Saturday, April 11, 2020

A battle not even Corona-chan can win

Donald Trump´s response to the corona pandemic may not have been adequate, but as these (admittedly partisan) pieces point out, Trump was merely following the advice of the medical establishment, which initially didn´t believe there was any grave reason for concern either. 

Indeed, the Democrats *took exactly the same position*, including New York governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio (the latter a supporter of Bernie Sanders). Indeed, the Democrats *attacked Trump for racism* when he imposed a travel ban on China - the country the virus was actually coming from. And yet, the media are accusing Trump of "doing nothing"?!

Here we go again! 

Even liberal Sweden, which isn´t even on literal lock down, criticizes Trump for "doing nothing", whatever than even means. And no, I´m not saying Trump or the establishment are innocent. How about finally giving everyone health insurance, close the tax havens and actually start taxing the tax-exempt foundations? Still, it is fascinating that nothing can trump TDS. Not even a coronavirus pandemic...


  1. Trump should have imposed travel ban on Orust.

  2. Best way to make Swedish media stop whining about Orust-chan is for Trump to attack it, then everyone from the fake news media would go to Orust ASAP for a big infection party!


    Wait a minute.

  3. "Even liberal Sweden, which isn´t even on literal lock down, criticizes Trump for "doing nothing"". I början kanske, sedan sa de att han gjort en 180-graders-sväng och alltså svängt från förnekande till hysteri.

  4. Var det för att han börjat attackera Sverige?

  5. Det var nog för att han verkligen svängde nästan 180 grader.
