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Mike Cernovich |
A very interesting article on how the "Alt Right" populists responded to the coronavirus outbreak, and why their response is significantly *different* from that of Donald Trump himself. Short form: the corona pandemic proves that a Chinese-dominated global economy and open borders really are bad. Mentions Mike Cernovich, Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson.
And in other news, there´s this kind of shit:
Yes, he tries to connect the corona virus with...Nibiru!
Since the real "Nibiru", Nemesis, won´t be here until 16 million years into the future, I suppose we can look forward to 16 million years of bunk about a Nibiru apocalypse.
ReplyDeleteThe ancient Gnostics were right. This planet, esoterically speaking, is Hell!
Still alive guys.
ReplyDeleteHow long will this shit last? I'm getting bored sitting indoors eating the same potato sallad day after day!
ReplyDeleteYou lack the Corona Mindset.
ReplyDeleteHar du hört talas om Paula White? Hon är en pastor i en framgångsteologisk kyrka som tydligen har påverkat Tr4mp ordentligt. Man kan hitta rubriker som "hon visade Trump vägen till Jesus". Men från en del delar av den kristna högern som kanske betonar "kristen" lite mer än "höger" kallas hon för en satanisk villolärare,.
ReplyDeleteSka kolla upp henne. Jag vet att Trump var påverkad av Norman Vincent Peale tror jag att han hette som var en slags liberal framgångsteolog.
ReplyDeleteWow. Hon verkar vara en vandrande skandal. Lustigt att hon är framgångsteolog...
ReplyDeleteEgentligen heter hon Paula White-Cain. Lite udda namn för en evangelist. Ungefär som den KD-poliker som hetta Lilith Svenssov och dessutom brukade kalla sig för "Politiker-Lilith"
ReplyDeleteLOL. Det tänkte jag inte på...
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders cancels campaign, makes possible for Shachtmanite LRP-COFI to endorse Biden! Just in!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to stay 4 days at the epicenter of the pandemic. Pray for me and mine, guys.
ReplyDeleteI´m at the epicenter. Or so I assumed. It turns out that actually it was...Orust! Wtf?!
ReplyDeleteMPAI? More like EWTBPZ. Everyone Wants To Become Patient Zero.
ReplyDeleteTime to go full fash or something.