Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lifting the mitre


This was painful to watch. This content-creator wants to both eat the cake and have it. 


  1. Yes, the Pope wasn't "papal" enough, didn't stand up for his "tribe". I can see discussion groups for the "young adults", whom are strongly targeted here to foster a return to traditional Catholicism, being formed to confront just these issues. On the one hand, all religions are a path to God. Assuming we "know" what we're talking about right there! And the other, by not representing or defending (like a seasoned boxer in a fist fight) the tenets of Catholic doctrine faithfully, and Christianity in general, the Pope not only diluted the "truths" therein, but also the assumed truths in other approaches to God. So which is it? Again, a Sufi story may suffice: a follower asked the Master "If I turn toward God will God turn toward me?" "I do not know the answer," said the Master, "but, if God turns toward you, you will turn toward God."

    "Psst, hey buddy! Forget about semantics, love your neighbor as yourself and hope to God your afterlife is a blessed event!"

  2. He´s an ex-Catholic who is currently more into the Golden Dawn, but I think he is politically conservative in some sense, and therefore wants to appeal to a certain kind of conservative Christians. Hence he wants to have it both ways. Both pluralism and trad-Catholicism?

  3. What´s up with all the trad-Catholicism?

    1. Yes it (trad Catholicism) is becoming more prevalent with recent college grads, especially from Notre Dame in my experience (it's right down the road sort of in South Bend) and started with the push to re-evangelize around 2008 or so. See Bishop Barron's you tubes for the full blown versions. He also was chief narrator of the PBS special series on Catholicism in 2011. Formerly Dean of Mundelein Seminary now a Bishop. So these 20 somethings kneel before the communion rail to receive Eucharist on the tongue (as opposed to standing in line and receiving in the hand) and young women frequently wear shawls or mantillas (a feature of the Latin Rite-and Paul 1Cor.11:2-16) now even at my parish church. That Canon Law of 1917 was removed in 1983. So not mandatory but their choice. They're running out of priests too, so it reflects a defensive closing of ranks and a retreat to a more fundamental conservatism.
      I saw it as a response to cover up the reports of abuse most everywhere-and of course the fanatical anti-abortion cadres who believe Vatican II is waaay out of bounds; and lastly we should return to the Latin because "that's the way it always was." Try to argue God doesn't care what language is spoken! So yeah, the speaker above was appealing to the more conservative right also with his "Pope didn't stand up for the trad Catholic views (meaning there's only one way to heaven and were it! Surely not the Buddhists) observations. Younger Catholics are freaked out by the pluralism for sure.

  4. In America, trad Catholicism strikes me as a LARP, I mean, what could that even *mean* in 1776? Bending the knee to the Spanish Empire?

    1. Don't forget the second Lord Baltimore came over and started Maryland as a haven for persecuted Catholics ca. 1632. Named in honor of Henrietta Maria wife of King Charles, not Mary mother of Jesus (which I always wrongly believed to be Mary-Land.)

  5. I would consider it absurd even in Italy...
