (which are often also connected to religion). We simply don´t have the sixth sense (so to speak) to perceive these things in an absolutely "objective" way. Our "mental sheaths" can pick up values/meaning dimly, and we see the higher divine realities only through our present limited senses - and only if the "angels" decide to show themselves to us. An angel, I suppose, will always be misunderstood, hence "pluralism" in religion...at least for the next aeon! Which means that we have to work out some way to live together despite differences in values, meanings and religions...

>>>As for the mental body, why, each body has a wider context than denser bodies. At material birth we separate from the mother’s material body; at etheric birth we separate from the etheric matrix of our family; at astral birth we separate from the astral groupmind of our culture, and at mental birth — which of course most human beings don’t achieve — we separate from the mental environment of our species.

>>>Terms like "the astral world" get used in varying senses in different occult teachings, so let's cover some basics first. In the system I work with, there are seven planes of manifestation to which human souls potentially have access, and at this stage in our evolution we can only access four of them -- the material plane, the etheric plane, the astral plane, and the mental plane. The material plane is the world of matter and energy, the etheric plane is the world of life force, the astral plane is the world we experience in dreams and imagination, and the mental plane -- which we're just beginning to experience -- appears to us as meanings, intentions, and values. Incarnate humans have a material body, an etheric body, an astral body, and a mental sheath -- this latter isn't quite an independent body yet, which is why we only have glimpses of the mental plane. Okay? Now we can proceed.

>>>So if you want to rise out of the cycle of death and rebirth, any system of sustained spiritual practice will do that -- that's what they're for. 

>>>Next is the spiritual plane. We don't have spiritual bodies yet. Religion is the standard way to call on beings who do exist and act on this plane, such as angels. Next is the causal plane (that's causal, not casual, btw!) -- the plane of causes. We don't have causal bodies yet. Religion, again, is how we call on beings of this plane, such as archangels. Highest of all is the divine plane. I don't imagine I have to tell you what's on this plane, and how to interact with Him...

The Woke and Gaza


Credit: Aviceda

I always seen “Woke” as an establishment thing. It´s the “left-liberal” or leftoid wing of the establishment. So part of me is a bit confused by the present contretemps of the Woke. Most of them seem to support “Gaza” (Hamas?) against Israel – and therefore, against the United States establishment. Witness the recent conflicts at Harvard University between anti-Zionist and Zionist students, the latter backed by Zionist donors, with the university administration trying to be “neutral”. So what´s going on here? Logically, the Woke should either support Israel or take a “neutral” UN-type position. Indeed, didn´t the Woke support the Israeli left during the recent (pre-war) mass protests against Netanyahu´s government?

So what´s going on here? The most obvious explanation is that there are establishment factions which oppose exclusive support to Israel for a wide variety of reasons. Business opportunities in the Muslim world, perhaps, or mass immigration from the same to the Western nations. Maybe somewhere, somebody is for more “inclusive” geopolitics. These factions can use the more militant pro-Gaza “solidarity movement” as their street stormtroopers, in a way similar to how Antifa were used by the US Democratic Party in 2020. In a similar way, Extinction Rebellion are simply the rowdy wing of pseudo-Green capital.

The “radicalism” of the leftists doesn´t gainsay the above, since most of it is a pose anyway. Several *generations* of leftist radicals have passed by since 1968, yet “revolution´s tired”, indeed it´s more tired than ever. Sure, some crackpots and idealists actually wanted a socialist revolution, but most were simply fighting to reform the system, and instead of being killed by Operation Stay Behind, were promoted to the system´s ideology-producing apparatus, or to its vast bureaucracy. So will the present generation of “radicals”, like those elite Harvard students. The radicalism of the really existing left doesn´t threaten the system, it *perfects* it, making it even more “liberal” (or whatever term we should use). The radicals are those who are ahead of the curve with one or two generations.

