Friday, April 10, 2020

Unite behind the science

Imagine a world with no winter and no ice, with water levels 135 meters higher than today, with water temperatures around 35 degrees centigrade, with the atmosphere having a carbon dioxide level four times that of today.

Sounds like a dead world, right? And so science used to believe. Until now...

Welcome to the mid-Cretaceous 90 million years ago.

Imagine if this would happen today. Bad news, maybe, for world civilization (unless some exotic new form of nuclear power can give us air conditioning in domed cities)...but animal and plant life would go on as usual on the third planet from the Sun. Hell, it might even thrive! 

I say that´s good news. 

Ancient rainforest discovered in Antarctica

Regnskog under Antarktis förvånar forskare (Swedish link)

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