Friday, April 10, 2020

Black Market hoarding EXPOSED. Catfish, you are JUDAS of preppin´ club!

This is hilarious. Thomas Sheridan opens a 15-year old "bug out bag" and the first thing he finds in there is...toilet paper! LOL. Haven´t seen such a well-preserved roll for a long time. 

Weirdly, most of the "bug out bag" (which is presumably intended for physical survival in a zombie-infested Irish forest) turns out to filled with...wait for it...soap?! 

But sure, maybe mutant zoomer zombies really do fear washing themselves... 

And no, I´m not saying I´m better when it comes to bug out plans (or bags). My "plan" is to go down to the local supermarket and buy some potato salad! In fact, I just did.