But if so, an ominous prospect opens up. What if the crazies who protests “for Gaza” today are the future establishment of the Western world in 20 years? A Woke establishment in weird alliance with Third World immigrants, mostly Muslims, sacrificing Israel and the Jews. Is that the prospect of the future? If so, Jews really have reasons to be very, very afraid. What an irony, then, that many Jews used to be for multi-culturalism and open borders, and that many joined the Woke…

An ingenious proposal



Which was the primordial, original religion (or type of religion) of mankind? The usual answers are animism, shamanism and/or ancestor worship. There is just one problem: not enough evidence. The notion is based on 19th century evolutionary notions (often interpreted in a “progressive” manner): animism – polytheism – monotheism – deism. Fill in atheism at the end (and perhaps “animatism” at the beginning)! And sure, why not? If biological organisms evolve, and there is at least a strong tendency towards an increase in complexity, why can´t human culture evolve as well? But already here, there is a problem: in what sense are monotheism or atheism *more* complex than polytheism? So the cultural evolutionary scenario seems to be based on the idea, not really of complexity, but of an increase in actual knowledge. But that, too, seems to be absurd: how is monotheism more knowledgeable than polytheism? At least from an atheist viewpoint, both seem equally absurd!

Actually, there is no hard evidence for the evolutionary scheme. Historical records? The earliest ones are polytheist. Archeology from “pre-historic” times? Impossible to interpret, but the presence of at least one Proto-Shiva from the Mesolithic shows that even Stone Age religion might have been polytheist. Also, Neolithic figures which resemble later goddesses. Again, polytheism. The purely animist or animatist substratum remains elusive.

But what about anthropological research? Surely, we can find some primitive tribe and study its religion as a pre-historical survival? Well, no. First, all anthropology seems to suggest that, once again, “primitive” peoples are polytheist rather than animist. They are already one step up on the evolutionary ladder. Indeed, many seem to believe in a creator-god! And while it´s true that influence from later monotheist religions can sometimes be detected (the Mother Goddess might actually be the Virgin Mary!), very often the religions seem uncontaminated by Christianity, Islam or whatever. As for primitive survivals, many primitive tribes used to be more advanced in the past. This has been argued for in the case of the Bushmen and the Tasaday, for instance. And lately, it´s become clear that the Yanomami and other “Stone Age” tribes of the Amazon are remnants of a high culture that collapsed shortly after the Conquista. There is also evidence that hunters and gatherers during the Stone Age could create complex cultures…

Perhaps polytheism is the primordial religious form of mankind. Maybe it was born like Minerva from the head of Jupiter, fully armed and ready to go, when human brains mutated circa 70,000 years ago? A true saltationist miracle, this!

Still, the idea that animism, shamanism and ancestor worship really were the primordial religious forms of humanity does sound…I don´t know…intuitively true, somehow. Perhaps there is some other way to prove (kind of) that this was so? It´s interesting to note, to be sure, that these three religious forms are the *last* to disappear even in a strongly secular society? Indeed, they simply refuse to leave! This suggest that they may be rooted very deeply in our psyche and/or our forms of perception and information-processing. Animism is still with us: small children are “animist” (they might think the teddy bear is alive and can speak, etc). Also, adults see “space aliens” and all kinds of other hobgoblins – these are really the spirits of animism. Shamanism is also with us: alien abductions, DMT-induced visions, near death experiences…these are all shamanistic experiences. Note also the popularity of séances! As for ancestor worship, yes, that would be All Saints Day and All Souls Day. The secular Swedish tradition of visiting the grave of a deceased family member and leave a flower at said grave is obviously a survival of ancestor worship and sacrifice.

So perhaps this were the original religious feelings stirring within humankind. Who knows what kind of weird and wonderful polytheisms and monotheisms will grow from this ever-present archetypal substrate in the future, when atheism and secularism are both phased out…

Mr Canfield, I presume?


