Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump embraces SOCIALISM, proves Bernie right, makes libertarians jump from Golden Gate bridge!

Next time a Trump-voting libertarian (why libertarians would vote for a guy who wants the borders sealed with a steel-version of the Great Wall of China is beyond me, but I suppose they like his tax cuts or sumethin) tells you that the Dems in general and one Vermontier named Bernie Sanders in particular stands for SOCIALISM and SOCIALISM IS BAD cuz FREE STUFF, please tell them to read this article from Breitbart News: 

Donald Trump endorses Nancy Pelosi corona relief bill

I suppose this makes the Donald a SOCIALIST who wants FREE STUFF for the people. HA HA HA HA!

If even Trump supports a "socialist" bill, sorry, libertariantards and narcho-capitalistas, that proves Bernie is right and as for you, run back to Mummy and vote for Gary Johnson or something. 

But then, Donald Trump still has nothing on Richard Nixon!

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