Will survive 

From a recent discussion on JMG´s blog:  

>>>As for a Canfield event, keep in mind that the Black Sea is already anoxic — fifty million years from now, there’s going to be a lot of petroleum where that sea used to be — and that oceanic anoxic events are fairly common in the history of the planet; they’re one of Gaia’s normal responses to a greenhouse event, and while they cause a lot of extinction in deepwater species, species elsewhere are basically unharmed. I expect an oceanic anoxic event in the tolerably near future, for whatever that’s worth.>>>

No more sushi, then? 

Den progressiva porren


Down and out at Kulturvetarlinjen? 

"Skicka bilder på era pattar"

Skandalartist anordnar "tits for Gaza"

Den svenska färgblindheten


Sverige år 2023. Lägg förresten märke till att ledarskribenten inte med ett endaste ord säger något om var de kriminella nätverken och infiltratörerna faktiskt kommer ifrån...

Ledarskribenten är alltså själv en av de naiva idioter som blundat för länge. 

Infiltratörerna är ett hot mot Sverige

Gängvåldet är inte ens det farligaste hotet

Halloween banned in Siberia


What´s the punishment if you *do* celebrate Halloween in a Yakutian public school? I mean, it´s not like they can send you to Siberia... 

Russian region bans Halloween in schools

The throne of Kong


Credit: Thurundir

"Godzilla vs. Kong" (2021) is the latest but apparently not last film in the so-called MonsterVerse series. One of the lead actors is Swedish: Alexander Skarsgård (I admit I had no idea). While the film isn´t terribly interesting, I admit that it was better than I expected and can work as light entertainment on a rainy Saturday evening. Some standard tropes have been reimagined in fun ways. Thus, the crackpot conspiracy theorist who turns out to be right is African-American, while the ugly computer nerd who knows everything turns out to be just ugly, knowing essentially nothing at all! Some other tropes are the usual ones, such as the mad scientist being eaten by his own monstrous creation (bye bye!). 

I did enjoy all the "in-house" references to the Illuminati, lizard people, the breakaway civilization, and so on. Indeed, the entire MonsterVerse concept is  woven around one of the crazier alternative ideas out there (pun intended): the Hollow Earth. The monstrous "Titans" inhabiting these nether regions of our planet get their enormous powers from a mysterious source even deeper down, and naturally the bad guys (called Apex) want to tap it for their own nefarious ends: to energize "Mechagodzilla", a robot interfacing with the extracted neural pathways of a particularly evil Titan, the famed hydra-like Ghidorah. Unfortunately for Apex, the robot spins out of control and becomes the apex predator. The only thing that can save the human race (and, I suppose, the franchise) is a temporary alliance between two other Titans who are usually at each other´s throats: King Kong and Godzilla...

The final battle between the cryptid monstrosities is set in Hong Kong, but before we reach that point, the film takes us on an extended trip through the Hollow Earth, which turns out to be anything but a paradise. Sure, the jungles are lush, but the titantic beings dwelling there are engaged in an apparently never-ending bellum omnium contra omnes, with Kong as the "king" sitting on a mountain throne, trying to uphold some semblance of order with his huge battle-axe, powered by the enigmatic energy from further below. I can´t say that´s much of an improvement over life on the surface, to be honest! Apparently, the sequel will be called "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire", a rather ominous title and pit these titanids against an even bigger terror from the bowles of our hardboiled planet, the identity of which isn´t revealed by Warner Bros just yet. OK, let me guess. Sorath? Cthulhu?

I´m already bracing myself for that extravaganza!   

Saturday, October 28, 2023

The iceberg


Tesla threatens to use scabs to break the IF Metall strike in Sweden. Oookay. I guess that means gloves are off, then. So we´ll begin with this... 

The Dark Fleet


A somewhat confused episode of the Why Files, in which AJ and Hecklefish (whose jokes are more lewd than usual) takes the viewer on a roller coaster ride through the UFO-conspiracist demimonde, or perhaps said monde´s undergrowth!

Planet X, supposed NASA lies about the Kuiper belt, fantastic stories about alien abduction which sound like they´ve been taken from a computer game...you get the picture, that´s the content. 

Corey Good is somehow involved in all this, although he seems to have backtracked from the claim that it´s all true - probably for sheer copyright reasons. I assume you can´t copyright a true story or a message given to you by extraterrestrials, so Corey reluctantly had to claim it was all fiction (kind of). 

Funny detail: the rock song at the end of each episode is actually about the moderator and his muppet, never realized this before! 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Falling down


Linking to this kind of stuff could be risky, especially since this case is still "in progress", but this does strike me as a believable conspiracy theory. Why would a White supremacist use the euphemism "non-White" rather than a more spicy racial slur? Also, the messages sound very stereotyped, almost as if taken from a Hollywood film. 

But sure, the suspect apparently "heard voices", so perhaps the Trump demon told him to avoid the n-word on Discord and instead sound like a really badass cowboy from a Wild West flick?

Why the demoniac told him to shoot mostly White people in Maine is, alas, less clear.    

Glowy McGlowerson  

Oh no, not this shit again


Credit: Anthony22

Bracing myself for next week´s annual ritual: Pseudo-Celtic Neo-Pagans and ditto Christians arguing whether the Christian Church stole Halloween from the Pagans, or the Pagans stole it from the Christians. A debate crashed by some hardcore fundamentalist, who will argue that Halloween is evil so let the damned Pagans have it...and Satanists going "No problemo". 

I admit that I can´t imagine anything more boring than this. Except a similar debate about Walpurgis Night...or Xmas.

But sure, if Halloween revelers dress like Hamas terrorists (or the Q Shaman), I suppose things could get a little bit trick-and-treatie!   

"Communist" blackbirding?


I can´t say I´m surprised, but note the irony that this was published on a right-wing conservative/populist site. Because it´s about Communist mistreatment of workers and poor people, obviously. "Communists" turning very capitalist, since they sell their products for a profit to...the United States!

Apparently, China is super-exploiting labor from poor Pacific nations under conditions strikingly similar to slavery and "blackbirding". They also use Uyghur and North Korean workers under slave-like conditions. The DPRK essentially sells its workers to other nations.

Despite all the tragedy, and all the forced labor BAU, the whole thing gives an almost desperate impression. As our present civilization is winding down, "rational" China is working overtime to overfish the oceans...for what? One last bonanza for the super-rich before the anoxic apocalypse?  

China uses Uyghur, North Korean, Pacific slave labor

Ghosts of the past


This recently came to my attention. It´s an article by a former Canadian supporter of the U.S. Socialist Workers Party, posted in 2014, arguing that the SWP changed its line on Israel (and de facto on Zionism) already in 2009. That is, before my heated argument with a SWP supporter on Amazon´s custom review pages circa 2012. Unless I´m completely confused over the exact date - could it have been in 2008 or early 2009? 

The Canadian writer, Art Young, correctly predicts that the SWP´s line on Israel will become central to the group´s "degeneration" (or fundamental shift), which he sees as - at bottom - an "adaptation to US imperialism". Indeed, it seems that the SWP just the other week came out in full support of Israel´s war against Gaza, with arguments even somewhat "to the right" of the US establishment, if you read their articles carefully!

Clearly, I missed something...  

The SWP-USA´s final embrace of Zionism

Det klarnar för facket


Vad ska jag göra idag?
 Jag vet, jag provocerar fram en SACO-strejk!

Credit: Randen Pederson 

Ännu ett företag som i åratal vägrat att teckna kollektivavtal. Observera att det denna gång handlar om fackförbund inom TCO resp. SACO som varslar om strejk! 

Är det en slump att både Tesla och Klarna utmanas just nu, eller har vi nått någon slags smärtgräns efter de senaste årens alla kriser?  

Unionen och Sveriges Ingenjörer varslar om strejk på Klarna

Sveriges Ingenjörer varslar om konflikt på Klarna

IF Metall R Us


Credit: Marton Berntsen 

IF Metall strejkar mot Tesla, som i sex års tid (!) vägrat teckna kollektivavtal med det svenska facket. Vilket givetvis är oacceptabelt. Lite Toys R Us över det hela, känns det som. Artikel i Aftonbladet.   

Tesla respekterar inte spelreglerna

This is a union town


Credit: Elaine R Wilson

Today, the Swedish labor union IF Metall (the rough equivalent of the UAW in the United States) has began its previously threatened strike against Tesla. Elon Musk´s company refuses to sign a union contract with IF Metall, despite this de facto being the law of the land in Sweden. 

This kind of bullshit American-capitalist arrogance is of course unacceptable, and I for one support my old union in their strike, which will apparently continue until Tesla relents and sign the damn contract. Period! 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Home to Zion


About ten years ago, I was reamed out by a supporter of the U.S. Socialist Workers Party at one of Amazon´s review pages when I criticized the SWP´s anti-Zionism and support for the PLO. Sure wonder what happened to the old comrade, since the party´s current stance is...well, almost the exact opposite of what it was back in the days! 

Indeed, it´s even implied in the articles below that the SWP supports the Israeli war effort and opposes a two-state solution (but you have to read them carefully to see this - or not so carefully in the third case linked below). It´s also interesting that they use the more in-your-face terms "Jew-hatred" and "Jew-hating" rather than the more usual "anti-Semitism" or "anti-Semitic".  

Now, I happen to think that the SWP is right to defend Israel´s right to exist, but I sure wonder how this squares with their "revolutionary Communist" stances on other issues, such as support for Cuba, North Korea and so on. And where is the never-ending resolution with the self-criticism of the past 50 years or so of staunch anti-Zionism? 

Next year in Jerusalem... 

Biggest massacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust 

SWP says Hamas pogrom in Israel is threat to all workers

Defend Israel´s right to exist!

Material evil


Some bizarre speculations...

One thing that always weirded me out is the claim that the demonic realm is chaotic and that evil is therefore somehow "weak". 

Ahem, I beg you pardon? 

This sounds like a underestimation of evil. After all, evil can be well-organized and then becomes even more dangerous. Nazism, Stalinism but also various secret cabals in the Western democracies are good examples of this. And in pop culture, we have the Borg from "Star Trek".

But then it struck me: maybe the demonic dimension really is infernal and eternally disordered. For whatever reason.


Maybe matter somehow "stabilizes" them, and once they are inside, the game´s on. Make of these remarks what you wish...

And oh, the pic above has nothing to do with this far out blog post.    

Friends again


So Robert Fico of the "Social Democractic" Smer party did manage to become Slovakia´s new Prime Minister, heading a coalition government of Smer, Hlas (a similar party) and the right-wing nationalist SNS. 

Fico is often seen as pro-Russian, and has indeed promised to stop all military aid from Slovakia to Ukraine. It will be interesting to see how this will affect the EU´s attempts to sanction Russia (and perhaps Hungary). 

And for how long will Fico´s cabinet last? The Hlas party is led by a former ally of Fico turned rival, Peter Pellegrini...and now ally again? 

I also note that Fico has promised not to take Slovakia out of the EU and NATO, but who knows how much mischief they can cause while still being a member-state. After all, Hungary haven´t left the EU and NATO either!

More questions than answers... 

Slovakia swears in a new cabinet

Robert Fico appointed Prime Minister

Sigma Fascism


More disturbing stuff from the darkest corner of the *really* dark intellectual web...

Mailvox: SSH in Finland

A cornucopia of supernatural delights


This video is probably seen as immensely provocative by many, yet it really shouldn´t be. "Buddhism isn´t a philosophy, it´s a religion". That´s kind of obvious in the case of Mahayana, but the anonymous presenter surely has a point that it´s equally true of Theravada and the Buddhism of the Pali Canon. 

For all we know, Buddhism was a religion from the beginning, "religion" in the sense of belief in a supernatural realm (filled with gods, titans and ghosts) and the possibility of obtaining supernatural powers (such as monks walking through walls, levitating and so on). Buddhism truly is "a cornucopia of supernatural delights".

Nor is Buddhism necessarily very peaceful...

The only form of Buddhism that´s truly non-religious is so-called secular Buddhism, but that´s a very modern concept. Interestingly, though, the presenter doesn´t believe that Buddhism´s religious nature is necessarily a bad thing. I haven´t watched his other content, but at least here, it sounds as if he believes that some form of religiosity could be the answer to the pervasive nihilism of the (post)modern West. 

So I suppose Buddhism could still get the last word, somehow!

Sanning och konsekvens


En del intressanta poänger i denna. Från vår ofrivilliga "grannblogg".  

Hübinette reflekterar om den pågående islamistiska desinformationskampanjen

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Pitiless indifference

Atheism in practice? Bertrand Russell and Richard Dawkins called it...  

Speaker of the House


Credit: Brianna@BrianaGlow (Twitter/X)

"But anon, if you don´t like Mike Johnson, maybe you shouldn´t have voted to unseat Kevin McCarthy?" 

Dreams of a Russian invasion


The bird above is a Coal Tit (although the wrong subspecies). The one we have around here presumably looks more like a dimunitive Great Tit (pun unintended). I say "presumably", since until the last week or so, I didn´t even know these birds existed! Then, I read in some newspaper that there is currently "an invasion of Russian Coal Tits in Stockholm", with the miniature birds crashing into buildings and stuff?!

When I visited Stockholm recently (still looking for the Gubbängen monster, obviously), I noticed a flock of small birds which confused me. "Damn, the Great Tits are very small this season", I thought to myself. At least I think I did. Or did I just dream the whole thing? 

If so, it must be some kind of weird synchronicity that I read in the newspaper about the unknown bird I dreamed of a few days earlier. I hope the "Russian invasion" thing is just a figure of speech! I mean, it´s not like Russian birds crashing into buildings is an omen of a foreign drone-attack on Sweden or anything.


Maybe I should just hide in the forest together with that monster...

The free speech crisis


Meta (which owns and operates Facebook) is being sued by 33 US states, including California, for endangering youth mental health. 

OK, wait a sec.

Why would the home state of Woke, California, sue Mark Zuckerberg??? And what "mental health crisis" are we talking about, anyway? Guardian´s article never once mentions the trans craze. So presumably *that* viral youth phenomenon isn´t part of the crisis, then?

My opinionated guess is that this is an attempt by the "liberal" wing of the establishment to discipline Meta (generally also regarded as a "liberal" platform) and pave the way for more government regulation of the web if and when Zucc refuses to be properly disciplined. 

And the reason has nothing to do with "youth mental health" (cough cough school lockdowns cough cough trans drugs) and everything to do with the fear of "disinformation". As in propaganda from some *other* wing of the establishment...and the few dissenting voices that may actually tell the unvarnished truth.

In other words, it´s an attack on free speech and so forth. 

Something tells me there are better ways to deal with the mental health crisis, and that there is a bipartisan consensus in the US (and perhaps the UK) not to implement those measures...

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Michael Flynn something-burger


For a moment, I assumed I had discovered something huge, something so sinister that it could potentially overshadow...I don´t know...the J6 Committee investigation or whatever.

Alas, it seems it´s a nothing-burger.

In the clip above, prominent Trump supporter Michael Flynn is leading the masses in Christian prayer...or is he? The prayer he recites seems to come from Elizabeth Clare Prophet, often accused of being a cult leader! Is General Flynn secretely a supporter of the Church Universal and Triumphant a.k.a. The Montana Doomsday Cult? 

It seems the answer is no. Damn!

The explanation seems to be that Prophet´s organization handed out printed versions of some of her channeled messages rather promiscuously, and Flynn presumably picked it up by mistake.

Somebody who calls himself Back to Facts writes in the commentary section: 

>>>The funny part about all of this is that he was reading from a card that Elizabeth’s organization put out that was a transcript of that channeling event. It was laminated and people used to hand them out like the Hare Krishnas handed out literature at airports. In fact, some people still hand out those cards to strangers.

>>>It’s amazing how quickly people will jump to conclusions and any like he had some sinister motive. He probably has never even seen that video you’re playing. Because he was reading off the back of a freaking picture of St Michael the Archangel that resonated with him when he received it spontaneously from a stranger.

>>>I’m sorry, is it a crime to feel moved by literature that someone gave you? I mean the Communists still do it! 

ADDENDUM. I´ve been doing some thinking. Maybe Flynn´s mistake wasn´t entirely innocent. After all, Prophet´s right-wing political positions were strikingly similar to those of Flynn (as far as I understand them). Also, Flynn may be a Catholic, and Prophet´s group sounded quasi-Catholic. Maybe the old general met these people somewhere? 

The Squirrel Secret


This channel *must* be a troll, there is no way in hell and high water this could be serious.

Did you know that squirrels (yes, squirrels) have mastered the divine secret of secrets, the cosmic art of manifestation? And no, Rhonda Byrne has no idea either!

But what does a damn rodent in the city park manifest anyway? Yes, you guessed it. Nuts...

Turned this off after about three minutes. 

Where no cat has gone before


Surprisingly well-formulated for a channeled message from the Ascended Masters of Arcturus. In fact, I suspect the Masters may have gained access to ChatGPT! And no, I didn´t listen to the entire 17 minute broadcast, I mean, the five minutes I did hear felt like 17,000 light years. 

Here´s a radical idea: cats are just cats, distant evolutionary cousins of the Eastern cougar, the Australian black panther and the Beast of Exmoor. 

Nothing to see here, move along... 

The frog and the turtle

Some disturbing thoughts in this one, but it´s the darkest blog on the web, so why be surprised? Some quotes:

>>> In six thousand years of recorded history, there have only been a limited number of great civilizations, which collectively make up a very small percentage of the total number of peoples and societies across world history. And the preferences, customs, traditions, and laws of most societies are observably not capable of creating or sustaining any form of civilization, let alone one that approaches the heights of Western European civilization circa 1800 – 1950.

>>>No civilization that comes to be dominated by individuals from a society with dyscivilizational values can sustain itself in a functional manner over time. The more that Western Civilization is influenced by non-Christian, non-European people from societies that never successfully established their own civilizations and with values that contradict the historical values of Western civilization, the more likely it is that the resulting societal structure will not transition into a post-Western civilization with post-Western values as expected, but rather, collapse entirely into a post-civilized state.

>>>Atheists such as Richard Dawkins have already discovered that post-Christian society is worse for atheists than Christian society ever was. Both internal and external foes of the West will almost certainly come to the same conclusion in time.

>>>There is an older version of the Russian tale of the scorpion and the frog. In the Persian tale, which dates back to 1487, the scorpion is riding the back of a turtle. Unlike the frog, the turtle survives the scorpion’s sting due to its hard shell, tells the scorpion that it is wicked, and drowns it in order to prevent the scorpion from harming anyone else.

>>>So, this naturally tends to raise the question, which civilized societies are frogs and which are turtles? 

Scorpion´s Lament

Unreliable allies


NATO has two very interesting member-states. One of them has good relations with Hamas, while the president of the other just met Putin in Beijing?!

Still, I suppose it´s a good thing that both of them will probably ratify Sweden´s NATO membership application ASAP. "Sources say" that the other NATO members finally got tired of Erdogan´s obstruction and threatened to suspend arms exports and the like unless Turkey finally relents and lets Sweden inside the NATO house. And Hungary are just petty trouble-makers who follow Ankara´s orders.

I wonder how they will convince Turkey to actually come to Sweden´s military aid (or anybody´s elses, for that matter) if Russia actually attacks our sweet little asses?

We couldn´t care less about Orbán not sending us szalámi sausages...  

Sunday, October 22, 2023

There is no such thing as gravity, Agent Mulder


The Why Files tackles the vexing question of the Electric Universe (Velikovsky version). As usual, the moderator first presents the case *for* the "theory", and then proceeds to debunk it. He also makes a pitch for freedom of inquiry and freedom of speech more generally at the end of the show. And yes, his muppet companion Hecklefish is crazier than usual! 

I´m skeptical of Velikovskianism since it strikes me as a secularized mythology or, to be more blunt, a pseudo-religion. It´s an all-encompassing belief system which purports to explain everything (including the Bible) and hence re-enchant the world, a belief system proposed by one man who claimed extraordinary inspiration. In other words, a prophet. That´s not how science is done...or rather, that´s not how science *should* be done. It´s also worse than religion, for if God isn´t real, how did Velikovsky get his inspiration? 

A universe filled with plasma might of course be real, but only real science can prove it, not the wild guessing of a Russian-Jewish psychoanalyst...

Working with demons


An interesting sneak peek into the world of demons from the anonymous magician whose YouTube channel is named "Lifting the Lamp". He has previous experience of the OTO and is currently practicing some form of Golden Dawn system. 

He refuses to discuss the deeper nature of demons (let me guess: the Lemurian deviation?) but he does say enough to scare the hell out of you, if you happen to believe in the paranormal! The demons really are out to get us, and they have increasingly started to reveal themselves and influence the world at large. The bizarre polarization and fragmentation in the current body politic mimics the chaos of the demonic realm and might tell you who is pulling the strings...

There are two main ways in which a magician can work with demons. The "classical" approach is to command them in the name of God to follow the orders of the mage. Compare the legend of how king Solomon built the Temple with the aid of demons! The problem with this approach should be obvious: unless you are, well, Solomon presumably, the risk is that the demons will escape and start wreaking havoc in your house or your life (or the Temple)...

The other approach is just as bad, and includes rituals involving voluntary possession by the demon. Lifting the Lamp tells a terrifying story of such a possession.

Mr Lamp admits that working with demons *can* be effective in the sense that they do have a certain control over material things and therefore can be induced to give the magician money or worldly success, while angels usually don´t care about such things, their goal being to lift up the magician to higher elevations. The problem with the demons is that they are animalistic, threacherous and that there is always a serious price to pay. Also, the demons somehow use the power of the magician to lift *themselves* up from the demonic to the material, with detrimental effects for the latter. 

More info is promised on the content-creator´s Odysee channel, but I haven´t seen anything there...yet.    

Kommunism och islam


Hanif Bali om vem som *verkligen* kunde sekularisera muslimer:

>>>Albanien var det enda landet i världen med statsateism under den kommunistiska diktatorn Enver Hoxha, all form av religionsutövning var förbjuden från 1967 till 1990.
>>>Kommunister är de enda som kunnat sekularisera muslimska demografier, då med oerhörd mängd våld.

>>>Sovjet hade ”Hujum” (arabiska för ”attack”) i Centralasien från 1927, där månggifte, barnbröllop och slöja förbjöds - Mullorna reagerade kraftigt och uppmanade till mord på kvinnor som tog av sig slöjan. 2500 kvinnor som tog av sig slöjan mördades av muslimer. >>>Sovjet började klassa alla som attackerade kvinnor pga de ej hade slöja som terrorister. >>>Kollektiviseringen på 50-talet tvingade män och kvinnor att arbeta ihop och därmed omöjliggjorde mullornas krav på könsseparering. >>>Det tog till 1960-talet innan slöjan var utrotad. Därför är de muslimska ex-sovjetiska centralasiatiska länderna mycket mer sekulära än sina grannar i Mellanöstern.

>>>Så de enda moderna exempel på sekularisering av muslimer i någon omfattande grad verkar vara en outsinlig förmåga till fascistiskt våld. >>>Är det rimligt att kräva att Sverige behöva demontera sin demokrati och rättsstat för renodlad fascism för att sekulära vänsterliberaler vill ha en stor muslimsk befolkning som accessoar?